some LED strip light info. strip types, wiring, adapters,etc. 5630-specific

I don't know enough about COBs, I shouldn't have made such statement.
As top performer I assumed something like the 3070 but still "70%/80" is incorrect. After checking the 3070 datasheet, 10% would have been more accurate if we assume driving them at 350mA.
np, but you're still off. 3070 is pretty close to 200lm/W @350mA. That would be that 10% -- but for 3070.
Good luck with the cfls.. lol

It takes 300W of cfls to get this.

And those buds are probably still wet because that doesn't even look like 63g.


Don't use CFL... lol

That is just not true.
Yep! The quality is the biggest problem.
I think it is better to use the hard-stripes, because of the better cooling and other reasons.
10 of this 6w, 0,5m stripes costs 9$, while the most flexible stripes costs Ø 12$/5m.
Flex-stripes have only 60 led's per 1m the hardstripes offers 72 pcs/1m.
I’m building a small passive 200w in the next time for my brother to cover a 2x2ft area. I've ordered an alu-plate with 40x 50cm and 3mm thickness, 5m coolwhite hardstripe, 10m warmwhite and 5m softstripe in red 620-640nm and also 2 120w power supplies. That's under 100$ for roundabout 200-220w from a passive light with max. 50-60°C and perfect light distribution over a 2x2 footstep.
My brother has little time, so the passive construction. In addition, he would use only 12 NL-clones with a Blumat drip system(not the cone)with 12/12h settings from beginning to the end.
It goes certainly better, but he is a lazy dog, Lol!
One must not underestimate the small 5630, because if they are well cooled, they provide fairly good efficiency for the price they costs and to add 25% red will help to get a high cri and a really good over-all spectrum!
I am confident he will get useful results. Maybe 0,5-0,7g / w or a bit more?
Any updates on this build?
Any updates on this build?

Jepp! It works!
But I have only a few pics from the building process and my 12v driver have only 150w. But I need a 250w driver, because the red stripes takes a lot more power as the hardstripes. Each 50cm of this needs 10w.
I have 10 coolwhite and 5 warmwhites on the left side(60-30w=90w) and 5 warmwhites and 10 red 620-630 on the right side(30+100w!!=130w). Together 220w and thats too much for my driver, but I have tested each side alone and get these numbers from a kill-a-watt.
The other thing is the temp! The 90w vegging mode is no problem and the temps after 2h continous working are 40°C. But the side with red rises up to 65°c after 2h and both together needs to be activ cooled. About this reason I have added two 120mm fans at 5v. Now I have 35°c with the 130w side and hope 2 fans are also enough for 220w.
I've also two small "remote cable dimmers(12v/12A)" one for each side.
But at the moment I have too little time for a grow test, but I think with a good and flat trimmed plant canopy ...?! I have tested with Lux meter app and get max. 25.000lx @ 15cm. However, the Vegi side gives out 20.000lx and "only" 5000lx at the Bloom side.
The embedded light sensor seems not to detect the red LED's, but I think thats normal.
There is not so much to see, sorry, but in my country there may be problems, so no images associated with living plants. Thanks!


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The heatsink have 60x 35cm and is only a 3mm thick alu sheet with 8 c-channels added on the backside with cheap thermal silicon adhesiv. The hardstripes also added with thermal silicon and the red stripes are self-adhesive.
Dear friends,

I'm sharing with you the results of my DIY LEDs strips SMD5630 bucket of light project.
I did some experimentation with various SMD 5630 red, blue, 2700k and 6500k white. It seems the 2700k and 6500k have more impact in my plants than the red and blue combination, I tried different combinations and ended building this grow bucket with 50w red/blue on the sides and 35w 2700/6500 on the top, 85w total. If I knew from the beginning the 2700/6500 were better I would have ordered more, because I didn't I had to use the red/blue as well to complete my project.

The results are not that amazing, there's some margin for progress. Still, I'm pretty happy with the results. The whole process of thinking, projecting and building this thing was funny and instructive. The LEDs alone costed me 12$ (10 meters, 6$ which roll)), I paid another 28$ for the AC/DC adapter, bucket and wiring stuff.

Find my bucket grow journal here:
(by mistake I named the topic SMD5730, now it's too late to change, the LEDs used were 5630.

The plant is not done yet, still I like what I see.

Next grow will have a few improvements, but the light will be the same.
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Dear friends,

I'm sharing with you the results of my DIY LEDs strips SMD5630 bucket of light project.
I did some experimentation with various SMD 5630 red, blue, 2700k and 6500k white. It seems the 2700k and 6500k have more impact in my plants than the red and blue combination, I tried different combinations and ended building this grow bucket with 50w red/blue on the sides and 35w 2700/6500 on the top, 85w total. If I knew from the beginning the 2700/6500 were better I would have ordered more, because I didn't I had to use the red/blue as well to complete my project.

The results are not that amazing, there's some margin for progress. Still, I'm pretty happy with the results. The whole process of thinking, projecting and building this thing was funny and instructive. The LEDs alone costed me 12$ (10 meters, 6$ which roll)), I paid another 28$ for the AC/DC adapter, bucket and wiring stuff.

Find my bucket grow journal here:
(by mistake I named the topic SMD5730, now it's too late to change, the LEDs used were 5630.

The plant is not done yet, still I like what I see.

Next grow will have a few improvements, but the light will be the same.
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Thats pretty cool, its like a portable grow room lol
@OneHitDone I've been looking into a way to make a nock off sun cloak I've found 1830 lm 15.4 Watts a foot strips ran off four drivers so less light is wasted as it's growing

Anyone know how the power supply works they're 24v constant voltage 120w 9.4 amps output seems like I could only run one of these per 15 amp breaker, yet I want to run four of them one driver per foot up.