3 months, still cant pass piss test. advice needed


Hey guys. having a bit of a problem here.

Jan 2015 - march 2015 I was 100% clean.

smoked shatter from March 2015 to Aug 15th 2015. maybe .5g a day. nothing too crazy. I quit for 6 weeks, had 1 bong hoot of bunk, and its been 6 more weeks since. pretty much in 3 months ive had 1 small hoot.

I am still not even close to being able to pass a piss test.

ive drank 20 or so jugs of cranberry juice, and a detox drink a week ago to "speed things up" still no good.

ive got 2 diff piss test self strips. one basic ones. and the others are 200ng/ml 100ng/ml 50ng/ml and 20ng/ml all in one test. I cant even pass the 200ng/ml test.

I spoke to a guy at the bong store when buying the detox drink, and he recommended seeing a doctor as I could have fatty liver disease. it kinda scared me.

I do drink a ton of milk if that matters. almost a gallon a day. not sure if that matters or makes things worse. and im not much of a major water drinker (bad, I know) although I do drink water a little.

im also not very active recently. 6'2 and 210 lbs so im not over weight, a little chubby in the gut though due to years of bad eating and not being very active.

anyways, its been 3 months and Im still not pissing clean. not even close. whats going on?

anyone else ever had this?

any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated

why exactly are you drinking a gallon of milk a day? ...
either than that i say use the search bar we get 2-5 of these questions per week easily.
I love it, been drinking a gallon a day for the last 10 years or so. on a bad day ill only have half a gallon. chug it like water. 2L at supper like its nothing. but thats besides the point.

but 3 months.. is that normal?? seems WAY too long. I cant see you getting 2-5 guys a week who cant piss clean after 3 months.
Hey guys. having a bit of a problem here.

Jan 2015 - march 2015 I was 100% clean.

smoked shatter from March 2015 to Aug 15th 2015. maybe .5g a day. nothing too crazy. I quit for 6 weeks, had 1 bong hoot of bunk, and its been 6 more weeks since. pretty much in 3 months ive had 1 small hoot.

I am still not even close to being able to pass a piss test.

ive drank 20 or so jugs of cranberry juice, and a detox drink a week ago to "speed things up" still no good.

ive got 2 diff piss test self strips. one basic ones. and the others are 200ng/ml 100ng/ml 50ng/ml and 20ng/ml all in one test. I cant even pass the 200ng/ml test.

I spoke to a guy at the bong store when buying the detox drink, and he recommended seeing a doctor as I could have fatty liver disease. it kinda scared me.

I do drink a ton of milk if that matters. almost a gallon a day. not sure if that matters or makes things worse. and im not much of a major water drinker (bad, I know) although I do drink water a little.

im also not very active recently. 6'2 and 210 lbs so im not over weight, a little chubby in the gut though due to years of bad eating and not being very active.

anyways, its been 3 months and Im still not pissing clean. not even close. whats going on?

anyone else ever had this?

any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated

Fatty liver disease? Lol what's your weight?
I love it, been drinking a gallon a day for the last 10 years or so. on a bad day ill only have half a gallon. chug it like water. 2L at supper like its nothing. but thats besides the point.

but 3 months.. is that normal?? seems WAY too long. I cant see you getting 2-5 guys a week who cant piss clean after 3 months.
its just the same questions , so if you use the search bar youll find more information
its a pretty "dead" time on forum for most of our users, so you should help yourself by reading the same thing we tell all users and other various goodies that could help your cause while waiting for answers

Fatty liver disease? Lol what's your weight?
210 he said put down the wine :p
I love it, been drinking a gallon a day for the last 10 years or so. on a bad day ill only have half a gallon. chug it like water. 2L at supper like its nothing. but thats besides the point.

but 3 months.. is that normal?? seems WAY too long. I cant see you getting 2-5 guys a week who cant piss clean after 3 months.

I knew guys who were positive for 6 months plus...

in rehab 1st...then they kept checking them at work...still hot at 6 months, in decline but still shows

Good luck.
Hey guys. having a bit of a problem here.

Jan 2015 - march 2015 I was 100% clean.

smoked shatter from March 2015 to Aug 15th 2015. maybe .5g a day. nothing too crazy. I quit for 6 weeks, had 1 bong hoot of bunk, and its been 6 more weeks since. pretty much in 3 months ive had 1 small hoot.

I am still not even close to being able to pass a piss test.

ive drank 20 or so jugs of cranberry juice, and a detox drink a week ago to "speed things up" still no good.

ive got 2 diff piss test self strips. one basic ones. and the others are 200ng/ml 100ng/ml 50ng/ml and 20ng/ml all in one test. I cant even pass the 200ng/ml test.

I spoke to a guy at the bong store when buying the detox drink, and he recommended seeing a doctor as I could have fatty liver disease. it kinda scared me.

I do drink a ton of milk if that matters. almost a gallon a day. not sure if that matters or makes things worse. and im not much of a major water drinker (bad, I know) although I do drink water a little.

im also not very active recently. 6'2 and 210 lbs so im not over weight, a little chubby in the gut though due to years of bad eating and not being very active.

anyways, its been 3 months and Im still not pissing clean. not even close. whats going on?

anyone else ever had this?

any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated



The markers that are used to detect thc lives in your fat cells..the more fat you have the longer it takes..stop wasting your money and drop the $45 for synthetic..nothing better than anxiety free drug test..heat it and stick under your balls (or bra) it will stay perfect temp no matter how long you have to wait at test facility.
Quick Fix Plus with urea 3oz is what I use.

Good luck!
At the link I posted the kit comes with a hand warmer, three refills of synthetic pee, and three test strips for temp
Most people fail faked drug tests because of the temp of the pee being too high or low. With that kit you just test it b4 you pour it in the cup to make sure its the right temp.
At the link I posted the kit comes with a hand warmer, three refills of synthetic pee, and three test strips for temp
Most people fail faked drug tests because of the temp of the pee being too high or low. With that kit you just test it b4 you pour it in the cup to make sure its the right temp.

I just microwave it 8-10 seconds and between the girls it goes! Never a temp problem with that method.
yeah not a fan of synthetic. ive used a whizzinator for years. anxiety is not the word id describe when using the whizzinator. butterflies in my stomach is an understatement. I think ive used it nearly 15 times in 5 years and only had 1 fail due to low temp. few close calls thats for sure.

I wanted to do this one legit for once and kept telling myself "1 more week" ... well ive told myself that 6 times now. since week 6. and ive given up. today I finally set up the piss test to go back to work, cant keep sitting here losing thousands of dollars wiating to pass with my own piss for once. drove to the testing place and got my gf to piss in a bottle, filled the whizzinator, went in and dumped it. the cup was very thick, didnt wanna quite make the temp strip to green. worried me but she passed me anyways and didnt mention anything.

a trick I use is while filling the cup, hold that temp strip with your hand, then blow hot air on it before opening the door to give it a boost.