Yellow spots!? noob

Hi everyone first time grower first time posting on a forum so sorry if this is in wrong spot.. anyway my 10 day old seedling cyber cristal from k.c. brains is not looking good its growing fine but the leaves have yellow spots and brown tips I have no idea whats going on I thought my soil might have been to rich WIN_20151104_223125.JPG I changed it before roots got to big im still waiting to see if it does anything but I wanted to get other opinions.. I will post a pic, oh and took tips off two leaves they were dry and probably not going to recover. I should also mention that im not new to growing plants im just new to growing weed lol
trust me there are brown tips its just hard to see due to crappy webcam. the small new leaves that are just popping up also have brown tips :/ so confused


Staff member
its considered late by forum time

but you always always always have to give us all the information about you plant

if you dont , youre basically showing a photo to us which could be several if not multiple things and giving us NO information
and saying

Lights 3 cool white t8s and 1 plant and aquarium bulb 40 watts each
and one 2500k CFL
I been using normal tap water watering every time its dry
nutes miracle gro rose food (very diluted)
Soil is cheap $2 wal-mart brand and cow manure. I didn't want to go too crazy seeds were only $2 each

the other night I sprayed the leaves with water dish soap and vinegar because I thought I seen mites turns out I was just going crazy lol I rinsed leaves off after. and day after I sprayed them they started having yellow spots and brown tips I also did a small nute feeding too... that's pretty much it oh and plants are 2-3 inches away from light


Well-Known Member
Lights 3 cool white t8s and 1 plant and aquarium bulb 40 watts each
and one 2500k CFL
I been using normal tap water watering every time its dry
nutes miracle gro rose food (very diluted)
Soil is cheap $2 wal-mart brand and cow manure. I didn't want to go too crazy seeds were only $2 each

the other night I sprayed the leaves with water dish soap and vinegar because I thought I seen mites turns out I was just going crazy lol I rinsed leaves off after. and day after I sprayed them they started having yellow spots and brown tips I also did a small nute feeding too... that's pretty much it oh and plants are 2-3 inches away from light
A couple things..
Plants that small don't need nutes
Spraying leaves creates water droplets which become mini magnifying glasses when under intense light. This creates burn marks on plant.

Get better soil and better nutes. Don't give nutes until week 3 or 4..
So is it possibly due to the water droplets and maybe the nutes? I wasn't sure when to feed it I probably wont be able to get better soil all stores around where I live sold out of that stuff. and I was thinking of buying foxfarm nutes are they good?


Well-Known Member
So is it possibly due to the water droplets and maybe the nutes? I wasn't sure when to feed it I probably wont be able to get better soil all stores around where I live sold out of that stuff. and I was thinking of buying foxfarm nutes are they good?
There must be a nursery or hydro store around. Nurseries carry decent soil. Look for the organic stuff. It should drain well. You should add 25% perlite for drainage.

Anything made by Scotts or Miracle Grow is crap because it's time release.

Yes Fox Farms Trio is just fine. Fox Farms Soil is good also. Follow the nutrient schedule listed online. Don't follow the feed schedule on the bottle.
If you want a great and inexpensive you can just buy a bottle of GH Floranova Bloom and feed that the whole time. I forget what this method is called.

My advice would be to start over once you have better soil and nutes. Take this is a learning lesson
so I googled fox farm soil and there is a bunch of different types now im confused again, does it matter which one I buy? sorry about all these questions its better to learn now then to fail again lol my net grow will probably be outside.. does that make any difference? I will still be using pots...
Oh and one last question that I really couldn't find the answer to.. when I switch to flower I will be using 4 plant and aquarium bulbs those are high on the red spectrum will these flower my plants? about I think they are 40 watts

EDIT: I cant belive I forgot to mention that I have another plant its northern lights special by K.C brains that one is doing great! but for some reason the first set of leaves died and so I took them off :/ other than that its doing great same soil same lights I cant really think of anything different I did with this plant and why the other one is looking like crap oh well shit happens I guess lol
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Blue for veg red for flower. happy frog for seedling then ocean forest for the rest. use a 1 to 3 ratio of perlite for drainage. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Not mine but my nephews before and after picture. It was a RIU forum member or his dad, I don't recall? But they sorted all his first time grower problems... I was holidaying in her majestys pleasure at the time, but I believe in hope for anything after I saw these pictures! They went on to become a successful sog/scrog combination. Feed was a very low feed rate of 20ml canna A/B coco instead of the 40ml, calmag + and PK 9-18 in flower all dripped with a simple gravity feed system hung up from the ceiling, kind of like a large 'piss' bag :shock:


So this will probably be the last post on this thread from me, anyway after searching online for hours and hours. because I was still not sure what was causing new growth to turn yellow, I came to the conclusion that I been overwatering, you guys were right about the yellow spots due to the water drops, but I figured out the yellow on the new growth. I just want to thank everyone that replied! thanks :) I cant really add better soil now because the roots are too big but now I know for m next grow!!
again thanks :)

EDIT: in the above comment I said I was watering every time it was dry but I wasn't checking under the top layer stupid me haha!

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
So is it possibly due to the water droplets and maybe the nutes? I wasn't sure when to feed it I probably wont be able to get better soil all stores around where I live sold out of that stuff. and I was thinking of buying foxfarm nutes are they good?
Your success is dependent upon the foundation, get better soil order online if you have to but you must start out with good soil, I myself love roots organic (comes in a green bag) but thats just me. You have Fox Farm Happy Frog, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, pro mix etc...get what your budget allows, and yes those nutes are good but feed them after 3 weeks if you use any of those soils they contain a small amount of nutes otherwise you will burn your seedling. I dont use nutes in my grow but I do know to use less than what the bottle says when you first start feeding.

Happy growing!


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Oh and one last question that I really couldn't find the answer to.. when I switch to flower I will be using 4 plant and aquarium bulbs those are high on the red spectrum will these flower my plants? about I think they are 40 watts

EDIT: I cant belive I forgot to mention that I have another plant its northern lights special by K.C brains that one is doing great! but for some reason the first set of leaves died and so I took them off :/ other than that its doing great same soil same lights I cant really think of anything different I did with this plant and why the other one is looking like crap oh well shit happens I guess lol
It could just be genetics and NL is perfect for you it basically grows itself with just a little help from you. 1 plant is a heavyweight the other is a bantomweight.


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
So this will probably be the last post on this thread from me, anyway after searching online for hours and hours. because I was still not sure what was causing new growth to turn yellow, I came to the conclusion that I been overwatering, you guys were right about the yellow spots due to the water drops, but I figured out the yellow on the new growth. I just want to thank everyone that replied! thanks :) I cant really add better soil now because the roots are too big but now I know for m next grow!!
again thanks :)

EDIT: in the above comment I said I was watering every time it was dry but I wasn't checking under the top layer stupid me haha!
Its never too late for better soil once you transplant into better soil your plants will jump up and kiss you!

How can I transplant with new soil? they are already I the pots that they will be staying in... I could try and remove the soil from the roots but I don't want to damage them..