What is the Highest LP price for a gram you've seen or paid ?? WOW !!! REALLY !!!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Seriously though, it'd be nice to see all the killer 0.50$/g stuff you smoke/vape/cook/extract/shove up your ass with.

im not covered at all. Out of pocket my dear hippy
I don't have a problem with anyone insured. Why would I ? What I didn't like was the comment by an insured member on here grinding it into our asses how our taxes go to pay for his LP weed. An insured person really has not got the same interest in this as those who pay for their own. Like you.
Getting it free and paying are opposite ends of the playing field.

johny sunset

Well-Known Member
how's it taste., all the same by chance? maybe a slight difference?
How bout smell...does it destroy homes?

It's great you can afford your high priced meds.
No, each strain has a totally different bouquet and taste. When I open the jar and grind it up it wreaks up the room. IMO they produce some of the best cannabis I've come across.

I sure wish I was fortunate enough to try some of your $1/g amazing meds tho.

Maybe you could bless our eyeballs with a picture ?
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