• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Ego death


Well-Known Member
I've been doing the same kind of work for 15 years. So its more of just a mental exercise, giving reality to the phrase working in your sleep

4aco DMT is a man made chemical I think. I know its a research chem and available online.
As for the food thing, yeah I felt a real detachment from food almost as if I didn't need it. I didn't like the not eating part it was like I knew I physically needed it but mentally I had feasted too much and didn't feel it necessary to eat much


Well-Known Member
4aco feels like DMT and shroom kinda and something else.nhard to explain, it chemically turns into psylobin at one point but it could also have different chemicals it degrades in to as well like psylobin and DMT, not sure.


Well-Known Member
(had to split into two parts, too long apparently, oops)

I've experience ego death on 2ci, ketamine, dmt but none of those experiences compare to the synchronized ego death my friend and I experienced at the same time on lsd and weed. A process he likes to call "flicking the reset switch." 200ug of the most beautiful LSD I've ever put into my body and a single bong rip of wet, fresh picked off the plant homegrown ak47 was enough to completely break down all concept of life, death and even reality. Be prepared for a very long trip report leading up to this moment.

So this was when I finally bit the bullet and decided to order some LSD off of a darknet marketplace, my best friend was of course right at my door as soon as it arrived to try it out. Now he had only tripped on real LSD once and 25i-nbome once so I was pretty hesitant to give him 200ug straight away and it didn't make the situation better than this was at like 6pm or something and my father was home. Mind you I've been around my father on LSD many times and he knows what I get up to I just feel like it's disrespectful to be doing drugs with my friends in front of him so if it is happening i'll usually wait till he goes to bed. However my friend is extremely keen to try this acid so I agree to let him take half a tab, luckily the guy gave us a tab and a few half tabs for free so it was easy to dose and even better because free. I decide I just want to make sure it's legit so i'm not fucking my friend over at least i'm along for the ride so I just take 50ug just to feel the effects with full intention of topping up later.

We laid almost perfectly still on my bed just starring at the roof waiting for it to kick in, some time passes, I blink and as my eyes open this wave of euphoria just breezes over me the most pure blissful feeling I have ever gotten from LSD at that moment I knew that this was the best LSD I've ever posses. It struck me as kind of strange as well I've had encounters with "white fluff" and "needle-point" LSD before that completely blew my mind but this felt like something special even though it was only advertised as >90% it felt like it was cleaner than the air I breathed.

All of a sudden my dads friend comes over who is quite against drugs since her son is a recovering meth addict, so I decide it's best to go for a walk, more so to keep my friend from embarrassing my father. I turn around to see my friend with the other half of the tab on his tongue smiling at me, I just push him out the front and we wonder down to the store for a drink, of course as soon as we get in he's just like "I can't do this man here's my card" so I have to be the one to awkwardly buy a drink. We walk out onto a big oval with pretty big lights around it, we walk out into the middle and it's like everywhere I turn looks the same until all of a sudden the lights get turned off then this thick wall of cloud just seems to appear out of nowhere dwarfing us with its gargantuan size. At this moment I decide it's time to dose up we quickly go inside I chuck 150ug in my mouth and swallow it of course he's already on the bed rolling around so I just decide to sit on the floor for a few minutes, a few minutes ends up being half an hour till he just leaps up and says we should go for a walk. I'm definitely starting to feel funny now, I quickly grab a coat and a beanie and we stumble out the front door giggling over nothing. Then right in front of my is my father and his friend, who of course really wants to talk to me. After the most agonizing 2 minute small talk with this inescapable feeling of LSD coming on all over me we finally make a break for it and just quickly wonder off. We decide we'll walk the 2km to Mcdonalds and just wander along and if we find somewhere we want to go we'll just follow it. My house is in quite a nice location near the top of somewhat of a hill, 5km from the beach and on the other side about 1km down the road there's a nature reserve that's about 30km long so it's a very peaceful area. We make it to near the main road and all of a sudden I just stop and look up and in the sky there's just these colossal titans peering down at me, i'm entirely blown away by how real this seems it's like pure energy beings are holding our planet up and grasping the moon in front of me. The sky is an amazing purple color sprinkled with stars through the hazey clouds that just paint the most beautiful landscape I could ever imagine.

After about 10 minutes of me trying to magically climb up to the sky to meet these titans we start walking again this time after a few hundred meters my friend spots a small playground that we have to check out. There's this weird like balance swing thing that's like a big disc that you stand on that's held up by ropes so we both got on it and the feeling of swaying back and forth was like we were just floating energy. We're both marveling over how beautiful this world is, my friend starts opening up to me about his childhood and pretty much his whole life, really emotional personal shit. He of course starts crying but not in like a sad way he was really happy about opening up and feeling like he could let everything go which was making me cry so now we're hugging crying on this swing thing off our heads on LSD while I notice there was someone out the front of their house about 20 meters from us just looking at us. After a minute to compose ourselves we're finally ready to make it to Mcdonalds. Surprisingly I didn't even try to stop us from going in despite how out of it we were at this point, usually i'm the one to always question any social interaction on psychedelics but of course the one time I don't. We walk in and I immediately just walk over to a chair and sit down, I found it surprisingly calm in there, all nice bright white with earthy brown furniture and wooden accents everywhere. However i'm watching him trying to order a vanilla milkshake and all he says is "can i get a vanlifjsigtkgollg" and just starts laughing, laughing so much he just lays half on the counter and says "sorry this has never happened before" this poor asian lady was just looking at me with the most confused look on her face. He finally composes himself enough to ask for a vanilla milkshake and as soon as she brings it out we got the fuck out there haha.

Every time I focus on something I notice just how much more intense this trip is getting. We lay down in this random grassed area I keep trying to figure out if it's a school or where we are but I can't manage to even concentrate on anything enough to figure it out so we just lay down looking at the clouds, endless endless transformations morphing and flowing together. All of a sudden I hear this roaring sound and look over to my left and it looks like some old-school ass army plane dropping soldiers that are parachuting out then all of a sudden it turns into a space shuttle and just tears through the sky and blasts off completely destroying the last hope I had of having some idea of reality at this point. We hear yelling and we're just so confused on where it's coming from so we just decide to run off in a random direction, we're walking down random residential streets with no care where we're going. It starts to rain a bit but not that heavy, I finally remembered I have my phone on me so we start listening to Allday (Australian Rapper) and dancing and rapping in the rain just running around these streets with no care where we're going. This is the most alive I have ever felt it was such a raw just pure happiness experience. After about half an hour through my friends phone dies and I notice mine is on 7% battery, we quickly try to google map our way back to my house but we pretty much have no idea what we're doing or where we are so we kind of just guess and walk in the direction that feels right.


Well-Known Member
We've made it onto this big main road. The only problem with this is that there's barely anywhere to walk along the side of the road because the Australian bush is very thick which results with us having to walk kind of on the road into oncoming traffic. Thankfully there was barely any apart from a couple of trucks which I have never felt more fear in my life than being blinded by lights and knowing there's a truck coming towards me on acid, at one point I just ran and dove through random bushes into this ditch that was half full of water I was so afraid of this oncoming truck. Somehow this road we were on magically connects to the main road that goes past my house, we finally had some bearings for the first time in what felt like forever. It turns out we ended up walking a good 10km's so the walk back took a fair while, nothing that interesting happened until we came across this small log / large stick that was too attractive to just leave behind. We now have a staff. We get closer and closer to my house when we start walking past residential estates again, these are all surrounded by limestone walls, so of course my friend grabs the staff and runs and hits this wall taking a massive chunk out of it that disintegrates to dust in the air. It also partially broke our staff making it a bit shorter now, the last 2km's back I was so excited to finally be nearing home but I kept feeling like something bad was going to happen since we're two random people in coats and beanies in the middle of the night walking around with a giant stick. It doesn't help that my friend decided to chant gibberish and run towards and old asian man riding his bike down the road while waving the staff in the air.

We finally make it home, tired, wet, exhausted. The first thing we both say is lets have some cones and chill out. by this point its about 5 in the morning, we don't have any dry weed so I just walk over to my near to harvest plant and just grab a small-medium sized nug off it. I load up my bowl and of course its a hassle to smoke but I managed to burn it all. I pass off the bong and lean back, there's this weird feeling like time had just stopped. He asks how it is and I just say "man i forgot how much weed trips me out on acid." Now I've smoked joints on acid before and it's been a beautiful time however I had never used a bong on acid. All of a sudden while he's ripping the bong everything just changes around me. My friend who's sitting on the arm of a chair across from me looks like he's a giant elf with a floppy hat sitting on top of a house, everything is like weird fantasy cartoony nonsense. My friend rips his and asks if I want him to pack me one and I just say I think one was definitely enough.

I see him struggling to put the bong down he manages to just gently touch it to the floor and lean back and we just look at each other, all of a sudden I hear this ringing like DMT ringing and I start to lean backwards into the couch and everything is just fading to white until it all just hit this one point and just exploded. There's a sharp ringing in my head it literally feels like an explosion just happened, I had a cylindrical outdoor gas heating going on next to us and I look at it and I look around and everything's all wobbly and looks like an explosion just happened. Then it clicks with me, I just died, this is death, the gas bottle exploded and i'll never live again. I couldn't make out what either of us were saying but everything my friend said I pictured him saying it like 5 seconds in advanced. This scene just kept looping over and over I started to think that I might be crazy, am I just sitting outside by myself? Was my best-friend for all these years just a figment of my imagination? I start to ask myself who am I? I can't remember who I am, I don't know what I am. I know I was a living being and I had friends and a family and that was important to me, I knew I had to hold onto those memories and I couldn't pass onto the other-side leaving them behind. It feels like everything is tearing apart again, my whole reality, when I get a glimpse of my best friend in front of me. It clicks that the person in front of me is special to me and I must be special to them and I need to help them through whatever is going on.

That small glimpse of reality was enough for me to grasp on and just say "lets go inside." We both get up and just stumble back inside and hurry back to my room as fast as we could, I shut the door behind me and it was the biggest relief. I'm still not even sure what's going on I just know I feel safe in this environment. I jump onto my bed and lay down but my friend is still standing up just looking at the bed. I ask if he wants to get in and he just starts talking about how x = x and everything is because it isn't and nonsense about vibrations, he just kept going and going in circles repeating the same stuff. I'm still trying to figure out what I actually am I feel the urge to rest so I ask my friend if he wants to sleep, he's still just talking gibberish till i hear him utter "i'm scared" so I just go over and pick him up and throw him onto the bed, he lays there for a second and just says "thank you." I turn off the light and now i'm just laying in the dark, my mind is completely silent for a while till I ask myself if i'm no one, I thought that if I was no one i'd still be someone but someone with no restrains, a person that isn't held down by anything that's when everything just came flooding back to me and I realized that I could just be anyone I want to be, I don't need to know who I am to be someone and I don't need to stay being one person. At that sudden realization I just fade out to darkness and fall asleep.

Waking up after that felt strange, everything felt so foreign for a while. It was by far the most intense experience of my life, It was more terrifying than any bad DMT experiences I've had or could imagine having. The strange thing is I took more of the same acid multiple times even doing highers doses from the same strip and nothing was close to how weird and intense that trip was. What's even weirder was when we were recollecting our thoughts and memories of what happened and were telling each-other what we were experiencing outside in the moment that everything collapsed, the exact same thing was happening to both of us, we both thought we had died and went through the same process of thinking he was a figment of my imagination and vice versa until I managed to break out but he stayed stuck in some loop. Very Very strange experience.

Random photos of the staff relic and the most beautiful LSD I've ever ingested.
IMG_2297.JPG IMG_2298.JPG IMG_3258.JPG


Well-Known Member
That was an absolutely beautiful story, thanks for letting us live through it with you! I love the part where you and he went through the loop of "who am I? Who is this? Who are you?" I've been on that level and I get to the point where I know for a fact that I've never seen you (whoever is with me) before in my entire life, but your mere presence is opening my eyes to something new. All that from 200mics and some wet weed! I wish you had been able to understand what your friend was saying when he said all is nothing therefore it is and we're made of vibrations. Its these revelations that are just absolutely WOW when you finally understand and they are complete gibberish when you're fried out of your gourd trying to tell anyone that you have a divine revelation.
I liked the part where your friend was scared. You knew exactly what to do and how to do it, ending the cycle of fear and replacing it with a feeling of love and connection


Well-Known Member
That was an absolutely beautiful story, thanks for letting us live through it with you! I love the part where you and he went through the loop of "who am I? Who is this? Who are you?" I've been on that level and I get to the point where I know for a fact that I've never seen you (whoever is with me) before in my entire life, but your mere presence is opening my eyes to something new. All that from 200mics and some wet weed! I wish you had been able to understand what your friend was saying when he said all is nothing therefore it is and we're made of vibrations. Its these revelations that are just absolutely WOW when you finally understand and they are complete gibberish when you're fried out of your gourd trying to tell anyone that you have a divine revelation.
I liked the part where your friend was scared. You knew exactly what to do and how to do it, ending the cycle of fear and replacing it with a feeling of love and connection
I believe he was referring to a previous conversation we had where I mentioned that all we are is atoms vibrating in perfect harmony to form a conscious being and that everything is the same thing, just atoms vibrating in different ways to form an object so what everything breaks down to is that we and everything are all just vibrations so we are all one. For some reason he was just stuck on that.

I've noticed other people being stuck in psychedelic loops on other occasions as well. Funnily enough it was this friends stepmother we gave acid to this one time camping on their property. She'd come into the tent where we were all hanging out and continuously tell me to get out of the corner even though I was in the middle of the back wall of the tent, she kept referring to me as the chosen one, she'd come sit in the doorway for a few minutes, tell me to get out of the corner, say some random things usually insulting someone, leave, come back 5 minutes later and do it again. This lasted for like 2 hours until half of us went to sleep so I just went into the house with 2 of my friends and I was just sitting on the couch and she'd just come up and tell me to get out of the corner again, all throughout the night she'd randomly say "sorry i'm not usually like this" and just continue with the loop. This was only on 50ug of that same acid as well. Apparently she used to sell acid but had never tried it which I was kind of like wtf why were you selling something you never even tried or tested. Anyone else experience these kinds of loops?


Well-Known Member
I have but I can't remember at the moment... I remember lots of times feeling like I had lived that day before, remember the movie groundhog's day? It would feel like that. Like we'd be on a walk and I'd say watch out for the blue car! Nothing in the street what are you talking about?? Then a blue car comes by and passes really close or something. Like I knew somehow it was on it's way to us


Well-Known Member
Add lime juice to the mix!! Grind the shrooms like you would weed, squeeze out 2-3 lime or lemons, put shroom powder in juice, drink that shit and be ready to meet God, I've read that it makes it a lot more strong


Well-Known Member
It depends on how you look at it. I look at it as an awareness that there is a Good Orderly Direction and you become aware of it in it's fullest form, seeing yourself as an extension of everything, I am kind of reminded of the matrix, when neo sees the computer code and sees Everything is made of it


Well-Known Member
Digital elves on DMT lol I have never felt an Otherworldly presence, but I don't take mushrooms too much or too high dose

Vikerus Forrest

Active Member
who would recommend the best way to consume shrooms? recently iv had them with chocolate milk, in capsules,just eaten fresh swallowed dry and slightly brewed?Any info will be great thanks.
"best" well for me it would be taking the mini ones fresh off the cakes and just eating them as is. 40-50g fresh is really a fun time if you've tripped before and can maintain control. I don't eat before I trip.


Well-Known Member
I saw that circle star pattern while I was on 4acodmt. It kept moving and spinning, the circles growing and shrinking and the star morphing. But it was like each change was a solid transition. Like from this to that and nothing in between, if that makes sense. The more I looked at it the more beautiful it became until it just seemed like it was a divine gift to see it. Each angle and refraction was perfect, but the longer it morphed, it seemed the more perfect it was