Sanders explains what democratic socialism is

I think many people have a pretty deep misunderstanding of the presidential office itself.. One single person can't accomplish everything, the pressure put on the executive office is, in my opinion, pretty unfounded.. The president's job, as the top executive, is to enforce the laws congress makes. Our current congress, and the congress that has presided over the Obama administration is a complete failure. 60 failed attempts to eradicate the affordable care act in the name of politics is simply disgusting. Republican politicians unyielding support for throwing their own constituents off of a healthcare plan even though the majority of them support it shows a total lack of information among the base and a total lack of respect from congress.

If everyone understood the actual facts, this entire country would be blue. Republicans have been working diligently to obfuscate those facts into a kind of fairytale reality
I've been thinking of calling myself a 'social democrat', because I think social programs are a necessary and appropriate part of living in a modern first world country.

Those who think that they needn't support their fellow citizens through health care, education and social safety net programs- or even fire and police protection- I shall henceforth refer to in aggregate as quite simply 'anti-social!'

It's a cutesy label, glib- yet the implication is one of selfishness and greed. Perfect!
That's how I felt about Ron. And I believe he had the internal fortitude to at least try.

The left is marginalizing Sanders like the right did to RP.

So don't let them (marginalize).

How did Obama get elected..said it would never happen..

Speculation, speculation..what's front page fodder is them controlling you..don't righties hate to be controlled and told what to think..yet you succumb to this daily.

I think we are on our 7th refugee thread..:lol:
So don't let them (marginalize).

How did Obama get elected..said it would never happen..

Speculation, speculation..what's front page fodder is them controlling you..don't righties hate to be controlled and told what to think..yet you succumb to this daily.

I think we are on our 7th refugee thread..:lol:
I like you schuy, but I think you're far too idealistic in this fight. Sanders will not win, it doesn't matter what we do as individuals, you have to understand the power of money in politics. This, I feel, you are neglecting to accept. Candidates can't win without the money to back them and Sanders doesn't have big money backers.

After this election, don't lose hope. The battle for the 28th amendment is much more important than the presidency. After we get money out of politics, candidates like Sanders will be able to win based on their platform.
I like you schuy, but I think you're far too idealistic in this fight. Sanders will not win, it doesn't matter what we do as individuals, you have to understand the power of money in politics. This, I feel, you are neglecting to accept. Candidates can't win without the money to back them and Sanders doesn't have big money backers.

After this election, don't lose hope. The battle for the 28th amendment is much more important than the presidency. After we get money out of politics, candidates like Sanders will be able to win based on their platform.

Why don't we get money out now by a show of true grassroots the old fashioned earning it.

You are one of the most intellegent men on this board Pada..when do numbers lie? When do they not add up? when they are reported incorrectly..see Romney landslide.

I have faith in 'we the people' and you should too..
Why don't we get money out now by a show of true grassroots the old fashioned earning it.

You are one of the most intellegent men on this board Pada..when do numbers lie? When do they not add up? when they are reported incorrectly..see Romney landslide.

I have faith in 'we the people' and you should too..
I have faith in the people, just not in the process. If this election took place as the founders intended, Sanders would be our next president. But special interests have co-opted the election process in their favor. The same reason the 1% pay 39% (on the books) in income tax instead of 91% is the same reason people like Sanders can't win. That's not an accident, you know it as well as I do. Rich people bribe the government to represent their interests, this shit has been going on successfully since the Reagan administration.

We're at the forefront of another movement in American history that will be taught in history books. The most effective weapon we can wield in this fight is knowledge.
I have faith in the people, just not in the process. If this election took place as the founders intended, Sanders would be our next president. But special interests have co-opted the election process in their favor. The same reason the 1% pay 39% (on the books) in income tax instead of 91% is the same reason people like Sanders can't win. That's not an accident, you know it as well as I do. Rich people bribe the government to represent their interests, this shit has been going on successfully since the Reagan administration.

We're at the forefront of another movement in American history that will be taught in history books. The most effective weapon we can wield in this fight is knowledge.

I hate to sound like a rightie and be hard headed..everything you say is true..silence is OUR weapon.. we work behind the scenes..47% vid.

We're a long ways off and far from money all in..there's still Hollywood and Silicon Valley..

Then there's the people..I witnessed voter suppression here and the pushback..refusal to get out of the line, black white brown, hours AFTER Obama was announced over the projected Romney landslide yet it was an Obama landslide right down to the very end.

Have faith that the people will carry out the process.
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I hate to sound like a rightie and be hard headed..everything you say is true..silence is OUR weapon.

We're a long ways off and far from money all in..there's still Hollywood and Silicon Valley..

Then there's the people..I witnessed voter suppression here and the pushback..refusal to get out of the line, black white brown, hours AFTER Obama was announced over the projected Romney landslide yet it was an Obama landslide right down to the very end.

Have faith that the people will carry out the process.
I had faith in the people the last couple elections
That's how I felt about Ron. And I believe he had the internal fortitude to at least try.

The left is marginalizing Sanders like the right did to RP.
You do understand how Ron failed right? The people he surrounded himself with. The republican establishment changed rules to not even give him the few states he did win. The game is rigged. Every recent president has said one thing, and done another. Rand knows to play that game. Its a tough game to play. To have the wherewithal to have a political career requires insanity. He's not gonna win and he knows that. I think he recently has started focusing more on spreading the message of liberty, in the short time he does have. Look at how well the socialists and marx outnumber on here. Even in a subculture people still cant grasp what the military industrial complex does.
In your opinion, how is it rigged?

I also believe it's rigged. I'm wondering if this is something we can both agree on
there are a number of ways.

one way, well i cant repeat how its done, as it was a hacking article i read some time ago. during electronic voting there is an auditing system to make sure every vote can be accounted for. like i said to audit it. and that very mechanism is what was used to hack and change the votes to be whatever is wanted. it was a very elegant hack. this is our world now, the world of the electron, and the switch.
Notice who isn't mentioned at all?
I think many people have a pretty deep misunderstanding of the presidential office itself.. One single person can't accomplish everything, the pressure put on the executive office is, in my opinion, pretty unfounded.. The president's job, as the top executive, is to enforce the laws congress makes. Our current congress, and the congress that has presided over the Obama administration is a complete failure. 60 failed attempts to eradicate the affordable care act in the name of politics is simply disgusting. Republican politicians unyielding support for throwing their own constituents off of a healthcare plan even though the majority of them support it shows a total lack of information among the base and a total lack of respect from congress.

If everyone understood the actual facts, this entire country would be blue. Republicans have been working diligently to obfuscate those facts into a kind of fairytale reality

But that's because they use the book of Faerie just like the church to be supported and control their masses.

They leverage the fear of no afterlife so they manipulate you during this one.
I think many people have a pretty deep misunderstanding of the presidential office itself.. One single person can't accomplish everything, the pressure put on the executive office is, in my opinion, pretty unfounded.. The president's job, as the top executive, is to enforce the laws congress makes. Our current congress, and the congress that has presided over the Obama administration is a complete failure. 60 failed attempts to eradicate the affordable care act in the name of politics is simply disgusting. Republican politicians unyielding support for throwing their own constituents off of a healthcare plan even though the majority of them support it shows a total lack of information among the base and a total lack of respect from congress.

If everyone understood the actual facts, this entire country would be blue. Republicans have been working diligently to obfuscate those facts into a kind of fairytale reality

The ACA never should have been implemented in the form it was. When Obama realized a single payer solution was dead he should have moved on.

He's had plenty of opportunity to leave a great legacy. He screwed the pooch. He got caught up in what he said he wouldn't, "politics". He likes the ring of the word, just not the taste. He's just not any good at it.

When you think about it, the task he's failed miserably, the only one that mattered, was to figure out how to unite the nation.

People may not agree with great leaders, but they will respect them and honor them when they lead.
The ACA never should have been implemented in the form it was. When Obama realized a single payer solution was dead he should have moved on.

He's had plenty of opportunity to leave a great legacy. He screwed the pooch. He got caught up in what he said he wouldn't, "politics". He likes the ring of the word, just not the taste. He's just not any good at it.

When you think about it, the task he's failed miserably, the only one that mattered, was to figure out how to unite the nation.

People may not agree with great leaders, but they will respect them and honor them when they lead.
Your problem is you're too caught up in ideology to assess reality in an objective way

Every metric but the TEA party type of "conservatives" puts the Obama administration in the top teens for presidents

While presidents like Bush Sr. & Reagan reside in the 20s and W. is among the worst presidents of all time near the 35th position.. Going back even further, FDR takes top 3 with the New Deal and LBJ takes top 15 with the Great Society and war on poverty..

Seems like every time a president presides over a program that helps the American people, they tend to favor him..

Who would have thought...