How close do these ladies look?


need some opinions on these ladies... They are bagseed grown indoor with cfls. They appear more sativa than indica- so I was thinking they would have a longer flowering period. We just started week 8 of flower about 10 weeks since the switch to 12/12.

image.jpg This is my first grow, so I would love some opinions on how close these look by the trichome pics. Just ph'd water from now on I'd guess, unless I'm jumping the gun.

image.jpg image.jpg


Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I can see some amber but i remember someone say before look at the budds trics instead of leafs. Hope it helps mate


Well-Known Member
A good few weeks still. Leaves are a nice color, they look to be filling in now. Well donr so far. Looks like a really potent strain too. Nice tricomb cover.


A good few weeks still. Leaves are a nice color, they look to be filling in now. Well donr so far. Looks like a really potent strain too. Nice tricomb cover.
Thank you :) I only wish I had an idea as to the strain ;). I'm planning on just plain water from here on. Anything thing else crucial for the last stage of flowering I may be missing?


Well-Known Member
Thank you :) I only wish I had an idea as to the strain ;). I'm planning on just plain water from here on. Anything thing else crucial for the last stage of flowering I may be missing?
why would you starve them when they are gonna put on the most weight? as a Thanksgiving analogy, do you think farmers put their turkeys on water 2 weeks before T'giving?


why would you starve them when they are gonna put on the most weight? as a Thanksgiving analogy, do you think farmers put their turkeys on water 2 weeks before T'giving?
Well I am first time grower- so by all means- correct me if this is wrong- but I have read in a number of places that flushing prior to harvest ensures that the nutrients in the soil get used up before you chop or it will affect the taste? Or is that an old wives tale like so many things you hear? Growers- has anyone done both to see if there is a difference?


Well-Known Member
Well I am first time grower- so by all means- correct me if this is wrong- but I have read in a number of places that flushing prior to harvest ensures that the nutrients in the soil get used up before you chop or it will affect the taste? Or is that an old wives tale like so many things you hear? Growers- has anyone done both to see if there is a difference?
flushing is for toilets. you need to make sure you dry and cure your harvest properly. that's how you get your good taste.


Well-Known Member
is that a high CBD strain especially for epilepsy? i've read some very positive stories about how seizures can be greatly reduced with MJ.


Well-Known Member
Sativa dominant strain and tips looked like they are maxed out on food. I would definitely water with plain water or molasses n water the next 2 times you water. Then see how they look, if they are fading light green- yellowing ..I'd hit with some food then.