yo momma so fat she lets her old man try a new wrinkle each night .

yo momma so fat the bitch leaves pot holes when she runs.

yo momma so ugly that shes a model for scare crows.

yo momma is like a Harley davidson she only allows one dirtbag at a time.

yo momma so ugly shes on Fear factor.

yo momma so fat when she wears red everyone yells Hey KOOL AID..
your momma is like a door knob everyone gets a turn

yo momma is like the railroads she gets laid across the country.

yo momma is like a door matt everyone is welcome...

yo momma is like burger king can have it your way all the time..

yo momma is soooo stupid she stayed up all night reading this..
* walks up to see if its true* It is.. Wikid....... Hi have you been..missed you..... :blsmoke:

*tackles you and smothers you with i-missed-you-too love* I've been awesome, recovering from the wedding and kicking back. I'm sad it's over, but it's nice to not be so stressed out.

Stoney, tips...quick follow's getting ugly out there..we better hide in the caves till the storm passes....... I figure a month or'll be rough and when we emerge it'll be a bright new world..the rebirth of civilization..
Must find breeding stock........... O Stoney......Wikid....Chiceh......

As long as I get to choose the male breeding stock...

dont cuss!!! i got a "infraction" for swearing..i was un aware they changed the rules..

Did you swear outside of Toke and Talk or the Political forum? I thought I read that they were going to let those two forums continue on their merry way....
It was a good night. My mom was there, and she showed me this picture of me and the bride's brother dancing and was like "WHAT are you guys doing right there?" :oops: lol, it was a GREAT night.
*tackles you and smothers you with i-missed-you-too love* I've been awesome, recovering from the wedding and kicking back. I'm sad it's over, but it's nice to not be so stressed out.

As long as I get to choose the male breeding stock...

Did you swear outside of Toke and Talk or the Political forum? I thought I read that they were going to let those two forums continue on their merry way....

Nope it was in toke n talk..:-?
yo momma so fat when I fuck her I hit my ass on the ceiling fan.....
Watch what you say brother...............
