Seeds Here Now getting a little weird.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,I recently ordered from them to get some of the Exotic Dessert Menu Cherry Cream Pie before it disappeared. Not knowing they where about to drop more on FireStax a couple weeks later and NGR both. During check out I admit I messed up & hit International shipping option accidentally at 2am when I live in the U.S which was a silly accident. I noticed it pretty quick IMO the next day when I woke up then shot him an email and called immediately but he emailed me around 2pm to late saying he already sent it out. I have to say that is amazingly nice to have that fast of a delivery like that I cant complain there at all Im very pleased with that but when his team or James noticed I did that instead of calling or emailing me they told me in an email after it was silly LOL & wandered why I would do that. I didn't think that was very cool business practice to laugh about your customer and charge him for his mistake when you noticed it and there was plenty of time to confront me in the 2 emails they sent to me about the invoice. WELL I received my package at the end of the week to find 3 beans labeled batch # 45 which might be some awesome stuff Im sure knowing Exotic but there the worst looking beans I have ever paid for thats for sure. I Have heard stuff like this happening to other guys but this is my first experience getting sold the free beans they get. Thats their loss They don't know how big a seed junky I am and would have spent $1000s for tossing me another small tube of FREE for him Beans for my 15 bones.
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GorrilaSeedBank bro.

Bro Thanks for the advice, trust me I have ordered from almost every single Bank just about so I know how I should get treated and how I have been treated for a long time now. I was just saying how I was shafted with paying for 3 measly FREE BEES on this deal. LOL Sorry I know Im pissed.
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LOL ok Elvis I'm sorry I made you so upset with explaining my situation. I wasn't trying to get something started between anybody here, I guess my negative energy is rubbing off. Heres one pic of them thats looking actually better than they do in real life and its Mainly the fact that they sent only 1 pk of 3 measly Supposedly Free-bees that I ended up paying for regardless how great they are Especially if I spent 5$ a piece on whats supposed to be FREE stuff so I kinda feel jacked a bit.20151110_002215.jpg
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Velvet Im sure there is some Fire in them thats why I asked for them and why I purchase exotics gear but YOU'RE SADLY MISTAKEN, I Absolutely should be Compensated and so should anybody that makes the mistake of paying extra no matter if they made the silly mistake. I have had other troubles in the past with another bank or 2 but I won't name & they defiinatley made sure I was Very happy and satisfied Like LEWIS from Midweek Song he would have made sure I was happy Im sure and NGR too Hell I bet the Tude would have even done better. But this CRAP of selling that many freebies for what I paid is SHADY IMO regardless what you think bud. It won't get me coming back so they missed out on a ready made $400 order I was about to place and many more.
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COOL The END Of You,:clap: I like how your defending the fact they sell Free gear To people that need compensation. Thanks for ur opinion Velvety Elvis LOL:sleep:
I've ordered twice from SeedsHereNow and it's been the easiest purchases I've made. One order on a Tues evening, in mailbox Fri. Other made on a Wed evening, in mailbox Sat. No customs worries, good prices, no errors on orders, free candy. I'm happy.
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dude. I know my stuff. there is fire in them beans.youre a real kind of special I see.he did u a solid. most banks wouldn't do shit
Ive lost my order twice. Both times a simple email was enough to get the company running to throw stuff in the mail for me. Full replacement without even asking. Just a check in to see how much longer. I didnt even have to have a back and forth via email. The return email said they were taking too long so more were sent. Now thats service and the kind of service i expect when paying 70 bucks for 5 seeds. These rip off companies should be bending over backwards to make us happy, and the good ones do. Thats why we keep em in business and tell all our friends about em. I dont mind paying those prices when i know the company is solid and your paying for their word youll be getting seed, and the seed you ordered :lol:
I've ordered twice from SeedsHereNow and it's been the easiest purchases I've made. One order on a Tues evening, in mailbox Fri. Other made on a Wed evening, in mailbox Sat. No customs worries, good prices, no errors on orders, free candy. I'm happy.
Most times seed orders go just fine. Its when theres a hiccup that the company shows its true colors.
so what exactly happened?? you hit the wrong button, and paid extra for shipping? $15? For that you got 3 free special seeds that no one else gets? I'm confused because I only got a piece of candy with my order, i would have gladly paid $15 for three seeds when a 10 pack is $100-$125 everywhere else. If this what happened, next time I'm hitting the international button!!
YES Exactly, Thank you Alien Widow thats what I was trying to say also I just couldn't get it out right.... GO AHEAD SEE HOW YOU LIKE GETTING THROUGH THAT MESS the rest of you. I hate paying more money than almost every Bank just about to get service Like this. Like I said Though I got my Gear very fast and some gnarly candy:spew:. Im not complaining there and thats what I was mainly paying more than anywhere else for. But to accidentally spend that $15 extra and not be given a heads up even when there was plenty of time to shoot me a email about the stupid situation they claimed they noticed in an email before they sent my gear out. Exotic's free Gear for it is NOT free and getting only 3 of the most ugly looking yellow scrappers for that money regardless if only 15$ well thats where anyone should have an issue and especially if you value your hard earned money, I do so Im doing something about it even if you dont like it. If you spend the extra in shipping like me IDK if you will get this option ever so that may be special in a way I guess.But if they send an email saying they noticed it but didn't say anything untill I had to notice it and ask for some kind of compensation then thats never cool.
I know some people now are just being Trolls with this thread because I explained the situation the 1st time pretty clearly. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE
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I've ordered twice from SeedsHereNow and it's been the easiest purchases I've made. One order on a Tues evening, in mailbox Fri. Other made on a Wed evening, in mailbox Sat. No customs worries, good prices, no errors on orders, free candy. I'm happy.
And You will keep ordering Im sure Im not trying to detour you all from getting their gear because they will send it and extremely fast. Just dont fudge up or you might get the cold shoulder and then 3 ugly yellow beans that may or may not germinate.
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