Are medical records 100% necessary to get certification?


Well-Known Member
When I lived in Colorado I had my mmj card. I got it to help me with severe anxiety and depression. I am now in MI and see that is not a qualifying condition. Are there legitimate clinics I could go to without medical records and still obtain certification? Any info would be appreciated.
Go to Dr Scott Graves in Mount Morris, say you have chronic pain. No medical records needed, no appointment needed. I got you homie.

2337 W Mt Morris Rd, Mt Morris, MI 48458

(810) 564-9524
Nice, so will you have his back when he gets arrested and has to go to court? Having medical records is required and it will save you if you ever have to go to court. Everyone out there just going and getting their card from anywhere is taking a big risk, your required to have a Bonifide doc/pat relationship now as well.
Also, you may not be protected by HIPPA which may result in police being able to just find you through some other means
It won't work. When I moved to Michigan I checked to see if my CO card was valid here or if It could help me get certified in MI. It's basically useless here. I went through the proper channels when I got my medical card before. I don't want to go to a shady place. I'll keep it low key like I have been doing. I wish they would expand the conditions that qualify.
Not sure about that....once I became a MI resident they stopped recognizing my FL CWL. Said I had to get a MI license now that I'm a MI resident.

Reciprocity for a CWL (CPL in MI) and a medical marijuana certification are 2 very different things....
Reciprocity for a CWL (CPL in MI) and a medical marijuana certification are 2 very different things....
Very true, but I would just double check the accuracy of what was previously suggested. It was very strange that MI required me to get their version of a license that the recognized before becoming a resident. I just wouldn't be surprised if that was the case for other licenses.
Is reciprocity not specifically stated in the mmma? Keeping a p.o. box to maintain pseudo residency is sketchy but I thought it totally possible.
Medical records are necessary. The only real exception is if you establish with a new primary, you see them for a period of time and then they use those records as the basis of your certification.

You can find 'clinics' that will certify you by skype, through the mail, or without records. I even saw one the other day that had a check sheet to diagnose you with PTSD on the spot. They get to sell your a certification based on that, and you get to never own a gun, fly a plane, or get insurance because you have a 'mental illness' thanks to filling out the form to get your cert.

If you have a condition, get established with a doctor (welcome to MI by the way) and do it right. Otherwise, you still may be able to go to one of these 'clinics' and get a signature. That may be enough, but if you end up in court you may well see it bite you.

Dr. Bob
If you have a condition, get established with a doctor (welcome to MI by the way) and do it right. Otherwise, you still may be able to go to one of these 'clinics' and get a signature. That may be enough, but if you end up in court you may well see it bite you.

Dr. Bob

Thank you for the information Dr. Bob. I wouldn't want to go to a place that wasn't professional and didn't have the patients wellbeing in mind. Do you think the state will expand the list of qualifying conditions to include mental health diagnoses like anxiety and depression?
You can call any certification center to ask questions. If you are unsure of the info, you can always call the state directly. Speak to somebody in the DLRA (dept of licensing and regulatory affairs). Both of those options will get you some answers. I believe that stress management is one of the conditions that is listed (on the state's web site) as a condition, that can result from having chronic pain. I know because I have that also. I have had my card since the MMMP came into law.
Good Luck -
Thank you for the information Dr. Bob. I wouldn't want to go to a place that wasn't professional and didn't have the patients wellbeing in mind. Do you think the state will expand the list of qualifying conditions to include mental health diagnoses like anxiety and depression?

Both those conditions have been considered as possible qualifying conditions. The problem is they are very common. Conditions such as anxiety or insomnia would essentially open up certification to just about everyone. While I personally don't think this is a bad idea, the new condition board wants to only consider more tightly focused, limited conditions. Even something less common, such as autism, was denied because it was not specific enough- even after approved by the new conditions panel. While I strongly disagreed with the decision by LARA, it does give some insight to the process they are using and why anxiety, insomnia, and depression are unlikely to be approved.

Dr. Bob