Run to the LP' scared little girls. Be a good dog. Smoke your Kibble.

so..a sick person takes the risk when they have kids, but you won't.
but you want a sick person to help you with your risk?
If pot is endangering your life and family, I would suggest to find another way, then you won't have to worry about taking pot and losing your kids...

,,,very sick people don't have that choice...
Lol I don't worry cause I'm not breaking the law.
so..a sick person takes the risk when they have kids, but you won't.
but you want a sick person to help you with your risk?
If pot is endangering your life and family, I would suggest to find another way, then you won't have to worry about taking pot and losing your kids...

,,,very sick people don't have that choice...
Clearly you have no family to worry about, sometimes You're not the most important thing.
Would you be in my cheering section in the courtroom? I know you say you're broke all the time, but since you want me to take the risk, I'm assuming you'll support my family for me while I do my bid?
Oh...jeez...sorry pal but many of us have been threw the dance with the man. Grows some and take a chance. No ones gonna baby your ass. We have all taken chances, so your crying isn't floating nothin. I can't find you the backbone you need.
Do nothing...what do I care.
As a med patient busted for 5 or under. Go for it.
Talkin bravery to the counter culture is laughable at best.
Oh...jeez...sorry pal but many of us have been threw the dance with the man. Grows some and take a chance. No ones gonna baby your ass. We have all taken chances, so your crying isn't floating nothin. I can't find you the backbone you need.
Do nothing...what do I care.
As a med patient busted for 5 or under. Go for it.
Talkin bravery to the counter culture is laughable at best.
I think you're the one crying bravery.
Oh...jeez...sorry pal but many of us have been threw the dance with the man. Grows some and take a chance. No ones gonna baby your ass. We have all taken chances, so your crying isn't floating nothin. I can't find you the backbone you need.
Do nothing...what do I care.
As a med patient busted for 5 or under. Go for it.
Talkin bravery to the counter culture is laughable at best.
Grow some? Lol fuck you. I hope you can't grow and you need to get a real job.
Well at least your safe.
You need to worry about your own situation some times. That what you guys don't care to hear. I'm not yelling and hootin' and holler in' cause of the fuckin Bm growers who paid $5,000 for a grow licence and fucked up everyone's chance to grow. If you think that doesn't or didn't happen than your trying to cover it up for some reason.

The MMAR wasn't created for 200 light shows. It was so sick people could grow their scripts. And people abused that shit left right and fucking centre. Have you watched an urban grower video ffs?
You need to worry about your own situation some times. That what you guys don't care to hear. I'm not yelling and hootin' and holler in' cause of the fuckin Bm growers who paid $5,000 for a grow licence and fucked up everyone's chance to grow. If you think that doesn't or didn't happen than your trying to cover it up for some reason.

The MMAR wasn't created for 200 light shows. It was so sick people could grow their scripts. And people abused that shit left right and fucking centre. Have you watched an urban grower video ffs?
Hey what can I say....your okay so be happy.
I know a number of non license patients who grow from necessity of income. They have kids and even jobs and spouses. They aren't scared. Then I know folks who aren't even patients and they grow too. What you do or don't do is no matter to me. This plant has a long history of bravery associated with it and the people who love it. A true lover of MJ doesn't care and perseveres onward...always been that way. Anyway the real bravery has paved your way...enjoy. The real bravery was 20 years ago and before.
It funny how people hiding behind their bought and paid for pinks are telling you just do it when they are nice and safe. Kinda hypocritical.
Recreational smokers like nsbudca hiding behind his 1gram a day mmpr document all have the same mentality. If he were sick this wouldn't even be an argument. The only people afraid of being caught are those who aren't sick.
Hey what can I say....your okay so be happy.
I know a number of non license patients who grow from necessity of income. They have kids and even jobs and spouses. They aren't scared. Then I know folks who aren't even patients and they grow too. What you do or don't do is no matter to me. This plant has a long history of bravery associated with it and the people who love it. A true lover of MJ doesn't care and perseveres onward...always been that way. Anyway the real bravery has paved your way...enjoy. The real bravery was 20 years ago and before.
Lol yeah they're fine until they're not.
Recreational smokers like nsbudca hiding behind his 1gram a day mmpr document all have the same mentality. If he were sick this wouldn't even be an argument. The only people afraid of being caught are those who aren't sick.
times ten on that Gmac!!!
Except no one is doing time let alone being convicted for growing for medical reasons. Go ahead you've had months to come up with one case. Where are these medical patients being charged or convicted? You speak about these phantom people like they exist so where are they?
Niagara Falls Review

Pot crop leads to conviction

Monday, November 9, 2015

A Niagara man who grew his own marijuana crop when he couldn't find a physician to help him get a licence has been placed under house arrest.

Jarett Burchard on Monday in an Ontario Court of Justice in St. Catharines received a 60-day conditional sentence, followed by probation for two years, on a charge of possession of a controlled substance.

Defence lawyer Tom Jamieson said his client's doctor had "an aversion" to assisting with the paperwork needed to apply for a licence to grow medical marijuana.

"I have a number of clients where this is warranted but they're just not getting it," he told Judge Terry Vyse.

He said Burchard has a medical condition and was growing marijuana for himself and not for commercial use.

Federal prosecutor Sara Ramalho told the judge that the defendant has previous drug-related convictions.

"He hasn't learned from his prior mistakes," she said.

The Hamilton Spectator

Submit your letter to: [email protected].

Nicole O'Reilly

Thu Mar 07 2013 09:00:00

Gravelle family members busted in “medicinal marijuana” grow-op


Andre Gravelle leaves the Sopinka Courthoouse in 2006
after murder charges against him were withdrawn in the
unsolved slayings of Lynn and Fred Gilbank

Sheryl Nadler

RCMP and Hamilton police have laid a number of charges, including being part of a criminal organization, against members of the notorious Gravelle family and associates for “egregious exploitation” of Health Canada’s medical marijuana program.

Police allege the group, which also includes a lawyer for the family, schemed to disguise a profitable marijuana grow operation as legitimate medical marijuana.

They amassed a “substantial number” of licences and distributed the drugs as far away as Newfoundland, police allege.

Kingpin André Gravelle, 48, has been in jail since November 2012 after having his parole suspended. RCMP passed on information during the process of the marijuana investigation.

Gravelle is serving a sentence of three years and 10 months for conspiracy to import hash oil and conspiracy to possess hash oil for the purpose of trafficking stemming from a $15-million, international hash oil smuggling ring busted in Nova Scotia in September 2008.

He was released on parole in November 2010. His sentence ends Feb. 13, 2014.

The 12 people arrested during the latest bust face charges of participation in a criminal organization, conspiracy to traffic in a controlled substance, production of a controlled substance, possession for the purpose of trafficking a controlled substance, trafficking a controlled substances, obstruction of justice, false pretences, counseling to commit an indictable offence, and failure to comply with a probation order.

The Barrie Examiner

Innisfil medical marijuana grower caught in the middle

By Cheryl Browne, Barrie Examiner
Friday, November 6, 2015


Charles Quesnel of Innisfil gardening last summer before being arrested and charged for possession and production
of marijuana. PHOTO: SUBMITTED


Charles Quesnel holds up his medical marijuana grow-licence that expired last year. He's hoping he can get approval

to grow marijuana plants again at his new home in Innisfil. CHERYL BROWNE/Barrie Examiner

INNISFIL — Sitting in his wheelchair with his hands curled in his lap, 34-year-old Charles Quesnel is hoping the legalization of marijuana comes sooner rather than later.

It probably won’t come before his court date, where he’ll face a judge to explain why he had 400 plants growing on his eight acres in Innisfil in mid-September.

But, the mostly quadriplegic man who lost most of the use of his hands and legs when he took a bad bounce on a trampoline 20 years ago, said he’s hoping last year’s medical marijuana grow certificate will be taken into consideration by the judge, as looming pressure by the new Liberal government to legalize his “medicine” seems to be on the not-to-distant horizon.

A man's second conviction for drug trafficking got him the mandatory minimum of a year in jail in Sarnia court.

James Trevor Munroe, 23, of Sarnia pleaded guilty to the June 19, 2014 possession of marijuana for trafficking and violating a court order to keep the peace.

On June 19, a Sarnia police raid of Munroe's home found four bags of marijuana weighing a total of 97 grams (3.4 ounces) with a street value of $970, scales and $280.

It was Munroe's second conviction for such an offence. Munroe had been convicted in February 2014 of possession for trafficking.

The second conviction brings a mandatory minimum sentence of one year in jail, said federal prosecutor Michael Robb.

In November 2012, Canada's drug laws were changed to create the mandatory minimum sentence for a second conviction within 10 years for possession for trafficking.

The college student was aware of the mandatory sentence, said defence lawyer David Stoesser.

"This is mandatory, not much I can do," said Munroe.

Prior to his arrest, Munroe could have done something but as a judge he had no discretion to alter the "extremely harsh" penalty, said Justice Mark Hornblower.

A year's probation will follow the jail time to provide guidance to Munroe so the June offence becomes his last conviction, said Hornblower.

A lifetime weapons ban was also imposed.

[email protected]

The News

Man who grew marijuana for medicine gets jail time for production

Published on January 08, 2015

PICTOU – A Stellarton man will serve 60 days in jail for producing marijuana that he says he needs to help ease his chronic pain.

James Malcolm Russell MacDonald, 36, was sentenced in Pictou Provincial Court Thursday on a conviction of production of marijuana and three additional counts of unsafe storage of a firearm.

He was arrested in February 2014 when the Pictou County Integrated Street Crime Unit obtained a warrant to search his Stellarton home.

Police seized 10 marijuana plants, 225 grams of bud and 600 grams of shake during the search. They also took possession of a .410-gauge shotgun, semi-automatic gun and 12-gauge shotgun. The guns all had trigger locks but were located on a table where the marijuana was begin grown and ammunition for all three weapons was close by.

Crown attorney Bronwyn Duffy asked the court to consider a sentence of 60 days in jail followed by 12 months’ probation in an effort to send a message of denunciation and deterrence.

She acknowledged that MacDonald didn't have a prior criminal record and he had a medical marijuana licence that was expired at the time of his arrest.

Defence lawyer Rob Sutherland said his client suffers from anxiety, depression and Crohn’s disease, making it impossible for him to obtain full-time employment or live without medication.

He said his client had a medical marijuana licence in the past, but was “not as diligent as he should have been in renewing it.” He received his new licence in July 2014.

Sutherland also noted that MacDonald used the guns found in his home for hunting and asked the court not to order a forfeiture order for them.

MacDonald told Judge Del Atwood that he was not trafficking the drugs, but growing them to help ease the constant pain he feels from his Crohn’s disease, which leaves him sick and in pain on a regular basis.

He said the process involved in obtaining a medical marijuana licence is cumbersome and he has been forced in the past to live without the one drug that helps ease his symptoms.

“I feel it shouldn’t have to come to a choice of being well or being a criminal,” he told the court. “I would like to be given an absolute discharge. I had no choice but to grow medical cannabis to control this painful disease.”

MacDonald also asked the court to return all his grow-op equipment.

Atwood said a strong message of deterrence needed to be sent considering MacDonald’s “sense of impunity under criminal law and the Controlled Drug and Substance Act.”

He sentenced MacDonald to 60 days in jail followed by 12 months’ probation. He was fined $900 for the total weapon offences and more than $400 in victim surcharges. He must also forfeit his firearms seized in the police search.

Found 4 examples after a 5 min cursory Internet search.

Shall I go on ?

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first guy was never licensed

criminal organization

he let it expire...

you're grasping ...Johnny but

ya please continue your ???? what ever it is you think you're doing..

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