Need help choosing LED

And here, I don't need to be an asshole either, but if you want info on UVB and its effects on trichomes.... well scholar away. role in trichome&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0CBoQgQMwAGoVChMI7MaBgN6ayQIVQqgeCh0zGwRR

And for the record, I did open up with my experience being anecdotal evidence before this became a school lesson bunch of bs. I only highly recommend UV, I don't give a shit where you get it from. Rainbows from your asses for all I care.
UV radiation is part of the electromagnetic (light) spectrum that reaches the earth from the sun. It has wavelengths shorter than visible light, making it invisible to the naked eye. These wavelengths are classified as UVA, UVB, or UVC, with UVA the longest of the three at 320-400 nanometers (nm, or billionths of a meter). UVA is further divided into two wave ranges, UVA I, which measures 340-400 nanometers (nm, or billionths of a meter), and UVA II which extends from 320-340 nanometers. UVB ranges from 290 to 320 nm.

They are not those nm's you suggest....they are probably more in the realm of 410-420nm which is just UV-A, a blacklight.....

UV diodes in the 320-380 are hard to produce for any manufacturer, let alone CHEAP LED light companies that only exist to make a buck....

The Good led companies haven't even started playing around with UV photo-biology yet...Because real deal is EXpensive, not Cheap.....and definitely has a datasheet to reveal spectrum characteristics....

You're always right I guess..... look man, the Chinese have been mass producing diodes for the laser industry like candy for years now. You think these LEDs for lights are any different? Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it isn't being done.

Go buy a hollandstar and stick your eyeballs under it and tell me that isn't arc eye, guy.
and plants still uptake UV-b in greater amounts than UV-A, irregardless of overall percentage of overall light...


Do you know what a datasheet is? Show me the datasheets of each and every one of those UV diodes you listed.....when you find one that is actually list the specific NM range IN the datasheet, not just makes the "claim"....then I will bow...

THIS IS WHAT Seperates the LED wheat from the chaff....Great companies [TastyLED, HeavenBright, PLC, Area51, Johnson Growlights, etc] use quality components with known commodities....Cree/Bridgelux Vero/ Meanwell.....

All this cheap shit lack datasheets and only "claim" to be something....I can sell air guitars on Ebay too, its not illegal.

just because it says 380nm proves nothing...Just like my postings....Who gives a fuck what I say. Go look it up and prove me wrong...nothing but ambigous "UV" diodes....when they list the specific nm..then ring me....

That's what I am trying to tell some as experienced you, who won't listen....

I build LED fixtures from scratch, I have nothing to prove. I put in the work to understand and hopefully pass on.....

Funny, how thin of skin do people have? when they are ambiguously referred to as "Not knowing any better" and re-inforcing that claim with bluster.....Im sorry that Mars are a ripoff in imvho.....There are literally hundreds of threads explaining why...

Wander over to the LED section and see what happens :peace:
All this cheap shit lack datasheets and only "claim" to be something....I can sell air guitars on Ebay too, its not illegal.
All this cheap shit lack datasheets and only "claim" to be something....I can sell air guitars on Ebay too, its not illegal.
and plants still uptake UV-b in greater amounts than UV-A, irregardless of overall percentage of overall light...


Do you know what a datasheet is? Show me the datasheets of each and every one of those UV diodes you listed.....when you find one that is actually list the specific NM range IN the datasheet, not just makes the "claim"....then I will bow...

THIS IS WHAT Seperates the LED wheat from the chaff....Great companies [TastyLED, HeavenBright, PLC, Area51, Johnson Growlights, etc] use quality components with known commodities....Cree/Bridgelux Vero/ Meanwell.....

All this cheap shit lack datasheets and only "claim" to be something....I can sell air guitars on Ebay too, its not illegal.

just because it says 380nm proves nothing...Just like my postings....Who gives a fuck what I say. Go look it up and prove me wrong...nothing but ambigous "UV" diodes....when they list the specific nm..then ring me....

That's what I am trying to tell some as experienced you, who won't listen....

I build LED fixtures from scratch, I have nothing to prove. I put in the work to understand and hopefully pass on.....

Funny, how thin of skin do people have? when they are ambiguously referred to as "Not knowing any better" and re-inforcing that claim with bluster.....Im sorry that Mars are a ripoff in imvho.....There are literally hundreds of threads explaining why...

Wander over to the LED section and see what happens :peace:

Why should I go looking for datasheets when it clearly states the NM ranges on the damn things. Canada has laws against false advertising and if Blackstars are falsely advertising, well shit then, get the lawyers. Like I said, go stick your damn eyeballs under one and tell me I'm wrong. I have been blasted numerous times with UV as a welder... my experience trumps your blah blah blah prove it nonsense.

Again, you think cheap means its bullshit? You're so far up your own cob ass it isn't funny.

Oooh look, blackstars have 380nm LED diodes.... man you have lost all credibility.

Blackstar....:) you crack me up.......They haven't changed their light tech since they 1st came out nearly 6-7 years ago....Have Led's changed since then? at all?

I mean they use a "3w" diode that again, like Mars is less than 20% efficiency usually and has a vF of 1.9 or so, and they are ran at a higher current and Blackstar's don't have a Functional Heatsink....they use an aluminum plate with No Fins....

Guys its all out there on the Search....I hate to break old news...Not bashing your tech...but the "better" stuff is Very Affordable and things change, I suggest y'all do the same as well. :peace:
Why should I go looking for datasheets when it clearly states the NM ranges on the damn things. Canada has laws against false advertising and if Blackstars are falsely advertising, well shit then, get the lawyers. Like I said, go stick your damn eyeballs under one and tell me I'm wrong. I have been blasted numerous times with UV as a welder... my experience trumps your blah blah blah prove it nonsense.

Again, you think cheap means its bullshit? You're so far up your own cob ass it isn't funny.

I use NON CoB leds too, So whats your point...Again you can't attack the message, only the messenger :) ...Yes, it is False advertising........You must own a DropShip Led company, that's my guess.

can't convince the blind, can't argue with a fool, because then we have 2 fools.

Hop over to the LED forum and ask your questions or bluster away appropriately......Its all about the Photon's...err I mean lumens :)
Umm A datasheet claries that the range [You know like the photo you posted earlier of light] of light, has actually been placed under a spectrometer and defined as such NM....brilliant...That's why they fucking exist @420PyRoS....They are the proof...Not the banner that SELLS the mechanism...that's called Advertising and yes it can be deceitful.
Umm A datasheet claries that the range [You know like the photo you posted earlier of light] of light, has actually been placed under a spectrometer and defined as such NM....brilliant...That's why they fucking exist @420PyRoS....They are the proof...Not the banner that SELLS the mechanism...that's called Advertising and yes it can be deceitful.

Well I'll just have to see if I can get a spectrometer reading. Seeing as I've used them before.
Here is a datasheet of a non cob Led I like to work with...the Cree Xp-E 730nm...

Datasheets are integral for electrical engineering, from a simple LM217 Texas Instruments voltage regulator [$.97] to the most expensive piece of of electrical instrumentation, has a datasheet, which is it's "bible"....when it doesn't you have to actually Physically test the Diodes, to make sure they ARE what they claim, simple as that.......what is the vF curve, how much current can be used reliably and long term, resistance characterists...everything needed to build an electric component from scratch is in a datasheet, LED's are no different...but cheap LED's have a bad name and will continue if they drop their practices.... Components and Modules/XLamp/Data and Binning/XLampXPe.pdf
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Lets talk about cob's too...

They are made from Mono [NM specific] LED diodes, that are then covered with a phosphor that changes the blue light diodes into White Light, more full spectrum....So CoB's are just more efficienct mono diodes, that's it..:)

Actual die manufacturers in facts will hoard the quality blue diodes to make the COB setup's while releasing for sale sub standard NM diodes, at least sub-standard for horicultural world and RQE diagrams :)
And yes the datasheet is mostly blah blah also. You need to understand different countries, different regulations.