Well-Known Member
cause government propaganda has never been heard of. :: cough :: msnbc ::cough::
friends of johnny mc cain and the navy...???And the other 2 sources I supplied? Where is your source? Please supply so I can learn.
friends of johnny mc cain and the navy...???
that's too much like work and if people really care they will look it up themselves...this is rollitup...not lookitup...Where is your source? Please supply so I can learn.
At least you have your reasons....im not saying everyone thats old is racist....but truth is old white voters dont trust the guy....and think hes al queda or something....What you think obamas gonna take all your money and give it to hispanic and black mothers??? The truth is alot of taxes you pay dont just go to welfare cases.....they go to politicians, space programs, war, education, rodes, etc.....even poor, average, to lower class people have to pay taxes...while big corporations get tax breaks.....the way government works is we pay taxes, and in return the gov uses that money to make our lifes better(spend our money wisely).... you think all your money goes to welfare cases....think again....its the lower and midddle class people who make our economy function...while the rich make out like bandits on the sweat of their labor.....obama is for the working class and understands injustice...dont get confused hes not gonna take your life saving(2dollars)...he wants to take more taxes from the wealthy, corporations, and oligarchs....Mccain is for cutting the wealthiest taxes....and no body wants any of your measily tax dollars anyway....we want exon mobils 12 bilion dollar quarterly profits to pay for health care, education, and programs that create a better future..... obama 09So, if I hear what you're saying ... and I think I do, you think that older white people will be voting against O'Bama because he's black. In other words, in your mind, older folks (like me) are racists and that's the reason we would never vote for a black man, right?
To set the record straight, I, like jerseystoner, who posted above, am a Libertarian. With that said, I am VERY proud of the fact that I live in a country where I've seen overt racism exercised as though it was just a normal thing, to where we now have a black man with probably a 50/50 chance of becoming president. I'm proud our country has come this far.
Its not O'Bama's race that will prevent me from voting for him ... its his IDEAS. Its the fact that he, like all so called Progressives, place more importance on the collective rather than the rights of the individual. I exist for me. I exist for my family. I do not exist as a milk cow for others to suck off of my teats in order to gain the unearned. I believe in private charity, private education, private medical systems, whereby I can negotiate with and select my own doctors without bureaucratic interference. I abhor the Nanny State and the entitlement mentality it has created in my fellow citizens. In other words, I prefer liberty over collectivism, freedom over slavery and the free minds and free markets that come along with it. Its as simple as that.
At least you have your reasons....im not saying everyone thats old is racist....but truth is old white voters dont trust the guy....and think hes al queda or something....What you think obamas gonna take all your money and give it to hispanic and black mothers??? The truth is alot of taxes you pay dont just go to welfare cases.....they go to politicians, space programs, war, education, rodes, etc.....even poor, average, to lower class people have to pay taxes...while big corporations get tax breaks.....the way government works is we pay taxes, and in return the gov uses that money to make our lifes better(spend our money wisely).... you think all your money goes to welfare cases....think again....its the lower and midddle class people who make our economy function...while the rich make out like bandits on the sweat of their labor.....obama is for the working class and understands injustice...dont get confused hes not gonna take your life saving(2dollars)...he wants to take more taxes from the wealthy, corporations, and oligarchs....Mccain is for cutting the wealthiest taxes....and no body wants any of your measily tax dollars anyway....we want exon mobils 12 bilion dollar quarterly profits to pay for health care, education, and programs that create a better future..... obama 09
Lmao... stereotyping yourself aint cha?
Actually, I was really for Obama and he was getting my vote... UNTIL...
I started doing a research paper on the Akaka Bill, which has been trying to get passed since 1999. If passed, this Bill is going to let ANYONE with ONE DROP of Hawaiian Ancestory be independent from the US government, but still will be recieving funding (that we pay for) and will be being supported by the US (more money WE have to pay.) They also will not have to follow any laws or pay any taxes (more money)...I cant go to much in detail or Id be typing all day, but Obama supports this bill and has made statements that he wants the bill to pass. If passed it will be a race ran government.
Do your research, he doesnt know wtf he is doing.
Neither candidates are perfect, but choosing Obama could really harm us more than help.
Heres the link with proof that Obama is gonna support it : Office of Hawaiian Affairs - Obama supports Akaka Bill
At least you have your reasons....im not saying everyone thats old is racist....but truth is old white voters dont trust the guy....and think hes al queda or something....What you think obamas gonna take all your money and give it to hispanic and black mothers??? The truth is alot of taxes you pay dont just go to welfare cases.....they go to politicians, space programs, war, education, rodes, etc.....even poor, average, to lower class people have to pay taxes...while big corporations get tax breaks.....the way government works is we pay taxes, and in return the gov uses that money to make our lifes better(spend our money wisely).... you think all your money goes to welfare cases....think again....its the lower and midddle class people who make our economy function...while the rich make out like bandits on the sweat of their labor.....obama is for the working class and understands injustice...dont get confused hes not gonna take your life saving(2dollars)...he wants to take more taxes from the wealthy, corporations, and oligarchs....Mccain is for cutting the wealthiest taxes....and no body wants any of your measily tax dollars anyway....we want exon mobils 12 bilion dollar quarterly profits to pay for health care, education, and programs that create a better future..... obama 09
Right on.
One point I'd like to respectfully disagree with, however. THe "welfare queen" is thing of the past. The term was coined by the Reagan people who used it to great advantage in their rhetoric and campaigning. However, it was not until the Clinton administration, along with a Republican congress that "welfare reform" was enacted. It just about impossible for anyone to stay on public assistance for an entire life, or even a long time. All states except Michigan and Vermont now have strict time limits about how long someone can continue to receive aid; and even those two states have enacted reforms of their own.
That so many republicans and right-wing people are still so "worried" about their money being given away to "welfare queens" is testament to how uninformed they are, and how pervasive is the republican-neo/con message. It's pitiful that anyone from the lower socioeconomic realm, and even the middle class, to so fear this mythological welfare queen, when Wal Mart is probably the most egregious welfare queen of all.
Cutting taxes always sounds good. NO ONE likes to pay taxes. They are, unfortunately, a reality that we have to live with. What I'd like to see is all the lobbyists kicked out of Washington--no more campaign contributions from those with clout. That's it, just get them the hell out, and maybe, just maybe, we might see our tax dollars spent for the good of the people, rather than on all this pork we've seen, esp in this current administration. The waste in Washington of OUR taxes is absolutely despicable. Someone here mentioned bridges way, way back there. How is it that we've got bridges on the verge of falling down, but no money to pay off the incredible debts we've built up, and yet? A republican senator was able to tack on a $50 million bridge to NOWHERE in Alaska?
Taxes are a reality. Those at the top enjoy all that this country as to offer more so than those in the lower brackets; therefore, more of the burden should be shifted to them. Taxes suck, I think we can all agree on that, but those are the folks who can better afford them.
Its all about being responsible and owning up for your own actions... I got prego at 18, never once used financial aid, any type of assistance... I got my ass up and went to college and got a job. I walked, instead of drove, I ate nothing if I had to, to make sure my baby was fed... Now 10 years later, we are financially set and I have almost everything on my own. Without any free handouts from anyone.Great analysis of the "welfare queen"....I hear alot of righty people that arent as educated ,on the reality, mention this everytime... "I dont want all my money going to babymamas and broke people who dont want to work"....I dont want my money to go to to em either...however sometimes life throws you a curb ball....or doesnt give you a fair hand.... lets be real here, not everyone is as fortunate...
That is where you are wrong... Do some research... Hawaii hasnt had a race ran government since 1810-1816 when Kamehameha I was king. I lived there for 13+ years and have ancestors going back for 4 generations. Hawaii has been a multiculteral ran government since the 1800's.You mean like paying the Native Americans that we displaced when we took there lands???
We stole Hawaii from them. We had some people come over and grow some shit then next thing you know military comes over and there is a "Cout de Taut" (sorry if i spelt wrong) We imprisoned the queen and the only reason why she agreed to anything is b/c she was in prison......and she even said she agreed under protest.
Im not stereotyping ....Ive talked to people....I seen alot of my older white friends and older people in general take the same position against obama... Theres alot of propaganda out now....after all was said and done, it turned into a race election....now its un american to like like obama.... theyve demonized him....and most people are afraid ...cause hes black...and whats wrong with the hawaiian propositon...what do you hate hawaiins or something....who cares if the get a tax break.....Lmao... stereotyping yourself aint cha?
Actually, I was really for Obama and he was getting my vote... UNTIL...
I started doing a research paper on the Akaka Bill, which has been trying to get passed since 1999. If passed, this Bill is going to let ANYONE with ONE DROP of Hawaiian Ancestory be independent from the US government, but still will be recieving funding (that we pay for) and will be being supported by the US (more money WE have to pay.) They also will not have to follow any laws or pay any taxes (more money)...I cant go to much in detail or Id be typing all day, but Obama supports this bill and has made statements that he wants the bill to pass. If passed it will be a race ran government.
Do your research, he doesnt know wtf he is doing.
Neither candidates are perfect, but choosing Obama could really harm us more than help.
Heres the link with proof that Obama is gonna support it : Office of Hawaiian Affairs - Obama supports Akaka Bill