Ok, so i did a little research and found out I was wrong.. U can use that method i described as early as the seedling stage
Quote Hightimes:
Breaking is an advanced technique(Supercropping II, Sep. 00 HIGH TIMES) whereby you break the inner herd of the plant without damaging the outer, which is where all the plants strength comes from. Break open the stalk of a cannabis plant and you'll notice immediately the hard, outer herd. This is where textiles come from. The soft inner, lighter colored material is pure cellulose.
The plant passes water and nutrients cell to cell through this network of cellulose. Breaking the plant's inner walls will cause it to rebuild. But it rebuilds these networks better than they were before; it rebuilds so fast (under good growth conditions) that 24 hours later the plant is using the new highways and it's increased capacity for moving water and nutrients.
This technique can begin as early as the seedling stage. Twisting the plant gently, using both hands so you don't pull on it's roots. Work each of the plants branches every 2", up to once week. Do this by grasping the spot to be treated with two fingers of each hand. Use one hand to stabilize, while the other gently, slowly twists. Or you can twist with both hands in opposite directions, slowly until you feel a slight snap. When the plant's get heartier you will actually be able to hear it.
-You know this technique is not for novice growers.. if you obtained those seeds by purchase, i wouldn't suggest trying this on your babies until you fully know what you're doing, or at least until it's a big enough plant that damaging the main node won't inhibit much growth... ANYWAYS.. I've tried it and it DEFINITELY WORKS.. As i described, and as hightimes shows.. right where you twist/pinch the stem it forms a bulbous new part and increases growth significantley to branches above it..