Recommend a good EC meter?

Blue lab. I use the hand held ec and ppm meter "growers tool box" or something like that off amazon for under $100.

I love it. Plan on getting the guardian in future upgrades.

Before this I used Hanna dual combo pen and it was a pain in the ass. And expensive. And broke twice on me.

Blue lab meters all the way ime
guardian is basically based on the truncheon. seeing as you are asking i am assuming it is your first one so it has to be the truncheon.
i have one over 5 years old that i still use. is it accurate? i dont have a clue, but i still depend on what it says as to how much i feed my plants and they are doing fine
Get a Mudder off Amazon for 15.00. Mudder ph pen also works great for about 15.00. Yes I also have Blue Lab combo that I can't calibrate the ppm ec. Also a new ph probe cost 52.00. Also have a Hanna 98129 I that I need to replace the ph probe. I think I'll just stick with Mudder for 15.00
Depends on whether you want a continuous monitor (if you have one common res for a system) , or single bucket dwc.
Or soil for that matter, you weren't real specific.
I vote the guardian for continuous monitor. If you're checking individual buckets get the truncheon since bluelab is a very good name.
Get a Mudder off Amazon for 15.00. Mudder ph pen also works great for about 15.00. Yes I also have Blue Lab combo that I can't calibrate the ppm ec. Also a new ph probe cost 52.00. Also have a Hanna 98129 I that I need to replace the ph probe. I think I'll just stick with Mudder for 15.00
How do you go about calibrating the ppm probe?
get this if you don't mind calibrating it every week or more, don't mind waiting a minute or longer for it to maybe settle on a number… sure its only like $30 or so but it did nothing but piss me off for a year… BL Trudgeon ftw!!
First, the user MUST be smarter than the instrument.
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