more bs talk from idiots who know nothing.....

Sorry I disagree,if you jar your bud at proper moisture levels 54%rh,they cure up real nice. I have holy grail kush that's almost 2yrs old and the flavour profile is much more complex than when fresh.
It is not bad, but I just find when it gets too dry (usually after a long cure) I just do not get off on it like I do when it is fresh and has a bit of green bite to it still.

I find once cured it is sort of like when vapeing, no matter the strain it takes on an earthiness to it(not mold) no matter the strain I find they all kind of cure up the same.
Sorry I disagree,if you jar your bud at proper moisture levels 54%rh,they cure up real nice. I have holy grail kush that's almost 2yrs old and the flavour profile is much more complex than when fresh.

im sure it is....

however this may interest regards to the half life in various conditions..including those its normally cured in...

The long term stability of cannabis resin and extracts

Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences (Impact Factor: 0.7). 09/2010; 42:181-190. DOI:10.1080/00450610903258144

(you have to google so as im not just spamming)

also the cure is an aerobic process, hindered by "just jarring" at a specific rh
That's why I only smoke bubble hash on Saturdays,otherwise I do not enjoy my flowers as much.I call it 3 meter hash as it never goes further than my garage.
Why would anyone use plastic... People do your homework before you blast! In fact, just don't unless you've mastered scientific method.
Sorry I disagree,if you jar your bud at proper moisture levels 54%rh,they cure up real nice. I have holy grail kush that's almost 2yrs old and the flavour profile is much more complex than when fresh.

agreed...I have about 1/2 oz of blueberry from 3 yrs ago...was 1.5 lbs cured...proper slow dry...then into jugs with boveda paks...burp for a month and store .02

Yeah, I agree if the buds were properly dried and cured they will last almost indefinitely if stored in a dark/cool and properly sealed container. I have some right now that's almost 2 years old and still smells/tastes/feels like it did when I jarred it. I've also opened some that smelled/looked like shit because it wasn't stored properly both air and light got to it.
id throw it away after 2 years..i would think after 4 its trash to anyone unless in etoh solution in your freezer..but its not curing anymore.
under best conditions thca was gone in 240 days and as little as 2 years for 9-thc. thats gone as in none the environment we discuss.
sure its still psychoactive as the products are still psychoactive.
but cbns affinity is 9 times less. delta 8 is ~30% weaker

will it still taste "good" perhaps..but the flavor is increasingly more hashy. just a spicy phenolic taste.
your not improving anything. the terps will not cyclicize forever.
your loosing potency after about 3 months with no more gains.

any decarbing done beforehand is simple degradation as it does so when it reaches boiling point and enters your lungs

the title of this thread is becoming somewhat ironic
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I agree I think it is tolerance, but I think it is part because people are getting shitty bud, so they are not getting the full effects of it all. If people had a varity of goodness maybe they would be less inclined to use extracts.

I see it like this, at the moment I use Cannabis for PTSD and for chronic pain(Medium pain not severe but it is constant) bud does me just fine, once every like 3 years I will go on a honey oil fad for a few weeks then stop. I kind of look at extracts of high concentrate as something I would use if I got a Cancer diagnoses, I do not want to build a tolerance to that then when I need it, it does not work proper, for that reason I tend to stay away from them and also they are not safe because of people like the guy in that vid using plastic etc etc.... I figure, big pharma, big money etc etc, they can figure out the extract markets. I would rather focus on good bud, and let bigpharma focus on extracts.
I don't want big pharma involved at all.
I make the hash the way the RCMP told me to make the pressed hash a little over thirty years ago. This little seminar had something to do with public safety.

They also explained to me that after a year, regardless of how weed is store the decomposition of the percentage of THC is well underway. Apparently the THS loses its loose hydrogen molecule and goes into a cannaboid state. It was also explained how to restore the hydrogen molecule when making the hash.

I haven't tried it but I figure moonshine and other consumable alcohols would be the best extractors for health reasons. Plain water can extract all the golden colored resins.

I cook my bunk(every thing that isn't bud) twice with methol hydrate and twice with water. I just pour these off into old car anti=freeze containers that have been well cleaned. The alcohol wash looks and tastes like green anti-freeze and the waterwash is a golden like spent anti-freeze:) I can store this like this for some time. When I make the binder I boil down equal amounts of both and when I get it down to a certain point it goes on a coffee pot warmer and a hair dryer is used. When it turns glassy dump the appropriate amount of grind(crappy looking buds liquified) into the hot resin and press til you can't press in any more grind. I don't prune the eye leaves off the grind. I use a big table spoon to do the press. Then sprinkle a few drops of water to finish the press in 3/8" slabs. This has to be left out to dry before packaging.

IMO oil is just to messy.