Does anyone actually believe Ahmed built the clock himself?

Haha, kid trolled his classmates and teacher with a "I am going to another school". Now he trolled Obama with "I am going to another country". Classic... This kid just rolled America.
Haha, kid trolled his classmates and teacher with a "I am going to another school". Now he trolled Obama with "I am going to another country". Classic... This kid just rolled America.
You might be over thinking, just maybe, he was offered admission and free tuition at an a few internationally recognized academies and like any young man who cares about his future he is taking them...getting away from the vehement disdain his fellow Americans feel over something truly quite pathetic.
Clochmed is moving to Qatar. His family has decided that America is too racist.
We over react when a briefcase that looks like a bomb makes its way to the teacher's desk,
and his sister calls school with bomb threats
Clochmed is moving to Qatar. His family has decided that America is too racist.
We over react when a briefcase that looks like a bomb makes its way to the teacher's desk,
and his sister calls school with bomb threats

you are an idiot, and wrong about everything you open your dumb mouth about.
Seriously citations please. Clearly large swaths of misinformation

Clochmed is pretty fucking funny... Just sayin
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Citation please.
The girl claimed she was suspended when another classmate accused her of wanting to blow up the school. News outlets took it and ran with it and from what I can find nobody actually fact checked, so who knows really?

I saw national review, daily beast and breitbart all carried the story but if it's not in huffpo...
Citation please.

She has already admitted to being suspended from school for making bomb threats. Its something schools take very seriously. There is a reason why the main stream media won't pick up the story. I would say the full story will come out soon, but with the little clock boy and his Quran moving to Qatar, this whole thing might blow over.
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The muslim family has refused to allow the Irving PD to release the video of his police interviews, wherein the police claim he was combative and non-cooperative
As a juvenile, they can not release those records. The school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there. The family is ignoring the request from the ISD. It would help to describe why it progressed as it did if the records were available. Nobody is going to walk in and say, "‘oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’”

A spokesperson for the Irving Police Department has said there have been multiple open records requests for the full police reporting, but that those requests remained in the hands of the city’s legal advisor. The available police report describes the event only as, “…Arrestee being in possession of a hoax bomb at MacArthur High School.”
Fuck Clockmed and his entire family
And Fuck the bigots and racists for screwing every issue up
And Fuck Obama's team for falling for Clockmeds little stunt
Well, well, well, I guess we could say that this is where the rubber meets the road...

Turns out that the fraudulent Clock Boy and his family are seeking 15 million dollars from Irving TX....
Too funny...given the facts of this case...however Clock Boy is looking to become a millionaire...his suffering and grievous treatment certainly merit this type of payout?

Suckers...hahahaha...give me the money!
Ahmed Mohamed seeking $15 million in damages
Well, well, well, I guess we could say that this is where the rubber meets the road...

Turns out that the fraudulent Clock Boy and his family are seeking 15 million dollars from Irving TX....
Too funny...given the facts of this case...however Clock Boy is looking to become a millionaire...his suffering and grievous treatment certainly merit this type of payout?

Suckers...hahahaha...give me the money!
Ahmed Mohamed seeking $15 million in damages

Yep, it's all about the money, reason why we need to stave the black market oil money flow of ISIS by bombing the oil fields. Cut off their source of income and they'll be more than drone toast.