Real Organics

Heres my contribution. 3 barley fed plants on left, barley top dressed and barley tea'd once. 3 plants plain water on right. Not too impressive so far. I've did aloe and coconut water as well and will probably switch over to plain watering.

the pool... GREAT IDEA. i use mine to mix soil... but never thought to use it as a bed! nice :) blumats are a solid move in that as well. when i move next year, and have to rent a house while i attend classes, i might do exactly what you are doing. i'll just veg and bloom in the same tent to have a smaller grow. excellent!
Cool thread.. I'm trying to get away from bottles as much as possible in my organic grow section. Took me a bit to get through the thread.. entertaining and educational.

Thumbs up for having other plants.

Thought I would share some info on inoculants, one way to get variety in your culture is to get dirt from different places, like the woods to add other microlife like paramecium, to help with the balance of your microlife. Ive been adding dirt from the forests here, and have noticed the teas has taken on a darker and different aroma.

Good work on the thread!.. Keep it up!.
I'm debating ordering the starter kit. It only comes with 5 blumat sensors. Is that going to be enough for the 4 20gallon fabrics or should I have 2 blumat in each fabric?

yeah you need to have 2 in each 20 gal for sure. otherwise the sides don't stay saturated as good. i have 2 20 gals with cooking soil that each have only one maxi in them, and it's doing fine for the center of the pot, but the outsides are suffering, i'm gonna have to start hand watering the outsides of those ones.

the 2 20 gals i have with living mulch in them each have 2 maxis, and are doing much better with moisture content. it would almost be nice to have 3 sensors in each one.....

Blumat Deck and Planter Box Kit - Longs this was a way better deal than what they offer on the website lol.
Cool thread.. I'm trying to get away from bottles as much as possible in my organic grow section. Took me a bit to get through the thread.. entertaining and educational.

Thumbs up for having other plants.

Thought I would share some info on inoculants, one way to get variety in your culture is to get dirt from different places, like the woods to add other microlife like paramecium, to help with the balance of your microlife. Ive been adding dirt from the forests here, and have noticed the teas has taken on a darker and different aroma.

Good work on the thread!.. Keep it up!.
Welcome and thanks for the kind words. The forest floor litter is a great source for microbials. In the past I've collected lots of humus and spongy logs that I've found. That was some of the best soil I have ever grown in. Mother nature gets it right every time!
yeah you need to have 2 in each 20 gal for sure. otherwise the sides don't stay saturated as good. i have 2 20 gals with cooking soil that each have only one maxi in them, and it's doing fine for the center of the pot, but the outsides are suffering, i'm gonna have to start hand watering the outsides of those ones.

the 2 20 gals i have with living mulch in them each have 2 maxis, and are doing much better with moisture content. it would almost be nice to have 3 sensors in each one.....

Blumat Deck and Planter Box Kit - Longs this was a way better deal than what they offer on the website lol.

Ok that's what I figured. I saw those longs too. Those are the ones that really interested me since the 20 gal fabrics are around 16"deep and cannabis has a "dual" moisture preference. Top to middle is and should always be 50% dryer than the middle to bottom. The tap root is the main water supply, and the side roots are more for 02 and nutrient.

I can only keep 4 plants at most out of the 8, so hopefully I get more fems than males, but I WILL be collecting pollen from the boys before they're mulched or fermented in the bokashi buckets.

How's the dial in process with the blumats? Pain in the ass or easier than you thought?
Ok that's what I figured. I saw those longs too. Those are the ones that really interested me since the 20 gal fabrics are around 16"deep and cannabis has a "dual" moisture preference. Top to middle is and should always be 50% dryer than the middle to bottom. The tap root is the main water supply, and the side roots are more for 02 and nutrient.

I can only keep 4 plants at most out of the 8, so hopefully I get more fems than males, but I WILL be collecting pollen from the boys before they're mulched or fermented in the bokashi buckets.

How's the dial in process with the blumats? Pain in the ass or easier than you thought?

not a PITA but they don't really provide a ton of instruction. just had to feel it out.

ok, so they tell you to use a squirter thing for the caps to get the air out. just open them in a 5gal bucket of water and shake the caps and you'll get every bubble of air out of the system. then you close them up and put them in the soil.

they also recommend you thoroughly water in the soil before installing the blumats... i dont believe you have to do it thoroughly, just make sure it's the moisture level that you want it to be. if you thoroughly water it in (like to the point it almost drips) that's too much moisture, and you're setting the sensor for that moisture content.

to combat the problem i mentioned above, i have been dialing back my blumat dripper so that it hasn't been watering and my soil has had a chance to dry up a little bit. they would start to drip, and i would shut them back to hold the drip of water again. when i felt like the soil was where i thought it should be at for moisture level, i let them continue to drip. IMO they are now dialed in. I did it completely by feel, i dont have a moisture meter or anything fancy like you do ;) I don't think you'll have a problem dialing them in if you pay attention to the things i mentioned above.
not a PITA but they don't really provide a ton of instruction. just had to feel it out.

ok, so they tell you to use a squirter thing for the caps to get the air out. just open them in a 5gal bucket of water and shake the caps and you'll get every bubble of air out of the system. then you close them up and put them in the soil.

they also recommend you thoroughly water in the soil before installing the blumats... i dont believe you have to do it thoroughly, just make sure it's the moisture level that you want it to be. if you thoroughly water it in (like to the point it almost drips) that's too much moisture, and you're setting the sensor for that moisture content.

to combat the problem i mentioned above, i have been dialing back my blumat dripper so that it hasn't been watering and my soil has had a chance to dry up a little bit. they would start to drip, and i would shut them back to hold the drip of water again. when i felt like the soil was where i thought it should be at for moisture level, i let them continue to drip. IMO they are now dialed in. I did it completely by feel, i dont have a moisture meter or anything fancy like you do ;) I don't think you'll have a problem dialing them in if you pay attention to the things i mentioned above.
Awesome, thanks a bunch. The moisture meter completely slipped my mind. Lol good call.
As Rrog says wit blumats not quoting what he has done is use 1 xlblumat in a bigger pot ( like my 15 gal for ex) put blumat on 1 side of pot and run hose w a "t" fitting to split the water a few diff ways to opposite side of pot to get water through out pot. So you use 1 blumat instead of 2 or more
I believe they call those distribution drippers. Those should help distribute water to more surface area. Im not sure you can find the size T fittings since blumat likes to make special sizes.

Nice dude! They dont look bad at all. Im sure they will explode in growth after that aloe and coconut. Nice branch spacing and even leaf size, all traits of healthy plants!! I love that pool idea, its crossed my mind far too many times.
Thanks. I just transplanted them about a week ago from my veg box and they have just started taking off so the bottoms of each plant aren't as bushed out. I'm really loving the pool, it holds its shape really well. The sides have a gap between the soil and pool so some air gets in between there. I dont have drainage holes but have never had a problem, you can sort of feel when the plants should need to be watered. Very cheap and effective IMO. Looks good too bongsmilie
the pool... GREAT IDEA. i use mine to mix soil... but never thought to use it as a bed! nice :) blumats are a solid move in that as well. when i move next year, and have to rent a house while i attend classes, i might do exactly what you are doing. i'll just veg and bloom in the same tent to have a smaller grow. excellent!
Thanks. These blumats make me sleep better at night, especially in the pool with no drainage. I mixed my soil in there as well since I'm limited in space. If you can have 1 long tent and seperate so you have 2 areas, you can just veg and bloom in the same bed. Plants never get moved, one blumat system, and roots get to explode from the get go with no transplanting or limit to space. I love it. I plan on doing that when I move as well. Will save a ton of time, especially when you dont have to brew any teas if your plants are growing good and soil is alive. You can also run all your amendments in your compost or worm bin. Then top dress and let the blumats do its thing so you can make your nutes available faster. I'm a firm believe that big beds and consistent soil moisture = big yields. Not comparable to hydro in growth speed but damn near in terms of yield. It might've been the coconut, aloe and SST I was using though.
As Rrog says wit blumats not quoting what he has done is use 1 xlblumat in a bigger pot ( like my 15 gal for ex) put blumat on 1 side of pot and run hose w a "t" fitting to split the water a few diff ways to opposite side of pot to get water through out pot. So you use 1 blumat instead of 2 or more
I was on amazon last night and saw those. I like the dripper idea alot. I was also browsing and saw that the is now a 16" also. Not a bad idea to shove it through the side of the pot at the bottom, and have a 9" up top.
I have the filters, accumulator tank, check valves, pressure sensor switches, 200 psi aquatec pump. I was really thinking about making a fertilizer doser to add on where i can add diluted FPE at 1/8 strength and just use my whole ro system to power the blumats. FERTIGATION is what I'm saying.
I saw they want almost $800 for a pressure system kit.
I was on amazon last night and saw those. I like the dripper idea alot. I was also browsing and saw that the is now a 16" also. Not a bad idea to shove it through the side of the pot at the bottom, and have a 9" up top.
I have not ran them yet . I purchased them but then found out the wife was prego so did not want to start another grow with a newborn here. The room I build is on outside of house on back porch. Were I built my room the extra room (newborns room) windows leads into grow room. My room is sealed So i run c02. I Cant have c02 creeping into the newbies rooms. I had a problem with the room building pressure and the air in room would be pushed into the house as well as smell
I am a complete fucking moron!
I had completely forgot that I turned on the ozone bulb and it went all night. The seedlings are very badly damaged.
Bad news is they are very stressed and showing their anger. They have cupped very badly and have a bronze hue with necrosis.
Good news is they will recover. I guess the strongest will survive. I just hope I didn't make them all males. But I have plenty more beans if they dont.
I feel like a total idiot. Complete noob move. Smh1448124485103.jpg
Also a side note, it's not the soil being to hot that's causing them to cup. They're cupping because the ozone damaged the tissue and compromised the plants ability to transpire. They're trying to maximize the surface area to help remove water.
Only 1 seedling wasn't affected like the rest.
I checked on the clones, and to my suprise, (tomatoes) have root nodules. 6 days today. Last night I rolled through to my buddies house and took a peak at the auto I gifted him. It's doing OK I guess, not what I'd consider on par, but ok. So i took a cutting from the very lowest branch that wasn't flowering as much as the rest. Threw it in the cloner in hopes to get some roots. I hope I can get some roots off it and then hit it with some T mist and reverse it to pollinate the mother donor.

I always use EM serum to clone. Not only does it prevent any nasties like rot, but it is loaded with enzymes and I have always had very high success rates regardless of ph and temperature. The enzymes guarantee zero mush. They feed on it and keep the unrooted cuts clean and healthy. So when I checked on them this morning I saw bubbles/foam. This is great, but I'm not sure why bit took so long.

Most of the readers will think this is bad, but I assure it's a very good thing to have. The bubbles are filled with disolve 02 and pop on the stems and roots. It's a direct inoculation and keeps consistent contact with microbes, enzymes, oxygen, moisture and hormones, and this is what encourages roots!20151122_062952.jpg20151122_063120.jpg 20151122_063008.jpg 20151122_063512.jpg
I like to tape off and seal any unused collars to eliminate ANY light or evaporation. Just my preference.