Leaf Problem Please Help


Active Member
How much you watering it and how often? You fed it yet? Light, Temps?
I water them a gallon each at 6.5 ph'ed I watered them every 4-5 days for lights I have a 4ft 8bulb t5 setup sun blaze I believe it's the sun blaze 48 temps between 75 the most 80 humidity between 68-79 I just watered them yesterday after feeding them 1 teaspoon and ahalf of big bloom at 6.5 water phed 6 days ago


Well-Known Member
They don't need bloom nutes right now. Doesn't look like they need any nutes right now.

Water only for now.

I would let it dry out some. Better to underwater than over water.

What size pot is that?
I water them a gallon each at 6.5 ph'ed I watered them every 4-5 days for lights I have a 4ft 8bulb t5 setup sun blaze I believe it's the sun blaze 48 temps between 75 the most 80 humidity between 68-79 I just watered them yesterday after feeding them 1 teaspoon and ahalf of big bloom at 6.5 water phed 6 days ago

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan blowing at the plants?...

My leafs looked wrinkley in vegg room until I got a fan blowing around