Run to the LP' scared little girls. Be a good dog. Smoke your Kibble.

lol I only read what was said before me..

Strip it down??? but I dont want single bullets..thats what pharma does

I WANT ALL THE CANNABINOIDS.............................. all of them... !!!!!
lol I only read what was said before me..

Strip it down??? but I dont want single bullets..thats what pharma does

I WANT ALL THE CANNABINOIDS.............................. all of them... !!!!!
Yeah I took "strip it down" to mean make in a lab. Sorry Rick. Tell us how the scientist will do what you're suggesting?
Yeah I took "strip it down" to mean make in a lab. Sorry Rick. Tell us how the scientist will do what you're suggesting?

Hate to mention gmo types but they can serve purposes.
Resistances, potency etc.

Autos aren't much different than a gmo like canola, you grow it a season and buy it again for the most part, with exceptions of course.

There's plenty of ways that real scientists with real technology can help create a superior plant. Suggesting otherwise and arguing about it is foolish.

Strip it down, learn what the whole plant is and how it works. What makes it what it is, what makes it better, what new applications or methods are there, and the list goes on.
It's science bitch.
Science helps
Hate to mention gmo types but they can serve purposes.
Resistances, potency etc.

Autos aren't much different than a gmo like canola, you grow it a season and buy it again for the most part, with exceptions of course.

There's plenty of ways that real scientists with real technology can help create a superior plant. Suggesting otherwise and arguing about it is foolish.

It's science bitch.
Science helps
So rutaralis is your answer to the question? Hmm perplexing.
So rutaralis is your answer to the question? Hmm perplexing.


Lol. Read.

I gave you a current day example of how the plant can be manipulated or transofrmed to suit a purpose. Something scientists who get the chance to study the plant will continue to do at an increased rate than currently happens.

Lol. Read.

I gave you a current day example of how the plant can be manipulated or transofrmed to suit a purpose. Something scientists who get the chance to study the plant will continue to do at an increased rate than currently happens.
and if you leave that plant alone..guess what happens over time??? generations that is... ? :)
Almost anyone can grow 5 or under plants with little consequences. I know not in every case. But al least don't jump on the bandwagon of new found greed. Jeez Man !
It's people fighting for things that eventually get the change they want. Rolling over just gives them what they want.

I could easily say " who care, I can grow. So what on them " But I don't feel that way. I'm for everyone.
Instead i come here everyday trying to make it better for all.

EXACTLY! It's your efforts here calling people idiots that is where the real fight for our rights are being waged, Hippy. This is exactly how we affect change! Like Ghandi said, be the change you want to seed! Maybe these little LP sheeple can't understand that, but you do, and that's why you're here, to make it better for all!
EXACTLY! It's your efforts here calling people idiots that is where the real fight for our rights are being waged, Hippy. This is exactly how we affect change! Like Ghandi said, be the change you want to seed! Maybe these little LP sheeple can't understand that, but you do, and that's why you're here, to make it better for all!
Diz... quit being so dizzy (:
EXACTLY! It's your efforts here calling people idiots that is where the real fight for our rights are being waged, Hippy. This is exactly how we affect change! Like Ghandi said, be the change you want to seed! Maybe these little LP sheeple can't understand that, but you do, and that's why you're here, to make it better for all!

It's funny to see the little group of shit slingers stand together vilifying people for getting their meds while most people stand up against the amigos and their clearly misguided and malicious motivations.

Who should care if any of you select few get your meds ( you know who you are ) when you actively slam people for getting mmj from a source you don't approve of.

People need meds, not your bs slander that is focused on "the sick" who are just trying to get their meds where they can.

Sig that gCrackhead.
It's funny to see the little group of shit slingers stand together vilifying people for getting their meds while most people stand up against the amigos and their clearly misguided and malicious motivations.

Who should care if any of you select few get your meds ( you know who you are ) when you actively slam people for getting mmj from a source you don't approve of.

People need meds, not your bs slander that is focused on "the sick" who are just trying to get their meds where they can.

Sig that gCrackhead.
I personally found the mmar system to be full of more greed than then the mmpr. Why would i pay 1000s of dollars for axcess for something that should have been free. It seems some are just mad that now others are making money the same way they use to and it pisses them off. I for one never wanted anything to do with mmar because it was bullshit right from the start while others think they found the golden goose.
I personally found the mmar system to be full of more greed than then the mmpr. Why would i pay 1000s of dollars for axcess for something that should have been free. It seems some are just mad that now others are making money the same way they use to and it pisses them off. I for one never wanted anything to do with mmar because it was bullshit right from the start while others think they found the golden goose.
Yep even doctors like money. Buying your way in was the only way for most. But nothings changed, any doctor signing mmpr scripts is getting a kick back, without a doubt.
I personally found the mmar system to be full of more greed than then the mmpr. Why would i pay 1000s of dollars for axcess for something that should have been free. It seems some are just mad that now others are making money the same way they use to and it pisses them off. I for one never wanted anything to do with mmar because it was bullshit right from the start while others think they found the golden goose.

MMPR is PURE GREED at its finest. Pray off the sick.
I am not saying all mmar patients caused the problems but a lot did. For example my neighbor has a 90 gram day limit for a bad back. There is no way in hell anybody will use that much a day. I have the local cc ask me to grow for them at a reduced cause so they could maximize their own profits. When greed is all you see its hard to defend the system. I hate mmpr as well but lets face it mmar is what caused mmpr to come around mine you hc planned mmar to fail and what ever new plan they come up with will be no better. As far as most who think its going to be a utopia coming they must never dealt with the gov before.
so because of a bad few...EVERYONE should pay.... I say THE FUZZ should do their job the right way!!!

that makes sense?

Oh and Dont used could cut yourself..I think we should ban them all.
Spoons to..You never know what someone can do with a spoon after all.
(: just bein silly
so because of a bad few...EVERYONE should pay.... I say THE FUZZ should do their job the right way!!!

that makes sense?

Oh and Dont used could cut yourself..I think we should ban them all.
Spoons to..You never know what someone can do with a spoon after all.
(: just bein silly
Youre forking funny.
so because of a bad few...EVERYONE should pay.... I say THE FUZZ should do their job the right way!!!

that makes sense?

Oh and Dont used could cut yourself..I think we should ban them all.
Spoons to..You never know what someone can do with a spoon after all.
(: just bein silly
the point is being mad at lps is stupid. We dont need them but if you want to be mad be mad at the reason we are now stuck with them. And that is the abuse by mmar users. No where under the old script did it say its ok for patients to sell their extras to cc's or dispensaries but some seem to think they are our buddies. So if you say the fuzz should have did their jobs then technical they did. Your other analogies are just stupid.