Standing O..Bernie Sanders!

Whats with your inability to understand simple english or take a question for what it is instead of infwring some other meaning
Because there is no other way to take it. Your constant attempt to dumb me down and discredit me based on opinions is getting old. I can't think of one single reason why I should take you seriously
Hillary's crime is mishandling of classified, national security information. This has nothing whatever to do with violation of "terms of service" of digital information. The fact that Hillary's emails are in digital form are irrelevant. What is relevant is that those classified communications were stored on a non-government server. It is the same crime committed by Scooter Libby and Paetraeus, but on a MUCH larger scale.

No, I have never mishandled classified, national security information. Besides that, I think it is ridiculous to imply that if somebody pirated a Kanye West CD then he ought to forgive a massive, intentional exposure of the most sensitive classified information possible.

How can you be so dumb as to overlook this monumental lack of judgment on the part of somebody who wants to have her finger on the doomsday-button? Hillary knew what she was doing. She put her own paranoid fear of transparency ahead of her duties as SoS, and ahead of the security of everybody in the US.

number one, shut the fuck up. no one cares about your fake scandal, skinhead.

number two, why did you study at napa JC to be a cop?

number three, why do people on this site disappear to federal prison the day after you threaten them with it?

number four, why did you try to play dumb after that happened?
She's the equivalent of a wife beater. Beat the shit out of her boy friend. No double standard, she's trash along with all the other spousal abusers.

you tried to excuse that one fotball player after he beat the shit out of his fiancee.
Your constant attempt to dumb me down
BWAHAHAHA......but don't need my help doing that. My pointing out your numerous logical fallacies and inability to follow the simplest of logical syllogisms or produce anything even resembling information beyond your personal conjecture is not an opinion I have taken a stance on. Its a series of cold hard facts proudly displayed over a number of threads.
BWAHAHAHA......but don't need my help doing that. My pointing out your numerous logical fallacies and inability to follow the simplest of logical syllogisms or produce anything even resembling information beyond your personal conjecture is not an opinion I have taken a stance on. Its a series of cold hard facts proudly displayed over a number of threads.
you didn't quote me right, or even respond to the post at all. Like I said, it's just more personal attacks.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't ignore every time you quote me?
you didn't quote me right
just keep reading it over and over until it finally makes sense, hopefully. whether you take me seriously or not doesn't really matter. To be honest I'd be far more pleased if you invested in a decent thesaurus then took me seriously
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wow, more personal attacks. That's nice. I wasn't expecting that at all
Not so much an attack as pointing out the obvious. Im quite serious when I say I would be pleased if you understood me better.
what? I can't understand your post.

look I get it,. You've been shut down in every way shape and form and cant compete in a rational debate. You are having a hard time with folks calling you out on your inability to properly articulate. I don't say that as an insult I say it with the experience of our breadth of conversation. Now you have been backed into the corner of "well you guys are MEAN!"

In all seriousness I fully support your right to vote Trump and be excited in his "message". If you want to share that message though, those of us you have so far talked to require a different calibrate of conversation on the subject for it to be taken seriously. We clearly have different views/priorities for different reasons which is fine. If you don't want them questioned don't talk about them. If your not prepared to defend them...don't talk about them.

Or do, and accept it was a choice to throw your hat into the public arena.
Not so much an attack as pointing out the obvious. Im quite serious when I say I would be pleased if you understood me better.

look I get it,. You've been shut down in every way shape and form and cant compete in a rational debate. You are having a hard time with folks calling you out on your inability to properly articulate. I don't say that as an insult I say it with the experience of our breadth of conversation. Now you have been backed into the corner of "well you guys are MEAN!"

In all seriousness I fully support your right to vote Trump and be excited in his "message". If you want to share that message though, those of us you have so far talked to require a different calibrate of conversation on the subject for it to be taken seriously. We clearly have different views/priorities for different reasons which is fine. If you don't want them questioned don't talk about them. If your not prepared to defend them...don't talk about them.

Or do, and accept it was a choice to throw your hat into the public arena.
You're not really giving me a good reason to stick around while you keep going on and on like some nagging house wife. Seriously, I read about half of that post, before it's almost time to hit the mute button. I really don't care what you think about me, or how I'm not up to your standards, or how I wasn't what you expected when we got married, or whatever is going on in your crazy head. If you don't want to debate the issues, then kick rocks. Or you could go pound sand
Your constant attempt to dumb me down and discredit me based on opinions is getting old.
So rather then discredit your inability to communicate cause that's apparently not

1. In October 1988, Donald Trump threw his wallet into the airline business by purchasing Eastern Air Shuttle, a service that for 27 years had run hourly flights between Boston, New York City and Washington, D.C. For roughly $365 million. Trump pushed to give the airline the Trump touch, making the previously no-muss, no-fuss shuttle service into a luxury experience. To this end, he added maple-wood veneer to the floors, chrome seat-belt latches and gold-colored bathroom fixtures. But his gamble was a bust. A lack of increased interest from customers (who favored the airline for its convenience not its fancy new look) combined with high pre–Gulf War fuel prices meant the shuttle never turned a profit. The high debt forced Trump to default on his loans, and ownership of the company was turned over to creditors. The Trump Shuttle ceased to exist in 1992.

2.The Donald had a vodka. Trump vodka (labeled super premium, naturally) was introduced in 2006. At the time, Trump predicted the T&T (Trump and Tonic) would become the most requested drink in America, surpassed only by the Trump Martini. The New York City blog Gothamist reports the vodka has stopped production "because the company failed to meet the threshold requirements." Trump's company filed an injunction to prevent an Israeli company from selling Trump vodka without his consent or authorization. Meaning the Donald stopped the only people in world who wanted to drink his vodka from doing so.

3,"I don't like the B word," Donald Trump said in 2010 while testifying in a New Jersey bankruptcy courtroom about his gambling company, Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc., which had filed for bankruptcy for the third time. Given the number of times Trump has flirted with bankruptcy, you'd think he'd be used to that word by now.

In 1990, the banking institutions that backed his real estate investments had to bail him out with a $65 million "rescue package" that contained new loans and credit. But it wasn't enough, and nine months later the famous developer was nearly $4 billion in debt. He didn't declare personal bankruptcy, although his famous Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, N.J., did have to file for it (bondholders ended up taking a 50% stake in the investment). Trump's economic troubles continued through the early '90s, while he was personally leveraged to nearly $1 billion. In 2004, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts also filed for bankruptcy. The company was only a small portion of Trump's real estate empire, but he did still have to personally cough up $72 million to keep it afloat. In 2009, the same company (by then renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc.) filed for bankruptcy again. Yet during all of this, no one ever told Trump, "You're fired!" Probably because no one could.

4.In April 2006, Trump announced that, after years in the real estate business, he was launching a mortgage company. He held a glitzy press conference at which his son Donald Jr. predicted that Trump Mortgage would soon be the nation's No. 1 home-loan lender. Trump told CNBC, "Who knows more about financing than me?" Apparently, plenty. Within a year and a half, Trump Mortgage had closed shop. The would-be lending powerhouse was done in by timing (the housing market cratered in 2007) and ironically enough, given Trump's Apprentice TV show, poor hiring. The executive Trump selected to run his loan company, E.J. Ridings, claimed to have been a top executive at a prestigious investment bank. In reality, Ridings' highest role on Wall Street was as a registered broker, a position he held for a mere six days.

5."The problem with our country is we don't manufacture anything anymore," Donald Trump told Fox News a year ago. "The stuff that's been sent over from China," he complained, "falls apart after a year and a half. It's crap." That very same Donald Trump has his own line of clothing, and it's made in ... China. (O.K., O.K. — not all of it. Salon, which reported this intriguing, head-scratching fact, notes that some of his apparel is from Mexico and Bangladesh.)

6.When recently discussing oil prices on air with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Donald Trump blustered on about the scheming malfeasance of OPEC and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Trump insisted the U.S. could leverage its military supremacy to persuade OPEC to lower prices. In his words: "I'm going to look 'em in the eye and say, 'Fellas, you'd have your fun. Your fun is over.'" But this rather naive suggestion of bullying one of the U.S.'s most longstanding and essential allies in the Middle East — not to mention the recent customer in a megabillion-dollar U.S. weapons sale that would create tens of thousands of American jobs — was comparatively harmless when set against his next suggestion. Trump bemoaned U.S. costs sustained during its wars in the Middle East and floated the idea of "taking" Iraqi oil. Stephanopoulos countered incredulously, "So, we steal an oil field?" Trump responded, "Excuse me. You're not stealing anything. You're taking — we're reimbursing ourselves." Given how many U.S. leaders have had to stress to their Middle East interlocutors that they're not in it simply for the oil, Trump would be starting off regional relations on pretty slippery ground.

So....where would you like to start?
You're not really giving me a good reason to stick around while you keep going on and on like some nagging house wife. Seriously, I read about half of that post, before it's almost time to hit the mute button. I really don't care what you think about me, or how I'm not up to your standards, or how I wasn't what you expected when we got married, or whatever is going on in your crazy head. If you don't want to debate the issues, then kick rocks. Or you could go pound sand

You like how I was setting that all up before you even posted? :clap::hump:
Eloquent in your brevity.

And exactly what was expected. :mrgreen:

I really don't care what you think about me, or how I'm not up to your standards. If you don't want to debate the issues, then kick rocks. Or you could go pound sand
Hilarious cause except for some mild back and forth yesterday or so in the trump thread (where I whipped you silly in the debate department) the only thing you HAVE responded to is about your personal debate deficiencies. Hell your snoring is in itself a response. An ineffectual....stupid.....stupid...stupid....stupid stupid stupid response.

It seems the only thing you cant respond to is a clear point/argument.
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While I admire your distaste for government and complete unwillingness to compromise your moralality.....If your going to go so far as to call Bernie sanders a rapist you could at least offer an opinion of something better. It's easy to shoot things down, but without an alternative suggestion its about as meaningful as my tottler refusing her green beans. I mean... I would be happy to make her an alternative but I'm not going to guess until she's into it, and ice cream for every meal isn't an option.

Just stop. You have been found to be deficient. Now go sit in the corner and think about all the stupid things you've said and write im sorry on the board 100times. Troll:dunce:

I don't believe Bernie himself rapes and pillages, he just votes to fund raping and pillaging abroad and will back a police state domestically.

Nobody that supports Bernie has told me why they like his funding of empire, they seem afraid to discuss his chicken hawk tendencies.