Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Kind of like how you didn't graduate from High School, and then failed your GED exam.

I know because you made a typo in your user name, it should be Not GED.

Hey what's up? good one! I bet you've been waiting for the perfect time to use it.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about how Donald Trump is in favor of legalizing marijuana,
but Hillary is not



Well-Known Member
Kind of like how you don't know how to spell responsible
The quality of your insults are almost as devoid of a point as your arguments. You are in fact without point. You are point-less... If aids were having a point you would be the logic defying miracle cure. All we would need to do is roll terminal cases in whellchairs within 10 meters or you and "poof" as if by some form of retarded trailertrash magic it would be gone.


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up? good one! I bet you've been waiting for the perfect time to use it.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about how Donald Trump is in favor of legalizing marijuana,
but Hillary is not

you don't have a right to ask people to answer questions when you still haven't responded to a single Trump point I put up.


Well-Known Member
The quality of your insults are almost as devoid of a point as your arguments. You are in fact without point. You are point-less... If aids were having a point you would be the logic defying miracle cure. All we would need to do is roll terminal cases in whellchairs within 10 meters or you and "poof" as if by some form of retarded trailertrash magic it would be gone.
what is a "whellchair"?


Well-Known Member
you can't figure out what word he was actually trying to type ? You can't be that dumb
Only being able to point out my occasional fast typing spelling error is the only thing hes got man. Dont take that from him! Those have got to be the happiest moments hes had since getting out of special ed...even if he never did get that GED. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Only being able to point out my occasional fast typing spelling error is the only thing hes got man. Dont take that from him! Those have got to be the happiest moments hes had since getting out of special ed...even if he never did get that GED. :lol:
You actually know you won the debate when they have to resort to spelling and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
You actually know you won the debate when they have to resort to spelling
There would have to BE a debate to win one. He is too afraid to even comment on anything he doesn't bring up and even then wont respond if you ask him to show his work or confront his point.

Whats funnier is he then responds with backhanded responses in an attempt to troll you into thinking he doesn't care while not getting that clearly he does or he would stop trying and go away.

Hes hilarious. ( It IS kind of like kicking an inbred puppy though)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
First off his occupation is that of an "investor" and the people that get involved with him are also. There's a reason it's termed "investing".

Look, a little simple arithmetic, using published numbers supports his claim that he's better than the average joe at making money. He borrowed 1*10^6 to start his initial real estate investment and he's worth on the ave approx 5*10^9. That ratio speaks for itself.

But this stuff is really a diversion. The conversation ought to focus on which if any of all the combined candidates have a sound plan to provide enough economic growth to support either the Rep plans for tax reductions or the Dem plans for increased social spending.

To that end, have you or anybody else read any specific, detailed plan on how any of these guys expect to accomplish economic growth? If any of them have a specific plan, they ain't sharing on their web pages. But they all have an invite to donate. Quite sicking actually.

What's really wrong with this whole process is that, we're voting for salesman in chief. Even more nauseating is the realization that there is no mechanism to hold any of these guys accountable for their claims.
How about a 2-3% cut across all government and when employees retire, don't replace them?


Well-Known Member
There would have to BE a debate to win one. He is too afraid to even comment on anything he doesn't bring up and even then wont respond if you ask him to show his work or confront his point.

Whats funnier is he then responds with backhanded responses in an attempt to troll you into thinking he doesn't care while not getting that clearly he does or he would stop trying and go away.

Hes hilarious. ( It IS kind of like kicking an inbred puppy though)
I would think it was hilarious if he was witty or funny. Not GOP is just plain stupid.


Well-Known Member
I would think it was hilarious if he was witty or funny. Not GOP is just plain stupid.
I can see that. I a Marx brothers guy myself but if im stoned enough the 3 stooges are amusing enough in a pinch. (ooooo....if we had 3 Not GOP's and get them to fight though.....)


Well-Known Member
You actually know you won the debate when they have to resort to spelling and nothing else.
When somebody tells me how smart they are while typing words that are not familiar with the dictionary,or anthying, or anyone, ever. Then I start to question it. Are you still butt hurt about the Ben Carson thread? Stop taking everything so personal all the time. Get a tissue and dry your eye, ... we can be friends. right?


Well-Known Member
I know Trumps your hero but you have to be GOOD at something for self promotion to work. Even if its simply self promotion.

But your are in fact your own special brand of stupid.

Half the world knows who Trump is, self promotion ??, ya he got that.
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