Anybody ever gone gold digging/dredging/panning?

I fish, so i care about our fisheries;-)
One could actually make an arguement that when dredged, it actually allows spawning redds.
All of the rivers around here are damned. Not only are the fish runs blocked, but the silt in the rivers never get washed down stream.
Our rivers are mostly a put and take river system(salmon)because of the dams, and the lack of spawning redds.
It's nice to see people from out of state caring about Californias rivers actually, thanks :clap:

I guess they banned it in CA to be dicks and they have no actual reason what so ever.
Or it is because they want to prevent mercury pollution and damage to wildlife, waterways and cultural resources caused by suction dredge mining until safer rules are adopted.

Irresponsible assholes fuck shit up.
I guess they banned it in CA to be dicks and they have no actual reason what so ever.
Or it is because they want to prevent mercury pollution and damage to wildlife, waterways and cultural resources caused by suction dredge mining until safer rules are adopted.

Irresponsible assholes fuck shit up.

Here in Kali, I am sure someone made money off of it.

Just sayin'.
I have friends who have panned the Kaweah River above and into lake Kaweah and pulled $300-400 worth in a day.

The recent rains should have washed more down but I don't know how deep the lake is right now. They were in riverbed IN the normal lake bed.
Our rivers will be kicking down lots of gold from all the el nino rains we are supposed to be getting. It takes all that massive flooding to move the gold around. I can't wait. I'll probably be buying a decent metal detector again, and hitting up my favorite spots once the rivers subside next year. :hump: Can't wait!
His energy and enthusiasm in his whole series of video's is what prompted me to post his site. Never went prospecting or metal detecting but I get psyched and start dreaming about it everytime I see stuff like this. I guess once you find that first nugget, you're hooked!
I absolutely love rock hounding. Not all that good at it but it gets me out exercising ya know? Over the years I have found some really nice agate, carnelian, and petrified wood among other cool stuff. My rock tumbler is tits up but Xmas is coming so maybe Santa will come thru for me.
His energy and enthusiasm in his whole series of video's is what prompted me to post his site. Never went prospecting or metal detecting but I get psyched and start dreaming about it everytime I see stuff like this. I guess once you find that first nugget, you're hooked!
My moment of truth is when I realize I simply don’t have that energy. Or the cash to hire someone with.
I havent done any sluicing myself, but my Grandfather owned several claims up by dawson city, miles south of the city actually.., unfortunately he sold them, (after panning a few spots he was able to dig by hand with a few pay dirt.....and seeing little to no gold where he thought the ancient river bed was.....) to the Canadian Klondyke Mining Company which operated a rather famous dredge called No. then proceeded to dig several hundred ounces out of said sold claims and surrounding ones, He got a good price for the land.... but only ~3% of what the gold was worth.. unfortunately for him it was worth several million in gold in the earlymid 1900s...He spoke about it untill the day he died, but he did manage to buy the family farm here at home with the money... and successfully ran a dairy farm for 40+ years, a 275 acre farm, well as people moved into the country more, the price per acre when he bought it was under 500$....Fastforward to the 80s.. when he sold all the property, after my uncle declined to continue the farm...... the county had changed the law to you must owned atleast 1 acre of land to build there.. in lieu of many city people moving out and getting half acres of land..and crowding the place.... So thus instantly shooting the properties worth up around 5,000$ an acre...and truly setting up the family for generations to come...But he always spoke about.,.. what could have been if he had held on to the claims and setup shop there and stuck it up...But Everytime i turn on that show on discovery....I think of him...and wonder how many people thought they had bad land... only to find out.. they were off by only a few hundred feet to become filthy rich.

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