Pheno Hunt Test Run 2x4

There are these two twin plants that are both mutated, they are Delhi Friend x Garlic Breath. They both just formed cotyledons from the start that mere a banana Taffy yellow color when all the other plants were green, then these two started to get purple veins going through the cotyledons and the first set of leaves. Once I back the light off and let them dry out one of the popped out the second set of leaves that are green. And the one that has new growth the cotyledons went from yellow to purple, then back to yellow. The other one that is behind it still has solid purple cotyledons but I can see new growth forming.


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This is a Garlic Breath x Garlic Breath Triploid. It had three cotyledons and now popped three true leafs. It already smells like the cured bud when I touch it


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This is another Delhi Friend x Garlic Breath mutant. Like those other two purple ones it is similar but different. This one had the purple/yellow cotyledon but wasn't growing any leafs. Once I backed the light off and dried it out, it formed a tiny new growth that grew right through the cotyledon like a piercing in its center. It started growing under the cotyledon then through it and up out the top lol....
Another weird one with those Indian genes


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This is a trippy Garlic Breath x Garlic Breath. It formed both cotyledons next to each other like two cars parked at Walmart door to door side by side. Then the first set of leaves is also side by side on one side the next set is starting to be side by side one spot over lol
It also has the purple veins through the cotyledons and first set of leaves...


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This is the best healthiest plant in the tent it was a Desconocida Kush x Garlic Breath. It is around 30 days old but because of being stunted and old seeds it is still this small but has 4-5 sets of true leafs, I don't think it could stretch because I had the light too close and was basically drowning it


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They are coming back


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The cups in the red rectangle are all getting tossed out tonight after I drink my coffee ☕

Those are the plants that are not progressing. They have been cotyledons for over a month. There were a few more like that but they started to grow regular leafs and were picked through to keep the better ones.
I am starting to learn what is going on and how to battle it. I basically know the seeds are old and we're just stored on a shelf for 3+ years so about 50-60% have dried out inside. So when I germinate that automatically counts out 50-60% as they will never sprout regardless... Out of the 40-50% that will sprout, half of those if not more are real weak and easy to mess up. They are finicky and you have to basically baby them the whole time and everything has to be just right because they are so old and weak so if you do anything wrong that little thing will ruin them. They can't get too dry, but they can't get too wet... They can't be buried too shallow, but they can't be buried too deep.... If you bury them just a tad too deep they suffocate. If you don't bury them deep enough they either dry out too quick or they sprout fine but they weren't deep enough to push the shell off on their own. So I have been fighting with burying them too deep and never see anything sprout but when I dig them up they will be a half inch to about an inch and growing sideways in a circle. Some crack and pop the Taproot but the root won't extend it just swells and gets fat with no hairs and some just stay that shape like the letter "C". Some like that even work the shell off and are just in the "C" shape with a fat smooth root and two cotyledon, but they never grow. Some grow fine but once they get to the point the first set of leafs is supposed to come out, they just stop, never sprout true leafs, but they don't die. They stay cotyledons and here and there after a few weeks they start to eventually grow and get nef leafs, but the leafs grow mutated for awhile and then start growing normal. The one's in the red rectangle have been just cotyledons for over 45 days now. Now that I know all this I am sprouting some more seeds, to get a better germination rate by selecting through the seeds for the best ones, and I am sprouting them in a paper towel and ziplock bag until the root is an inch, and then they will be transplanted into cups. They are too old to germinate naturally under ground. They don't have the strength like fresh seeds. So I have been putting a bunch in bags in paper towels and constantly monitoring them. I think before my mistake was trying to transplant them the second they crack because let's say 10 crack out of 30. I would take the 10 that crack and immediately transplant them before any Taproot emerges. And not all those 10 will be good or strong. Out of the 10 maybe 1-2 will grow strong and healthy. Some could have just cracked due to moisture being present but weren't viable to begin with. So I think if I start a batch in paper towel and a baggy, once they start to germinate I should wait and see until the best growing ones have a Taproot an inch long, and ONLY transplant those ones... Throw away anything smaller/growing slower... Because those are the stragglers! They either want to live and grow or they don't! But not all want to do if they don't want to grow, I don't want to grow THEM! BYE FELICIA! ✌️


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These are the better looking ones that I am keeping. Not sure if they are male or female
But we will cross that bridge when we get there. At this point I think searching for the best male and females will be the game plan to make fresh seeds. But I will also find a nice female/s to keep around for mother plants. The spot where the ones are that I am throwing out will open up half the tent for the next batch of seeds I am germinating and hopefully this next seeds round will have better results now that I am figuring things out.


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My plants were starting to decline because I couldn't afford a proper exhaust fan and the one I had sounded like a jet engine lol...
So my friend asked if I still grow and I explained my situation and that I have so many other things going on I can't afford it right now, and he said he had just bought an entire AC Infinity grow kit and had only used it once then had to toss it in storage so he hooked me up and said I could borrow it but he probably won't need it back but if he does it won't be for a while.. so I hooked up the exhaust and the big fan for now and the plants are doing better!
Sorry about the pictures they don't look good under this light but tomorrow I will take better pics with my other light on to show you the progress.
Some of my plants are finally starting to take off and pick up in growth. A few that have been stunted the past two months showed their sex and I ended up culling 6 males with floppy purple nutsacks hahaha
A couple of the plants showed female pistils (about five or six female plants so far) and so the bigger plants I uppotted into coffee cans for more root space and some fresh Fox Farm Ocean Forest. The bigger plants with more than five leaf sets I topped to give them a boost and try to keep them going strong and it definitely helped they got bigger and better. I have been weeding out the wacky weirdos and males and keeping my eyes out for females with nice growth structure and possibly one male. A lot of the plants were root bound so I added soil to most of them and they are now growing better, I also had the light too far away which is why I think they may have also been lagging behind. I didn't realize the light manufacturer says to only have the light far away for the first week. Once I put the light closer they began to grow and it also helps dry the soil quicker.


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I am going to get some nutrients to start feeding them since the soil in the cups is likely drained from over watering, also over watering plus lack of air movement and oxygen was making the plants really struggle before I hooked up the exhaust and other fan and opened the ducting vents for the air to flow powerful enough and properly, the plants are looking more green on the new growth. Right before I got the fans the plants were starting to turn yellow and get spots I am guessing from the lack of oxygen and air. I just had one fan on the floor with a vent open behind it, and the big vent on the ceiling open, but nothing to pull the hot stale air out from the light. Now I hooked the fans up and got the negative air pressure on the tent and the AC Infinity monitor going everything is looking good I think. It's 73 degrees in the tent and 54% humidity. I still think I am over watering a bit and also may need to either adjust the AC Infinity fan that is blowing over the plants to a better position. I tried to add the AC Infinity oscillating fan at first but it kept clicking and not moving back and forth, maybe it is stuck and I can fix it, but I decided to take that one out of the tent and just use the big AC Infinity fan towards the bottom of the tent blowing over the plants. I just think the fan is only blowing on some plants but not all so the solo cups keep drying out at different times, or I am watering some plants more then others, maybe it's the fact the bigger healthier plants drink more, idk....
I think if I can come up with a certain specific amount I should be watering them each time for the solo cup size, and give it some nutes they will start to bounce back and pick up in growth..
One of my main problems is I am mentally disabled so I forget things, or over think things, just like watering all the plants the same even though the bigger ones are obviously drinking more more often then the smaller ones. Then when I try to sprout the seeds I am using too much water and drowning them lol. I recently got some weed from a friend and it had twelve seeds in it and I threw them in a wet paper towel just like I have been with all my seeds and they sprouted in less than 24 hours so it shows me they were fresher and maybe that is why they all sprouted 100% while my old seeds are giving me trouble because they can't handle that same amount of water it just suffocates them quick. But I am learning and re-learning!
I just finally broke down and attempted to germinate my pack of Exotic Genetix "Chocolatina" and realized I waited TOO LONG and also drowned them lol!!!!! It was a ten pack and he even made it an 11 pack with an extra seed, which I am thankful for because out of 11 seeds I only got 1... So I hope it is a male, or a really nice female. It bums me out but what can I expect, I bought them when they were on clearance and probably already old, then I kept them in a box on a shelf at room temperature for three years hahahaha that's my life lol
Hey DoctorDoob I also had some trouble with my start after a week or so i was over/under watering with the airpots so i switched them out into regular pots so it was easier to water. Also ask your buddy if the ac infinty fan is the 1st version. I noticed mine was clicking also so I was searching around and they had a recall for the first version and gave out the 2nd version free of charge as long as you have proof of purchase.