Bonjour Will!
Is twats mean pussy!?
Those asshole who attack my country played too much gta and smoked too much marocain ash melted with pieces of old tires every days...after a while this cause their brains to burn out..
Thanks Jah they didn't evacuate the stadium when they heard the first explosion...if they would have done this...they would have killed thousands of people!
Someone wrote here..."they speak french...one said: Allah akbar"...lol it is arabic to say Allah is great...not french!
But one said:"it is because of François Hollande (french prez!) Before he shooted people...
Crazy crazy world!
Have a great day ★(while you can! )
Bonjour Will!
Is twats mean pussy!?
Those asshole who attack my country played too much gta and smoked too much marocain ash melted with pieces of old tires every days...after a while this cause their brains to burn out..
Thanks Jah they didn't evacuate the stadium when they heard the first explosion...if they would have done this...they would have killed thousands of people!
Someone wrote here..."they speak french...one said: Allah akbar"...lol it is arabic to say Allah is great...not french!
But one said:"it is because of François Hollande (french prez!) Before he shooted people...
Crazy crazy world!
Have a great day ★(while you can! )

Thoughts for you and yours.
What really scare me is not being in the middle of something like what happened...no really...!
It is what could happen to my son...is 5 and it was hard to explain him what happened since they talk about it all day on many channels...!
I hope it will never happen again anywhere in the world...
And when you know they believe by doing that they will go to heaven with many virgin and drink in a river of honey...they should go to Amsterdam and smoke all day...it will be closer from paradise than what is waiting for them in the other world... (it is crazy because some of their prophets are some of our saint...I know our religions have same roots...it is only to find a reason to kill...god said this...god said that...BUT YOU WHAT YOU THINKING!...nothing I guess...sheep!)
CU my friends
What really scare me is not being in the middle of something like what happened...no really...!
It is what could happen to my son...is 5 and it was hard to explain him what happened since they talk about it all day on many channels...!
I hope it will never happen again anywhere in the world...
And when you know they believe by doing that they will go to heaven with many virgin and drink in a river of honey...they should go to Amsterdam and smoke all day...it will be closer from paradise than what is waiting for them in the other world... (it is crazy because some of their prophets are some of our saint...I know our religions have same roots...it is only to find a reason to kill...god said this...god said that...BUT YOU WHAT YOU THINKING!...nothing I guess...sheep!)
CU my friends
Be careful not to mix everything... This guys are going nower but hell, they are no human being.
And they are not folowing any religion, no muslim would kill another human being, whatever his religion, they respect others, and respect themselves. This guys are demon, no link with islam. They are the only one thinking they are muslim, and it should stay this way. So please tell everyone around you, they are not muslim, they are extremist !!! It is totally different. Islam is a beautiful religion, asking for respect, and careness, asking for freedom, and share, it is noble values and very far from asking to kill others nor keeping women inside home...
Take care my brother, french will over come this crisis, because god wants positive vibration, whatever his name, Allah, jah, jesus, boudha, is the same one above us, and only him knows why it happened.
I know they are extremist...but islam extremist...
I doubt that in Islamic country peoples are afraid of Christian extremist....
But I live in south of France and I have more islamic friend than most Christian here so I know there are not all the same...
I hate religions anyway...I only believe what I can see and touch...so...!
Have a great day ★
I know they are extremist...but islam extremist...
I doubt that in Islamic country peoples are afraid of Christian extremist....
But I live in south of France and I have more islamic friend than most Christian here so I know there are not all the same...
I hate religions anyway...I only believe what I can see and touch...so...!
Have a great day ★
You don't have islamic friend you have muslim friend, you see !!!! be careful...
Also I few years ago, I found the swidish christian terrorist killing hundreds of people quite scary... And I found Irish modern invention of terrorism quite scary too, They actually invented this sort of war.
Don't be a full, it is not because you don't hear it in france that their is no act of terrorism from others. There is in china for independance, in thailand this sumer, there are in plenty of country for plenty of "reason"... and the one we undergo in France is from islamist and I hope they will give their body to pig because they deserve nothing but such !

They all are crazy, no link with religion, I told you, they think their is a link but their is none.
So please remember, an Islamic is not a muslim...
Sorry...lack of vocabulary...and to lazy to watch on a dictionary!
I went in Algeria years ago...1994...I spoke with an Imam and I was amaze how this man was open to every kind of subject...a wise man!
And about pigs...half of the Muslim don't know the real story...they don't eat some because...it is a dirty animal and many things like that...but in fact it was because porc meat don't like heat and sun and when there's wild pigs everywhere and no cooler it results in a lots of sick peoples...and to stop starving people to eat this meat you have to scare them if you don't want them to die one after the other...that's it!
True about pig...
But no one really know why, it is just suposition...
it could just be that human is not animal and as such it has to have some rule and not eating everything, a pig eats everything, so could be a good conter exampe of what human shouldn't do, hence avoid it... ? idk
Anyway jewish took off the pig before muslim, this also could be the reason,
or also that pig is an anima which share ery easily illness, lot of virus mutation passes from pig to human if I understood well...

I eat pig ^^
True about pig...
But no one really know why, it is just suposition...
it could just be that human is not animal and as such it has to have some rule and not eating everything, a pig eats everything, so could be a good conter exampe of what human shouldn't do, hence avoid it... ? idk
Anyway jewish took off the pig before muslim, this also could be the reason,
or also that pig is an anima which share ery easily illness, lot of virus mutation passes from pig to human if I understood well...

I eat pig ^^
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Pigs were made to eat all the wastes of the world, much like all the other scavengers that we aren't supposed to eat (ie: raccoon, skunks, vultures, etc...). The reason is that the meat leaves plaque inside the walls of your veins, creating higher blood pressure, etc.

You also have no clue about the koran. Maybe you should read it first before you make all these statements.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.

The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God; however this works both ways. Most of today's Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Apologists cater to their preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally do not stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.

Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abrogate or even balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed.
I know they are extremist...but islam extremist...
I doubt that in Islamic country peoples are afraid of Christian extremist....
But I live in south of France and I have more islamic friend than most Christian here so I know there are not all the same...
I hate religions anyway...I only believe what I can see and touch...so...!
Have a great day ★

'Israel'. Muslims who live there are very afraid for their safety.
Plus if you look at a map of israel, and all the countries surrounding it, you will see they are surrounded by their enemies. The muslims are only afraid for their safety in israel because they hide their military people behind innocent civilians.
lol - is that why they attack the military and their innocent civilians(jewish) every day?

No. I'm talking about innocent Palestinians (including those who hold Israeli citizenship!) just trying to get through the day being attacked and mauled, even killed by masked Jewish settlers intent on stealing their land, while Israeli security looks on in obvious approval.

But you never hear about THEM on Faux Spews, so they must not exist in your world. My bad.

Go back and read just how many conflicts were started by Palestinians- as opposed to started by Israeli government officials who then attempt to blame Palestinians for the massive military overreaction that follows.
Plus if you look at a map of israel, and all the countries surrounding it, you will see they are surrounded by their enemies. The muslims are only afraid for their safety in israel because they hide their military people behind innocent civilians.

They're afraid for their safety because Israelis use American military hardware against Palestinian civilians on a daily basis. With impunity.

That makes America complicit and an accomplice in Israel's ongoing human rights abuses.

I know you hate the truth, so go ahead and deny it again. Deny that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow too, while you're at it.
That's EXACTLY it. And every time I think about how my tax dollars are being spent there, it makes me sad and angry.

As it should! You guys are the only ones who can put a stop to it by putting pressure on the political leadership. When America stops supporting violent conflicts, the conflicts tend to stop. East Timor is probably the most obvious historical example...