As it should! You guys are the only ones who can put a stop to it by putting pressure on the political leadership. When America stops supporting violent conflicts, the conflicts tend to stop. East Timor is probably the most obvious historical example...

Our defense industry is owned by the same people who have bought our government. They support this blatant hijacking of the US Constitution by funding Fox News (referred to in my postings most often as 'Faux Spews' because they WON a court case defending their right to lie to the American public!) and financially supporting all manner of religious and racist propaganda supporting Israel's apartheid and genocide policies.

Israel lost its best chance for redemption when ONE ITS OWN murdered Yitzak Rabin. Now Bibi Yet-Another-Yahoo is doing the Ariel Sharon dance of denying responsibility for the genocide he supports and fuels.

But I'm just an ignorant American. What do I know of middle eastern politics? o_O

Relativity ...
In the sense of this last mysterious question we must how state how the influence of Socrates has spread out over later worlds, right up to this moment and, indeed, into all future ages, like a shadow in the evening sun constantly growing larger, how that influence always makes necessary the re-creation of art — I mean art in its most profound and widest metaphysical sense — and through its own immortality guarantees the immortality of art.

Before we could recognize this fact, before we convincingly established the innermost dependence of every art on the Greeks, from Homer right up to Socrates, we had to treat these Greeks as the Athenians treated Socrates. Almost every era and cultural stage has at some point sought in an profoundly ill-tempered frame of mind to free itself of the Greeks, because in comparison with the Greeks, all their own achievements, apparently fully original and admired in all sincerity, suddenly appeared to lose their colour and life and shrivelled to unsuccessful copies, in fact, to caricatures.

And so a heartfelt inner anger always keeps breaking out again against that arrogant little nation which dared to designate for all time everything that was not produced in its own country as “barbaric.” Who were those Greeks, people asked themselves, who, although they had achieved only an ephemeral historical glitter, only ridiculously restricted institutions, only an ambiguous competence in morality, who could even be identified with hateful vices, yet who had nevertheless laid a claim to a dignity and a pre-eminent place among peoples, appropriate to a genius among the masses? Unfortunately people were not lucky enough to find the cup of hemlock which could easily do away with such a being, for all the poisons which envy, slander, and inner rage created were insufficient to destroy that self-satisfied magnificence.

Hence, confronted by the Greeks, people have been ashamed and afraid, unless an individual values the truth above everything else and dares to propose this truth: the notion that the Greeks, as the charioteers of our culture and every other one, hold the reins, but that almost always the wagon and horses are inferior material and do not match the glory of their drivers, who then consider it amusing to whip such a team into the abyss, over which they themselves jump with the leap of Achilles.
The Birth of Tragedy (Chap. 15)
Friedrich Nietzsche

" Charioteers of (western ) culture "
I know at least one (of us ) ....
"They" (not us ,but the others over there ,eastern-wise ..) still remember him ,as they say so ...
Was the first who " donated " our culture to middle -East ...



Call him "the Great " ....
Really ...
I do not see what's so great with him ...

Relativity ...

..Yeap ...
Depends where one stands ...
Reality seems way different ...

Sorry,brothers ..
Back to hate spillin' n' splattering ...


Too much for a french...I can mesure here my lack of vocabulary!
@ttystikk they give them gun and told them the enemy his behind the border...they teach this to child...both...and israel army is made of a lot of young people...give a gun to an 18 year old guy amd shit will happen!
Our defense industry is owned by the same people who have bought our government. They support this blatant hijacking of the US Constitution by funding Fox News (referred to in my postings most often as 'Faux Spews' because they WON a court case defending their right to lie to the American public!) and financially supporting all manner of religious and racist propaganda supporting Israel's apartheid and genocide policies.

Israel lost its best chance for redemption when ONE ITS OWN murdered Yitzak Rabin. Now Bibi Yet-Another-Yahoo is doing the Ariel Sharon dance of denying responsibility for the genocide he supports and fuels.

But I'm just an ignorant American. What do I know of middle eastern politics? o_O
All of the media lies, anyone can figure that out. they are all controlled by money. why do you think they call the people who come onto their shows contributors? You either have fox news kissing the republicans ass (except donald trump, they don't like him for some reason) or CNBC/CNN kissing hillary and obama's ass. Anyone can see that. If you disagree with that, you are just ignorant.

As far as the Israel thing goes - they both claim that land, with good reason. Both believe that their God gave them that land, and both act according to that belief. To say Israel is worse is not really fair. They have better weapons, but are pretty good about retaliating after being attacked. Not too many times have they actually started attacking the Palestinians without provocation.

What are Palestinians anyways? Who do they comprise of? Do you even know? How did they end up there? Why didn't any of the other muslim nations around them accept them when they needed somewhere to settle?
All of the media lies, anyone can figure that out. they are all controlled by money. why do you think they call the people who come onto their shows contributors? You either have fox news kissing the republicans ass (except donald trump, they don't like him for some reason) or CNBC/CNN kissing hillary and obama's ass. Anyone can see that. If you disagree with that, you are just ignorant.

As far as the Israel thing goes - they both claim that land, with good reason. Both believe that their God gave them that land, and both act according to that belief. To say Israel is worse is not really fair. They have better weapons, but are pretty good about retaliating after being attacked. Not too many times have they actually started attacking the Palestinians without provocation.

What are Palestinians anyways? Who do they comprise of? Do you even know? How did they end up there? Why didn't any of the other muslim nations around them accept them when they needed somewhere to settle?

I mean this in the nicest way possible; you really, REALLY need to educate yourself about what's actually happening on the ground in places you talk about, and until you do we won't find any common ground.

You see, I feel in the world of verifiable fact. You're in the land of opinion and conjecture. Worse, you've no idea of those facts, so you're understandably confused.

Aljazeera.com will be a window to a world Faux Spews would have you believe doesn't exist. Spend some time there and then we'll talk.
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
Kill the negativity with kindness!
Not more bombing and propoganda.

It's a challenge to see how many people are blinded by the media...but still everyday I witness more and more waking up. It's only a matter of time before knowledge ends terrorism
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
Kill the negativity with kindness!
Not more bombing and propoganda.

It's a challenge to see how many people are blinded by the media...but still everyday I witness more and more waking up. It's only a matter of time before knowledge ends terrorism

I do wish it were that simple, but there will always be people who won't hesitate to use violence in their pursuit of power. Unless we stand up to them, we'll lose our freedoms.

I can see eyebrows rising everywhere, because this seems pretty hard right of my usual political stances- but in order to have a peaceful world, we need to stop those who'd ruin that peace.

Veni, vidi, vici; the ancient Roman length of empire; 'we came, we saw, we conquered.' In the wake of the Roman Legion came peace.

I don't know if America has the credibility among nations anymore to be taken seriously when we talk about supporting emerging democracies around the world...

..when we propped up monsters like the Shah of Iran and even toppled fairly elected governments because we didn't like what the voice of the people said.
I do wish it were that simple, but there will always be people who won't hesitate to use violence in their pursuit of power. Unless we stand up to them, we'll lose our freedoms.

I can see eyebrows rising everywhere, because this seems pretty hard right of my usual political stances- but in order to have a peaceful world, we need to stop those who'd ruin that peace.

Veni, vidi, vici; the ancient Roman length of empire; 'we came, we saw, we conquered.' In the wake of the Roman Legion came peace.

I don't know if America has the credibility among nations anymore to be taken seriously when we talk about supporting emerging democracies around the world...

..when we propped up monsters like the Shah of Iran and even toppled fairly elected governments because we didn't like what the voice of the people said.

I don't think America has any credibility for anything other than being a big bully. Like you said the way it's military destabilized adequate systems is pretty BS. I don't see it as a challenge of who will be the next threat to the country and how we will stop it...but more of a challenge of how are we going to wake everyone up to the fact that the war on terror is complete fabrication by none other than those who are determined to fight it...
The Muslim Apologists out in force...

You people say "these terrorists are not representative of Muslims".

In fact if you read their book and the history of Mecca and Medina, you'll find the peaceful ones aren't representative of Muslims.
I mean this in the nicest way possible; you really, REALLY need to educate yourself about what's actually happening on the ground in places you talk about, and until you do we won't find any common ground.

You see, I feel in the world of verifiable fact. You're in the land of opinion and conjecture. Worse, you've no idea of those facts, so you're understandably confused.

Aljazeera.com will be a window to a world Faux Spews would have you believe doesn't exist. Spend some time there and then we'll talk.

AlJazeera is your news hero? Al Gore must be your verifiable source of global information. Global warming is causing this terrorism, too?

Where are your verifiable facts? There have been several wars in the recent history over the piece of land known as "palestine", but there has never been a palestine with a palestinian leader. In fact, the last one was an egyptian. Maybe you should learn more about history before you claim to know the present.

Either way, the palestinians keep shooting their slingshots over at israel and israel responds with guided missiles. Sorry they don't get any help from one of their many allies surrounding the jewish people. If Canada started shooting shit at us over Alaska, you better believe we would fight for it.

There will be no peace. Not in this world, not during this age. Man cannot figure out peace.
The thing that baffles me about terrorists in general is why they attack the general population. They fill the definition of terrorist nicely but what exactly does it change to better there cause. So the opposing populous are now subjected to a more scrutinized life and that government is forced to spend money to "secure" there populous. Still it brings more misery to there home land. It seems to me it would be a better approach to sit back industrialize build slowly and kinda hit your enemys Germany style. This little shit they do did nothing but bring misery to themselves and to a population that has so little control over there governments decisions. These tactics are almost as bad a voting Democrat or Republican. Two sides of the same corrupt crappy coin.
The thing that baffles me about terrorists in general is why they attack the general population. They fill the definition of terrorist nicely but what exactly does it change to better there cause. So the opposing populous are now subjected to a more scrutinized life and that government is forced to spend money to "secure" there populous. Still it brings more misery to there home land. It seems to me it would be a better approach to sit back industrialize build slowly and kinda hit your enemys Germany style. This little shit they do did nothing but bring misery to themselves and to a population that has so little control over there governments decisions. These tactics are almost as bad a voting Democrat or Republican. Two sides of the same corrupt crappy coin.
Should just nuke the entire place.

Problem solved for future generations.

Think of the children...
Should just nuke the entire place.

Problem solved for future generations.

Think of the children...

You know the funny thing and I've said it for years is they can only afford to do these things because we buy oil from them. Wonder what it would be like if the world's governments had spent the trillions of dollars wasted on these wars on alternative fuel research and development? At the end of the day they would be broke as hell if it weren't for us buying there oil.
Another terrorist explosed today near Paris...she is dead!! And 2 of her friends too...it's not the end...!
Crazy bastard!
Our defense industry is owned by the same people who have bought our government. They support this blatant hijacking of the US Constitution by funding Fox News (referred to in my postings most often as 'Faux Spews' because they WON a court case defending their right to lie to the American public!) and financially supporting all manner of religious and racist propaganda supporting Israel's apartheid and genocide policies.

Israel lost its best chance for redemption when ONE ITS OWN murdered Yitzak Rabin. Now Bibi Yet-Another-Yahoo is doing the Ariel Sharon dance of denying responsibility for the genocide he supports and fuels.

But I'm just an ignorant American. What do I know of middle eastern politics? o_O

He came out of the closet last election..