Geesh's Grow Journal-Trainwreck Clones


Active Member
Greetings all, after spending much time of these forums, I've decided to start my own grow journal! I have a female plant that is just about two weeks into flowering. She's doing well, but I've made many mistakes along the way. I decided to give cloning a shot and took 4 cuttings from her. I used Rootone rooting hormone to assist with the clonings. I am using Miracle Grow potting soil with 1 drop of Superthrive added to the base of each cutting. I used a 70-30 mix of potting soil to vermiculite to help retain moisture for the little pretties. As of right now, they are under two 26 watt bright white CFL's. If these actually take root, I'll take the be sure to give them a bit more light and a proper home. This is my first step at cloning, so I am trying to be optimistic! Hope I can get some good advice, and maybe get a few veterans to subscribe!

I plan on doing a CFL grow all the way through, as my current situation does not allow a MH or HPS setup due to heat limitations, as well as wanting to be safe. I have two dogs in the house, and I couldn't bear to lose them due to my HID lighting catching fire.



Well-Known Member
I can tell you that when you cut your clones, you dont want just a single set of fan leaves. You wanna cut it about 3 nodes down, not after the first. But who knows, those could grow, but I've never seen it like that.

Either way, you can take some flowering clones. When that mama plant is about one more week old (day 20/21 of flowering is ideal), take the clones, keep them under constant light until they root, and immediately go 12/12, as they are flowering clones. These probably won't reach 3 feet, but you could be ready to harvest them in 3/4 weeks.


Active Member
Hey thanks blinks, I appreciate your input. The reason the cuttings are so small is this: I made many mistakes with the mama plant, so I didn't really have many good places to take cuttings from. Take a loot at the first pic, if u see any decent places let me know.

The second pic is the finished setup where I planned to keep the clones. So if I read correctly, will it not be possible to veg these clones since they were taken from a flowering plant?



Well-Known Member
Wow, you definitely chopped her! You could veg those, but usually switching back and forth veg flower veg, it tends to slow growth. But then again if you're wanting larger plants or mamas, you can just veg 'em.

I wouldn't touch the mama for at least a week, and since your only 2 weeks in, 3 weeks is the perfect time for flowering clones. Those biggest set of leaves that have the widest span, those will probably be your best bet, but I dunno how much they will grow in just a week.


Active Member
Yeah, she pretty much got fucked up lol. She was started outside from just a bagseed, about a month in she I overwatered the shit out of her, and she also got attacked by an insect of some sort; ate her to death =( So I was forced to give her a fat chop. They probably would have grown back, had I not used a shitty pair of cutters that were a bit...rusty(sigh). I've been spending a good deal of time on here trying to learn as much as possible. Should be interesting if these clones will go. I can't wait to move into my new place in October. I'm going to actually be able to setup something nice in my closet and do four plants the proper way (well, the proper CFL way...wish i could do HPS)

Thanks for the input, more pics will come. Gonna mist the clones, take a few fat rips, and hit the rack. One bad thing about clones in the bedroom....24 hr light is obnoxious. However, I've been inventive using tshirts and a World of Warcraft and Diablo 3 box haha.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Man you need to go to the home depot or lowes and get a bag of Decent potting mix with either pearlite or vermilliculite prefereblly one with any of these ingrediants: earthworm castings, bat guano, sphagnum peat moss, forest humus. And really if you can get your hands on it get some Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and transplant. That MG will be your demise... That plant is lookin pretty greeen good stuff bro


Active Member
Hey thanks Doc, I appreciate that. Yeah, if these clones take off they are going into some high quality soil. No mistakes on these babies!!(Well, hopefully)

On a side note, my cuttings are greener today than when I put them in yesterday. So this is a good sign! I'll post pics in a little while, sitting on a conference call right now ( Go me! Hard worker)


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks Doc, I appreciate that. Yeah, if these clones take off they are going into some high quality soil. No mistakes on these babies!!(Well, hopefully)

On a side note, my cuttings are greener today than when I put them in yesterday. So this is a good sign! I'll post pics in a little while, sitting on a conference call right now ( Go me! Hard worker)
Awesome my friend, that's what i like to here. Prop's on the clones. I can't wait to see updated pics.