Grasshopppers! Too many!

Jimmy green420

New Member
Having a problem with grasshoppers! to many, and different kinds, advit seemed to work but not on grrasshoppers. anything else i can try
Look for Neem. Natural insecticides with Neem as the active ingredient will kill grasshoppers. Neem trees are common in the Indian subcontinent and are prized in the villages where they occur. The leaves are a natural disinfectant and insecticide. Toothpaste made with Neem extract is available in the U.S. and is effective against mouth sores, plus it keeps grasshoppers out of your mouth.
I dont think you can do much about grasshoppers. They've been topping my plants pretty steady all summer. If you don't use pesticides maybe some predators will move in.
Maybe try this?
  • Dust with all-purpose flour. All-purpose white flour may be helpful in killing off grasshoppers. Grasshoppers love to eat their greens, but a dusting of flour on plant leaves may keep them from eating the greens in your garden. Flour becomes gummy in grasshopper mouths and prevents the bugs from eating anything, helping to reduce the frequency of foliage damage to your plants

I was just trying to look on google.
Maybe try this?
  • Dust with all-purpose flour. All-purpose white flour may be helpful in killing off grasshoppers. Grasshoppers love to eat their greens, but a dusting of flour on plant leaves may keep them from eating the greens in your garden. Flour becomes gummy in grasshopper mouths and prevents the bugs from eating anything, helping to reduce the frequency of foliage damage to your plants

I was just trying to look on google.
tried sprinkling flour on the morning dew to make it stick....didnt work;)
You know though? I'd rather fight a few leaf hoppers than some bud worm. ** knock on wood **

I used to be all "equal universe" type person. Let living things alone as so long as I'm not being bothered.

Now....shit!! Grasshoppers aren't that cute anymore. They camouflage like a mugg too.

Here's a leaf eater I found with a death wish


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Sorry to bump this, but these things are a nightmare. I just chased and killed about 15 of the little buggers. From brown 1/2 inch to green 1.5-2 inches long and everything between. Not so bad until they attack the tops. Or get a massive case of the munchies and chomp out on 1/2 a leaf. When I go out there now they friggen see me coming and jump away lol

Neem is not stopping them. I've tried both foliar and root feeding for a few weeks now. They just keep coming back. I heard someone say a mix of crushed dead grasshoppers and water works. Might try it since I could probably go out there now and find another 15 of the little pricks :bigjoint:
You know though? I'd rather fight a few leaf hoppers than some bud worm. ** knock on wood **

I used to be all "equal universe" type person. Let living things alone as so long as I'm not being bothered.

Now....shit!! Grasshoppers aren't that cute anymore. They camouflage like a mugg too.

Here's a leaf eater I found with a death wish
green lacewing its a good guy.
Sorry to bump this, but these things are a nightmare. I just chased and killed about 15 of the little buggers. From brown 1/2 inch to green 1.5-2 inches long and everything between. Not so bad until they attack the tops. Or get a massive case of the munchies and chomp out on 1/2 a leaf. When I go out there now they friggen see me coming and jump away lol

Neem is not stopping them. I've tried both foliar and root feeding for a few weeks now. They just keep coming back. I heard someone say a mix of crushed dead grasshoppers and water works. Might try it since I could probably go out there now and find another 15 of the little pricks :bigjoint:
Are you in the southern hemisphere? you could try a mosquito net.
using botanical and biological products to kill grasshoppers can be an effective alternative. Nosema locustae is a naturally occurring microbe that effectively kills grasshoppers by infecting them with disease.

Another similar fungal microbe is Beauveria bassiana. This fungus grows naturally in soils and acts as a parasite to many types of insects. Both of these safely kill grasshoppers when they ingest the spores.
Too bad you guys dont have orb weaver spiders out there...........ive seen a single female wipe out a population of grasshoppers here. I can only imagine what 50 of them over an acre of property would do, and they big huge elaborate webs with spider silk thats like fishing line! I adore em so much i have one in my tent right now!

floweringnovember 003.JPG
green lacewing its a good guy.
Are you in the southern hemisphere? you could try a mosquito net.
using botanical and biological products to kill grasshoppers can be an effective alternative. Nosema locustae is a naturally occurring microbe that effectively kills grasshoppers by infecting them with disease.

Another similar fungal microbe is Beauveria bassiana. This fungus grows naturally in soils and acts as a parasite to many types of insects. Both of these safely kill grasshoppers when they ingest the spores.

Thanks Dr! Yes I am down south mate. SE QLD Australia. I have considered those nets, or some sort of netting/shade cloth fortress. We do have a lot of food farmers around here so I might go around and see what they're doing to stop them. I've noticed they're always around this time of year, just this year they are plague proportions bad and must be able to smell my girls from a mile away cause they seem to be quite happy lurking around the vicinity after I've chased them with my shovel. The buggers just won't move on lol

Too bad you guys dont have orb weaver spiders out there...........ive seen a single female wipe out a population of grasshoppers here. I can only imagine what 50 of them over an acre of property would do, and they big huge elaborate webs with spider silk thats like fishing line! I adore em so much i have one in my tent right now!

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That's classic VTM. I think I need a few little pets like that :bigjoint:
Thanks Dr! Yes I am down south mate. SE QLD Australia. I have considered those nets, or some sort of netting/shade cloth fortress. We do have a lot of food farmers around here so I might go around and see what they're doing to stop them. I've noticed they're always around this time of year, just this year they are plague proportions bad and must be able to smell my girls from a mile away cause they seem to be quite happy lurking around the vicinity after I've chased them with my shovel. The buggers just won't move on lol

That's classic VTM. I think I need a few little pets like that :bigjoint:
The grasshoppers will probably leave them alone when they start to flower.
Had a ridiculous grasshopper problem this year, huge ones . 3" long and they were mating on fan leaves. I'm going to get a couple chickens next year.
I had 100 at one point and 0 grasshoppers. They will raid a garden though and being omnivores they will eat your pot. Good thing is they stay close to the coop, I don't think mine went more than 100 feet from it.
that'd be an easy way to convince the wife to have fresh chicken dinner........honey your babies were eaten by the hens.............lmao!