Please Help! Leaves rusting and drying from tips backwards


Well-Known Member
Please help!!

Ive been getting this on the odd leaf but now the plant is bigger its getting much worse. Its starts with slight bronzing on the leaves and then they dry from the tips backwards and become very brittle.

Plants are Animal Cookies x Super Skunk

Dimlux light set at 390w (18 on 6 off)

Temps 25 day at canopy, 18 night

Soil - Plant Magic Plus

Vegging for 1 month, havent fed yet.



Well-Known Member
It's difficult to tell what color your leaves are with the light on, pics should be taken with it off. Are they a healthy green in general? If not, you should feed. What are you ambient and canopy temperatures?

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Where are they getting their nutrients from if you are not feeding them? What are you growing in and what if anything is it ammended with? Because to me, when I was getting some N burn it looked like that. My ,"too much N" was coming from an inconsistent lotof FFOF. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
It's difficult to tell what color your leaves are with the light on, pics should be taken with it off. Are they a healthy green in general? If not, you should feed. What are you ambient and canopy temperatures?
Heres a pic in daylight. Ambient is 27, canopy 25



Well-Known Member
Where are they getting their nutrients from if you are not feeding them? What are you growing in and what if anything is it ammended with? Because to me, when I was getting some N burn it looked like that. My ,"too much N" was coming from an inconsistent lotof FFOF. Just saying.
They are in soil as stated
Soil - Plant Magic Plus
It claims to be quite nutritious so I thought they wouldn't need feeding at least for a while as they are in 25 litre pots.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
I overlooked the soil part, sorry. I didn't have time to investigate plant magic plus but you had better check its N content and product consistency because it looks like too much N or a cal mag issue.


Well-Known Member
I overlooked the soil part, sorry. I didn't have time to investigate plant magic plus but you had better check its N content and product consistency because it looks like too much N or a cal mag issue.
Ok cheers buddy, Cal Mag can be sorted with a bit of Epson salts right? BTW I have another plant. Purple Urkle x Super Skunk in exactly the same set up and no problems with that one. Ive treated them exactly the same throughout although the Animal Cookies x Super Skunk has grown much faster which could explain why its become nutrient deficient more quickly?


Well-Known Member
It could be a mag def you can just buy cal mag from the store. I've never heard of that stuff personally I stick to pro mix or sunshine mix #4, wouldn't use anything new that doesn't have a proven effectiveness

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Ok cheers buddy, Cal Mag can be sorted with a bit of Epson salts right? BTW I have another plant. Purple Urkle x Super Skunk in exactly the same set up and no problems with that one. Ive treated them exactly the same throughout although the Animal Cookies x Super Skunk has grown much faster which could explain why its become nutrient deficient more quickly?
Different genetic make up I presume. I have 3 o.g white fire , 3 white fire , 2 blue cheese and 2 chronic Thunder growing. All get fed and treated the exact same but 1 of my blue cheese exhibits a decent case of nute burn every time they get fed wich is every other watering or so depending on what the plants are saying. So this finicky ass has a modified feeding and watering schedule, different than all the rest. So, sometimes it's just a hereditary / genetic issue. I would not give your plants any N for the moment and get them the cal mag. I have heard the Epsom salts are good for magnesium right? But calcium too? I'm not familiar with using the salts that's why I use the liquid cal mag.


Well-Known Member
It could be a mag def you can just buy cal mag from the store. I've never heard of that stuff personally I stick to pro mix or sunshine mix #4, wouldn't use anything new that doesn't have a proven effectiveness
Thanks for the info. Gave them a full dose of these last night

In your experience, how long would you expect a cal mag deficiency to correct itself after treatment?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. Gave them a full dose of these last night

In your experience, how long would you expect a cal mag deficiency to correct itself after treatment?
Your soil is nutrient poor and depending on peat content the pH could be very low! Don't pH treat the water you use and get a feeding schedule going. You are growing soilless believe it or not as far as soil versus hydro considering your medium. The leaves that are fucked up will remain fucked up. Watch thr newer growth and buy some micronutrients.


Well-Known Member
Your soil is nutrient poor and depending on peat content the pH could be very low! Don't pH treat the water you use and get a feeding schedule going. You are growing soilless believe it or not as far as soil versus hydro considering your medium. The leaves that are fucked up will remain fucked up. Watch thr newer growth and buy some micronutrients.
Thanks mate, I used to use Super thrive all the time and completely forgot about it! (ive had 2 years off, used to grow in Hempy buckets) Reckon that would do the job? I don't PH treat water, just straight out of tap and left for 3 days for chlorine to evaporate


Well-Known Member
I feel that there is active decomposition still ocurring in the medium.

Does this plantpot have good drainage?
You know what, since watering them in when planting ive only been giving them less than a litre a day as the soil never seems to dry out and I havent had water come out of the bottom yet. They do have adequate drainage holes but they are 25 litre pots.
By active decomposition do you mean maybe its going mouldy deep down?
What could i do about that if so?


Well-Known Member
I feel that there is active decomposition still ocurring in the medium.

Does this plantpot have good drainage?
Bloody hell i think you maybe right! I remember I put one layer of tissue in the bottom to stop the soil pissing out everywhere. Just checked the holes and although there were roots coming through when i stuck my finger in the soil was sodden wet. Just given them a right proper flushing with the last two litres of so with a feed and cal mag. Reckon that will do the trick or too late?


Well-Known Member
Bloody hell i think you maybe right! I remember I put one layer of tissue in the bottom to stop the soil pissing out everywhere. Just checked the holes and although there were roots coming through when i stuck my finger in the soil was sodden wet. Just given them a right proper flushing with the last two litres of so with a feed and cal mag. Reckon that will do the trick or too late?
It's never too late unless they are already dead.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, I used to use Super thrive all the time and completely forgot about it! (ive had 2 years off, used to grow in Hempy buckets) Reckon that would do the job? I don't PH treat water, just straight out of tap and left for 3 days for chlorine to evaporate
Sounds good to me!