Cheapest way to add some LED's to your grow!


Well-Known Member
Well, If you want to add some LED's to your garden this is a cheap way to add some under lighting, now I say under lighting because I can't really see this working for anything else, except maybe a micro cab. Anyways to the goodies, I have found these LED Strip lights, 36w of LED for $6.38 (CAD$) CLICK HERE TO SEE THEM + you need an adapter since they are 12v, $7.10 , CLICK HERE FOR THAT, I'm thinking of completely surround the entire bottom of my flower room about a foot and a half up from the floor, should provide some serious under lights, plus led's don't get hot like HID, so don't have to worry about plants growing into them. Another idea I had was under lighting on the grow container itself!
A quick google search also reveals a coupon code. 20% off led strips

BEAUTMAS <<code november 12 expires

For that price i purchased the warm white light and white light
Total: $7.54usd/ $3.77 p/strip (cant complain)
Thanks for sharing, great price!!
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A quick google search also reveals a coupon code. 20% off led strips

BEAUTMAS <<code november 12 expires

For that price i purchased the warm white light and white light
Total: $7.54usd/ $3.77 p/strip (cant complain)
Thanks for sharing, great price!!
Awesome! So you got a strip? Let me know how well it works!
I did. I just hope the company actually get it delivered to me!

A few horror storys around with this mob.
What do you mean? I also ordered something, different company though, same site, do you mean the site or the company?

And may i ask what you plan on doing with yours?
I have 4 16.5" x 24.5" LED panels that I have from when I was installing gas canopy lighting. They are "white" and there are not multiple colors to produce this white light that I can see. Each diode just shines white. There are 100 lights in the panel. Will this work for flower or just veg?

I tried it once and it seemed to be too strong for the plants, like my 1k when its over seedlings... The cost is like 1500 each one, but my boss was throwing them out so they were free.
I have 4 16.5" x 24.5" LED panels that I have from when I was installing gas canopy lighting. They are "white" and there are not multiple colors to produce this white light that I can see. Each diode just shines white. There are 100 lights in the panel. Will this work for flower or just veg?

I tried it once and it seemed to be too strong for the plants, like my 1k when its over seedlings... The cost is like 1500 each one, but my boss was throwing them out so they were free.
I would assume just veg, LED shouldn't be too powerful as they hardly produce heat. Got some pics of the panel, would help, and can you get anymore of them? LOL I would buy one of those for sure!