13 light 11 dark


Active Member
My light cycle of 13/11 got switched,(13 light 11 dark) or it possibly was set up that way. I am 5wks in and seeing seedpods in the buds. What to do? What to look if i keep?


Active Member
5 wks. in the middle of the bud it looks like there are seeds wanting to start. does this class hermie?


Well-Known Member
5 wks. in the middle of the bud it looks like there are seeds wanting to start. does this class hermie?
It could be seeds. If ya opened one you will find out. For words that we all may understand. The seed pods swell at the end of flowering as if a seed is in there but empty or at times seed.


Well-Known Member
male and female look completely different, so u would def know if u had a male flowering in your grow. a male really has proper flowers which open and release pollen. i think if u have white hairs and now pods that u have a hermie, bad luck, how many plants u got.