Help Plese my bowl is stuck in my down stem


Well-Known Member
Okay so my piece was in the floor and my phone fell out of my lap and landed on the bowl itself and this impact is what stuck the two pieces together they are frosted glass fittings I've froze it ,baked it, put a torch to it and tried to pull it apart and now I'm soaking it in alcohol. Is there anyone that can give me any suggestions or tell me so nifty trick that will get them apart20151112_213916.jpg
put it in freezer for 20 minutes. should shrink

if doesnt work soak in alcohol for a few days
I froze it over night the guys at t h e glass shop I bought the piece at suggested that and I'm soaking it in alcohol now but thanks for the positive reinforcement helps keep me positive and also let's me know I'm on the right track
Alcohol, clean it then freeze it. If it doesn't work then ur either gonna have to put up with it or buy a new one. U must have narf hit it lol.
Two last hopes;
1. Liquid wrench; douse the interface between the two pieces really good, wait for it to soak and then pull them apart while twisting.

2. Hot water on the downstem and ice- even dry ice- in the bowl, down as close to the connection as possible. Do this after liquid wrench. The cold side will be very brittle, so work gently.

If you do manage to get them apart, use a bit of cooking oil on the slip faces so they don't stick together again.
put it back in the bong, hold a lighter to it, and smoke that resin that's holding it in until it's all gone!

Personally I'd go buy a new bowl and downstem before that, hahaha, it's worked in the past though
Well the struggle is over I managed to salvage the bowl but the down stem is in pieces I heated it with the torch and quenched in room temp iso wich cracked the down stem so I patiently chipped the stem away from the bowl with a piece of deer horn I use for flint knapping
Ohh man that was so traggic to read cuz my phone did the same stpuid shit the other month with its corner falling onto the bowl making it stuck for a miserable 5 sober hours, i think using hot water was a mistake cuz itll expand, i like ttystikks advice to use hot water to expand the down stem and ice to shrink the bowl. It was my slider bowl i got when i was in cali, luckily it sorta popped out after being verry careful
Ohh man that was so traggic to read cuz my phone did the same stpuid shit the other month with its corner falling onto the bowl making it stuck for a miserable 5 sober hours, i think using hot water was a mistake cuz itll expand, i like ttystikks advice to use hot water to expand the down stem and ice to shrink the bowl. It was my slider bowl i got when i was in cali, luckily it sorta popped out after being verry careful
So is this like a major phone attack going on against paraphernalia, I saw this coming! It may just be the beginning of "the first wave". These phones are poised to fuck up a lot of shit. We better wake up,
So is this like a major phone attack going on against paraphernalia, I saw this coming! It may just be the beginning of "the first wave". These phones are poised to fuck up a lot of shit. We better wake up,
its crazy I think about how they're destroying interactions that teach priceless lessons