Join me in my smoke sesh

For real before I left you guys read my posts and you wondered, "man what in the hell is this kid's problem ? Why can't he just go get a fucking job !!!??" The problem was I was embarrassed to walk on main streets, but the main problem was I expected everything to be handed to me I did not grasp the fact that you have to work for what you want no matter what it is so when I lost weight I said to myself wow if I can work my ass off to do that I can definitely do it to get a job and be happy and that is much easier than losing weight will ever be.
If you really mean this, I will back you up Jesse. do not fuck up this time
Yes I am. Rehab was weird, broward county is weird Florida has to be the most abnormal state I've ever been to it's still hot this time of year it's terrible I'm glad to be back in a normal state where it's calm and I don't see people on the street tripping on flakka and wet. I picked up a cigarette addiction in rehab which I kind of dropped, I use a vape now but it's all good got my ID today cause I lost my other one in hallendale beach, I ended up trying cocaine out there when I went to the halfway house so I decided that okay this ain't gonna work I gotta go back home and smoke herbs, and lose some weight now that I've lost a good 26 lbs I realized that was my problem all along I could not do anything without feeling embarrassed.
Of course this kinda pissed me off cause I could've been doing a lot more in those five months giant waste of insurance oh well at least I got to visit south Florida.
i think im dieing of laughter !!!
Yes I am. Rehab was weird, broward county is weird Florida has to be the most abnormal state I've ever been to it's still hot this time of year it's terrible I'm glad to be back in a normal state where it's calm and I don't see people on the street tripping on flakka and wet. I picked up a cigarette addiction in rehab which I kind of dropped, I use a vape now but it's all good got my ID today cause I lost my other one in hallendale beach, I ended up trying cocaine out there when I went to the halfway house so I decided that okay this ain't gonna work I gotta go back home and smoke herbs, and lose some weight now that I've lost a good 26 lbs I realized that was my problem all along I could not do anything without feeling embarrassed.
Of course this kinda pissed me off cause I could've been doing a lot more in those five months giant waste of insurance oh well at least I got to visit south Florida.
fuck !!!
Yes I am. Rehab was weird, broward county is weird Florida has to be the most abnormal state I've ever been to it's still hot this time of year it's terrible I'm glad to be back in a normal state where it's calm and I don't see people on the street tripping on flakka and wet. I picked up a cigarette addiction in rehab which I kind of dropped, I use a vape now but it's all good got my ID today cause I lost my other one in hallendale beach, I ended up trying cocaine out there when I went to the halfway house so I decided that okay this ain't gonna work I gotta go back home and smoke herbs, and lose some weight now that I've lost a good 26 lbs I realized that was my problem all along I could not do anything without feeling embarrassed.
Of course this kinda pissed me off cause I could've been doing a lot more in those five months giant waste of insurance oh well at least I got to visit south Florida.
decided it aint gonna work !!!!
you do know you on ignore right ?

and i report ever post from your foul mouth right ?

you know this right ?

bye again lol
thank you, I hope you do :) and I know you can't see this since you ignore me right? so you won't see my "I got you" happy dance