12/12 light cycle for indicas?


New Member
I'm in the early stages of planning my first grow. I thought I had everything planned out until I ran into some info about starting seeds off at a 12/12 light cycle. It appealed to me because it speeds up harvest. But I also read that indica dominant plants require a veg. So my question is does anyone have experience running a 12/12 light cycle? And is it appropriate for indica dominant plants?


Well-Known Member
I personally would never go 12/12
You would be better off at 18-6 or 20-4
Some say 24-0 but again I'd never do that because it screws up the plants hormones and doesn't let the plant rest, kinda like egg hens in a egg farm.
Logically don't you think the plant needs a vegetation stage? Even a short one allows for proper development and structure. Do we make toddlers go get jobs and pay bills? Well maybe in China lol. My advice is to mimic nature as closely as possible but you can speed things up by shortening the vegetation stage, good luck and if it sounds crazy or too easy it probably is.


Well-Known Member
i love running 12/12 from seed or even after a week or two.

it really isnt suited for indica as they really dont have a "stretch" in contrast heavy sativas seem to grow upwards all the way to chop.

ive gotten an 1/8oz on a 12/12 indica. ive gotten 2oz off a 12/12 sativa both are extremes sure...you really need a veg period on them from my experience


Well-Known Member
Your yields will be much lower using 12/12 all through the grow. I do like to start seeds in my flowering room though. Then once they get established (2-3 weeks) I switch them back to 18/6 and let them veg 2-4 weeks, depends if I'm mainlining as that takes a bit longer, more like 5-6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I Run indicas for 24/0 in order to maximize growth.
Then switch to 12/12 after about 4 weeks of 24/0...
This way your yield will be substantially larger than if you started from 12/12.

I disagree with those who assert that 24/0 somehow "messes" up the plants...having tried 16/8 and 20/4, 24/0 is my preferred lighting regimen for vegetative growth...gets 'em bigger faster...
Net result, more smoke-able buds!
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I would want, stunted plants that dont produce much. :wall:
Well then go with 12/12 if you want stunted plants. Like I said you can start the seeds at 12/12 but switch them back to 18/6 or what ever you want so they can veg for at least 3-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I Run indicas for 24/0 in order to maximize growth.
Then switch to 12/12 after about 4 weeks of 24/0...
This way your yield will be substantially larger than if you started from 12/12.

I disagree with those who assert that 24/0 somehow "messes" up the plants...having tried 16/8 and 20/4, 24/0 is my preferred lighting regimen for vegetative growth...gets 'em bigger faster...
Net result, more smoke-able buds!
Good luck!
If that works for you fantastic, I personally prefer a more realistic simulation of what happens in nature and it just seems logical to me that like all creatures we operate on a circadian clock and all plants have a natural circadian rhythm that's evolved over millions of years. For example plants produce most of their Co2 during the evening and convert starches to sugars, so what happens to the plant as a result of rest deprivation? Different strokes different folks but I very respectfully disagree.