is it possible to veg under time 15on 9 off?

The fans circulating inside I have 15 inch it's on a stand and I stood that in polly
And the tent is on square of polly to stop the frames vibration on the floor.
My extractor is at the bottom pushing air out and that vibrates aswel.
So now with polyester every where it just sounds like a windy day outside lol.

I cant wait to get some on my tent just don't know where to get any haha and I don't need to buy anything that will have it on lol
where i am.
the longest day of the year - june 20th, is only 14hrs and 7minutes long.
grew outdoors for many years.
equatorial sats can take it, some of these sats go by age... most indica will flower as soon as they are mature.
with mild winters, we can flower year round

my penny
was there any effect on your yields because of such short daylight in veg?


Well-Known Member
every 10°N you go, you gain an hr till you hit alaska..somewhere in alaska anyway..relative to summer day lengths

my experience is between ~20-30°N
. tx and parts of mexico

i have grown the same strains indoors. and yes they stretch alot more outdoors/ are fluffier.
every 10°N you go, you gain an hr till you hit alaska..somewhere in alaska anyway..relative to summer day lengths

my experience is between ~20-30°N
. tx and parts of mexico

i have grown the same strains indoors. and yes they stretch alot more outdoors/ are fluffier.
by how much more per node did they stretch was it a considerable amount or barely noticeable? , would the plants need lots of training to fit in my 80x80x160 tent because of the stretch?


Well-Known Member
i've veg my outdoor plants at 15/9, never had 1 go into flower, but i'm sure there are exceptions. i have had many go into flower at 14/10.