Loompa farms

Wow, what a shit show we have going down here....
Logic ripping people off again? The old formula was that you'd get your first order and then he'd keep your $$$$ on the next one, same thing?
Or just selling untested weird beans? That's just business as usual at the farm.
Last I heard Logic was living in Spain. He's a really unpopular fellow.

Glad I never threw my money at loomp. Too many unverified / unbackable claims and obvious bullshitting. Sure if you believe him he found good bagseed. I've seen and heard better results from a private breeder's yeti f2s than loompa's own line working.
I justgot back from mexico i flew in this morning i got a plain ticket to south of spain in like 2 months im seed phenoe hunting i got a budy who has family out there ill try to figure we hes at.. n see if i cant catch this mother fucker in person
First off these hucksters have egos a mile wide. And they will tell you the direct opposite. I have been around awhile and seen these carpetbaggers come and go. Alot these douches think they are rockstars or something. They act like they are "for the cause" or whatever and talk a great talk but at the end of the day they its MONEY to these guys. The majority dont do true selection and proper breeding. And very few know what the hell they are doing. And we keep giving them our cash. We can make our own seeds thats just as much a lottery ticket these clowns are selling. I thought Loompa was a shuckster soon as i heard his whole schpeel. Acting all "iam in this for the plant " bullshit while charging up the ass for anything that has that headband overhype in it. He acts like hes got exclusive rights to this cut. And.they all do the same shit. Swerve was notorious for this shit. That kid is one giant dildo. And dont get.me started on Subcool...wow. Reminds me.of Tom Cruise when he spazed out on Oprah. The Rare Dankness crew...el douches. Iam telling you 80% of them are real tools. It all started with Nevil really. And although he was a pioneer he was also a greedy junkie hooked on smack. I dont know. Shits gotten worse. Sucks for people that just want good seeds and clones stuck in areas where there arent any. Theres way too much "haha i got it, you dont" dick swinging out here. With hack seedmaker egos on top of it with there hand out for cash. The indoor equipment industry is just as nefarious. These industry big wigs do some real dirty shit to each other to get your wallet.
Although i think g glue is overhyped as hell what josey did was righteous. And ask yourself this....if these "breeders are so cool and down for the cause" why is Loompa gripping that underdawg cut like its the Golden Ticket? Why dont he clone the piss out of it and hand it out like a 5$ whore on the track? Why isnt the skunk va cut shared for all? Hell why does anyone hoard cuts at all? Its fuking silly if you look at things without dollar signs in your eyes. Which is impossible until cannabis becomes fully legal and the value plummets and we all care about it as much as a tomato plant. At the end of the day its is just a plant. A plant that gets you high and has some medical value. Thats it. We all pay way too much attention to cannabis for all the wrong reasons.
Although i think g glue is overhyped as hell what josey did was righteous. And ask yourself this....if these "breeders are so cool and down for the cause" why is Loompa gripping that underdawg cut like its the Golden Ticket? Why dont he clone the piss out of it and hand it out like a 5$ whore on the track? Why isnt the skunk va cut shared for all? Hell why does anyone hoard cuts at all? Its fuking silly if you look at things without dollar signs in your eyes. Which is impossible until cannabis becomes fully legal and the value plummets and we all care about it as much as a tomato plant. At the end of the day its is just a plant. A plant that gets you high and has some medical value. Thats it. We all pay way too much attention to cannabis for all the wrong reasons.

i agree on many points . but the breeder ego thing spans all plants . tomoato breeding stock is lock an key type thing for most as well .... its sad really ....
then breed them yourself... nobody works for FREE...
acquiring new cuts is not cheap.... i remember platinum og clone in the bay area going for a couple g's... and alien tech fruity p og went for over a G a pack...
sub, aligee, alien tech, franchise they're all the same...
nobody is putting a gun to your head and saying " you better buy these or ??? "
i laugh when peeps bitch about pricing...
I dont buy seeds that much anymore. Sin City was my latest purchase. And will be my last for awhile. I keep males and make my own. Iam commenting on so called breeders with there holier than thou hipster attitudes. And the seed buying public (which most are just small homegrower caregivers with patients) are being taken for an expensive ride. No seed packs are worth what most charge. For what little selection, lack of breeding skill,.and.testing done. I know Loompa supposedly works his gear correctly but 200$ a pack? Cmon man.
Loompa farms is a joke... Ran about 25 yetis and 20 foo dawgs. Honestly didn't find any keepers. There were very few phenos that smelled like 'gas'... Foo dawgs had horrible mold and finished early October. Majority yetis were prone to mold as well and were low yielding, finishing mid October. What a disappointment.....
Had 45 females all started from seeds all foo dawgs and yetis... 2x yetis hermits out. Every phenotype was different.. I couldn't mix and match any strains.. Very sad. I'd stay far away from any loompas gear
Had 45 females all started from seeds all foo dawgs and yetis... 2x yetis hermits out. Every phenotype was different.. I couldn't mix and match any strains.. Very sad. I'd stay far away from any loompas gear
That's been the general consensus. Loompa is not a well liked person in NorCal right now....
Although i think g glue is overhyped as hell what josey did was righteous. And ask yourself this....if these "breeders are so cool and down for the cause" why is Loompa gripping that underdawg cut like its the Golden Ticket? Why dont he clone the piss out of it and hand it out like a 5$ whore on the track? Why isnt the skunk va cut shared for all? Hell why does anyone hoard cuts at all? Its fuking silly if you look at things without dollar signs in your eyes. Which is impossible until cannabis becomes fully legal and the value plummets and we all care about it as much as a tomato plant. At the end of the day its is just a plant. A plant that gets you high and has some medical value. Thats it. We all pay way too much attention to cannabis for all the wrong reasons.
Pretty stupid logic. What you fail to realize is that seeds are the career of the people you mentioned. I'm with you on the corporate greed but what if loompa did whore out his underdog cut for 5 bucks a pop. 1 that wouldn't be profitable 2 everyone would have the genetics that brings him money. He would have nothing to offer and end up flipping burgers at McDonald's. Why the fuck would he consider that as a business move?

In a world where you need money to live, you have to monopolize on what sets you apart from your competition.

Why don't you give away your paycheck to the homeless? Quit thinking about dollar signs.
I laugh when peeps blow their wad on a couple packs of seeds and have to eat Ramen Noodles for the rest of the month. :dunce:

still talking cheap shit... mr 1 dollar menu guy and have never taken a girl to a 5 star restaurant...
why are you in here? i know for a FACT you dont have any loompa gear...

your still talking about the time, when i almost spent 3g's in 1 month just on beans...
yeah that SPREAD was good for that one week...
keep drinking that haterade...
still talking cheap shit... mr 1 dollar menu guy and have never taken a girl to a 5 star restaurant...


For Christs sake, I played in the NHL for years when the league minimum salary was $350,000. I made more money by the age of 25 than you'll make in your lifetime son.

Just because I choose not to be a sucker and pay $250 for 10 untested seeds doesn't mean I'm broke (like you). smh
For Christs sake, I played in the NHL for years when the league minimum salary was $350,000. I made more money by the age of 25 than you'll make in your lifetime son.

Just because I choose not to be a sucker and pay $250 for 10 untested seeds doesn't mean I'm broke (like you). smh[/QUOTE]

im going to have to start calling you china...
i bet if china made seeds you would be the first in line.... damm 100 seeds for 1 darah....

LOL you nhl??? and im king kong... Social media is nothing but false reality.
im still laughing at that... i've already made that without being a tackling dummy....

you dont want to know what i just spent on my dirty rico with halen rig...
your logic= my china glass does the same exact thing.
I'd personally still love to see a plant shot from this guy. Biggest talker on here...... Still ZERO pics. Good stuff.

ummm, go check the gage thread again and others. ive posted atleast 9 different items... i guess you need new eyes too?
you remember "lets have a pic show down"
as soon as i posted my pics, you said those are fake, those arent yours. i couldnt stop laauughing...
peeps know those are mine.
your still a fat loser/sleeze BOB


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For Christs sake, I played in the NHL for years when the league minimum salary was $350,000. I made more money by the age of 25 than you'll make in your lifetime son.

Just because I choose not to be a sucker and pay $250 for 10 untested seeds doesn't mean I'm broke (like you). smh
My disabled ass still makes $52k a year!!! lol