We've made it onto this big main road. The only problem with this is that there's barely anywhere to walk along the side of the road because the Australian bush is very thick which results with us having to walk kind of on the road into oncoming traffic. Thankfully there was barely any apart from a couple of trucks which I have never felt more fear in my life than being blinded by lights and knowing there's a truck coming towards me on acid, at one point I just ran and dove through random bushes into this ditch that was half full of water I was so afraid of this oncoming truck. Somehow this road we were on magically connects to the main road that goes past my house, we finally had some bearings for the first time in what felt like forever. It turns out we ended up walking a good 10km's so the walk back took a fair while, nothing that interesting happened until we came across this small log / large stick that was too attractive to just leave behind. We now have a staff. We get closer and closer to my house when we start walking past residential estates again, these are all surrounded by limestone walls, so of course my friend grabs the staff and runs and hits this wall taking a massive chunk out of it that disintegrates to dust in the air. It also partially broke our staff making it a bit shorter now, the last 2km's back I was so excited to finally be nearing home but I kept feeling like something bad was going to happen since we're two random people in coats and beanies in the middle of the night walking around with a giant stick. It doesn't help that my friend decided to chant gibberish and run towards and old asian man riding his bike down the road while waving the staff in the air.
We finally make it home, tired, wet, exhausted. The first thing we both say is lets have some cones and chill out. by this point its about 5 in the morning, we don't have any dry weed so I just walk over to my near to harvest plant and just grab a small-medium sized nug off it. I load up my bowl and of course its a hassle to smoke but I managed to burn it all. I pass off the bong and lean back, there's this weird feeling like time had just stopped. He asks how it is and I just say "man i forgot how much weed trips me out on acid." Now I've smoked joints on acid before and it's been a beautiful time however I had never used a bong on acid. All of a sudden while he's ripping the bong everything just changes around me. My friend who's sitting on the arm of a chair across from me looks like he's a giant elf with a floppy hat sitting on top of a house, everything is like weird fantasy cartoony nonsense. My friend rips his and asks if I want him to pack me one and I just say I think one was definitely enough.
I see him struggling to put the bong down he manages to just gently touch it to the floor and lean back and we just look at each other, all of a sudden I hear this ringing like DMT ringing and I start to lean backwards into the couch and everything is just fading to white until it all just hit this one point and just exploded. There's a sharp ringing in my head it literally feels like an explosion just happened, I had a cylindrical outdoor gas heating going on next to us and I look at it and I look around and everything's all wobbly and looks like an explosion just happened. Then it clicks with me, I just died, this is death, the gas bottle exploded and i'll never live again. I couldn't make out what either of us were saying but everything my friend said I pictured him saying it like 5 seconds in advanced. This scene just kept looping over and over I started to think that I might be crazy, am I just sitting outside by myself? Was my best-friend for all these years just a figment of my imagination? I start to ask myself who am I? I can't remember who I am, I don't know what I am. I know I was a living being and I had friends and a family and that was important to me, I knew I had to hold onto those memories and I couldn't pass onto the other-side leaving them behind. It feels like everything is tearing apart again, my whole reality, when I get a glimpse of my best friend in front of me. It clicks that the person in front of me is special to me and I must be special to them and I need to help them through whatever is going on.
That small glimpse of reality was enough for me to grasp on and just say "lets go inside." We both get up and just stumble back inside and hurry back to my room as fast as we could, I shut the door behind me and it was the biggest relief. I'm still not even sure what's going on I just know I feel safe in this environment. I jump onto my bed and lay down but my friend is still standing up just looking at the bed. I ask if he wants to get in and he just starts talking about how x = x and everything is because it isn't and nonsense about vibrations, he just kept going and going in circles repeating the same stuff. I'm still trying to figure out what I actually am I feel the urge to rest so I ask my friend if he wants to sleep, he's still just talking gibberish till i hear him utter "i'm scared" so I just go over and pick him up and throw him onto the bed, he lays there for a second and just says "thank you." I turn off the light and now i'm just laying in the dark, my mind is completely silent for a while till I ask myself if i'm no one, I thought that if I was no one i'd still be someone but someone with no restrains, a person that isn't held down by anything that's when everything just came flooding back to me and I realized that I could just be anyone I want to be, I don't need to know who I am to be someone and I don't need to stay being one person. At that sudden realization I just fade out to darkness and fall asleep.
Waking up after that felt strange, everything felt so foreign for a while. It was by far the most intense experience of my life, It was more terrifying than any bad DMT experiences I've had or could imagine having. The strange thing is I took more of the same acid multiple times even doing highers doses from the same strip and nothing was close to how weird and intense that trip was. What's even weirder was when we were recollecting our thoughts and memories of what happened and were telling each-other what we were experiencing outside in the moment that everything collapsed, the exact same thing was happening to both of us, we both thought we had died and went through the same process of thinking he was a figment of my imagination and vice versa until I managed to break out but he stayed stuck in some loop. Very Very strange experience.
Random photos of the staff relic and the most beautiful LSD I've ever ingested.