Organic Biobizz nutrients


Well-Known Member
I'm using BB nutes with another brand potting soil and I'm getting serious Mg def everytime.
Do you brew or how do you feed your plants with it?


I'm using BB nutes with another brand potting soil and I'm getting serious Mg def everytime.
Do you brew or how do you feed your plants with it?
I had some deficiency about 3 weeks into vegg and again 4-5 weeks into flower, use magne+ in your with your feeds and it should be ok, thats what i start using with bottled water from the shop and it sorted itself out, i use lightmix biobizz soil


Well-Known Member
It's not working out for me. I want to grow the kindest herb, but every single time I try to go organic my plants just stunt out and turn light green with red/purple veins. I guess organic Manna Mix soil is garbage, it appears to have nothing alive to help the plant uptake nutrients. Less than a week ago my rooted clones were looking great, now I have to wait for the dixie cups to dry out before feeding them some synth nutes to get them back on track.

For my next attempt at organics I will build a soil with KIS Nutrient Mix, the bagged stuff ain't cutting it. But for now I'm done with organic yet once again. Arrgghh!