Not sure if this was national news... but some asshole Northern Illinois cop ended up with a head-bullet some time back. He was a total "hero" and they called him GI Joe because he was such a cool guy and had his military insignia tattooed on his chest (totally normal behavior). Now the Chicago news couldn't stop talking about this sociopathic fuck-face for weeks - but on day one, I said to my wife "the fucker's crooked and probably got capped by his partners in crime".
I was wrong. It turns out that he had been embezzling from the police youth fund (online porn subs and gym memberships) and was too much of a coward to take the fall and end up being ass-raped for the next twenty years - so he called in a pursuit and capped himself instead. That way the police could lead a witch hunt instead of finding out what a total cunt this bastard was. The local municipality that he stole from spent in excess of $300K looking for his killer and nearly fired a coroner who refused to classify it as a homicide - instead he suggested that it was suicide.
Fuck you GI Joe. I hope you get ass-raped every ten minutes in hell. Forever.
Gee, a crooked cop that was held up as a local hero. What a fucking shock. lol.
Does anybody think this guy looks honest? Burn in hell fuck face.