Rooftop SE Asia

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Wow I love the look of your garden man! Looks very relaxing.

What do you think of my butter, did I mess it up? I used a pound of butter, cup of water, and half ounce of flower. I mixed that up in a crockpot and set it on low for about 7 hours. Heres the thing, I didn't check on it once.. probably should have. It was scorched on the bottom! Crock pot gets pretty warm on low I guess :/


Well-Known Member
Next time you need to stir every hour or so, possibly needing more water. I usuually flip mine on/off few times as it starts boiling when water is low. Anyway wont know until you try it. I no longer use butter, its all about coconut oil these days

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
And since Im a nutter I filled up the rest of my starter cups with 10 more. All I can say is, gardening is therapy.

2x CG Rainbow Jones
2x Karma Wheres My Bike
2x Norstar Genetics Sugar Kiss
2x Sincity Seeds Sinfully Sour
2x TGA Chernobyl

I gently pried around in the last wonder woman that still didnt pop. Seed was just cracking (or maybe it had cracked), so I gently covered and watered...but this avo I tossed a HSO 707 Headband in same 1 gallon. I know where both beans are centered so if WW does pop I can then decide where 1 of them goes.
Nice! I've been wanting to try NS Sugar Kiss so badly!!


Well-Known Member
Nice! I've been wanting to try NS Sugar Kiss so badly!!
Cool I had previously thrown a few down and just let them go maybe a bit haphazardly and they didnt like things but I am in the garden everyday now so they should take off. NS have some solid genetics