My god look what i got for $349!!!!


Well-Known Member

I did some looking around on eBay and found somebody who sells Stealth PC Cases, He had his email in the description and he has a business from doing this........

For $349 I got.....

PC Case with lights for Flowering and Vegging stage
Fox Farm Soil
Steel Mesh
A Rack so I can train the plants not to grow so tall
Carbon Pads

I thought it was to good to be true but he shipped it out and even gave me a tracking number!



100% Authentic A$$Hole

I did some looking around on eBay and found somebody who sells Stealth PC Cases, He had his email in the description and he has a business from doing this........

For $349 I got.....

PC Case with lights for Flowering and Vegging stage
Fox Farm Soil
Steel Mesh
A Rack so I can train the plants not to grow so tall
Carbon Pads

I thought it was to good to be true but he shipped it out and even gave me a tracking number!


You got robbed:hump:


Well-Known Member
I am not going to complain about the price, This one hydro store on the Internet is selling them for $750 +


100% Authentic A$$Hole
YEP i was right, ROBBED:peace:

however my opinion doesn't matter, If you are happy thats all that counts:peace:


Well-Known Member
hehe you coulda bought it 100 bux cheaper at the link you just gave us...?

s'ok, i've been known to buy things weed related in a very rash manner...i seem to just get really excited and compulsive.


Well-Known Member
use your brain.
build your own for less than half that price you paid.
lol and the part that kills me is that you thought it was a good deal :P


Well-Known Member
hell man, i hope you can also surf the net wit that was a lil too anxious....i know thw feeling, when i decided iwas ready to give growing a shot i saw all these hps systems for more money than i care to put out....then i came across all the talk of cfls ^ how much cheaper it was to grow with them.

i saw a few hook ups & went str8 to ebay to find 1 across somebody selling them for 49.99...$50 + after shipping & shyt...after i had my girl hit up her ebay account for it i got to thinking....I GOT ROBBED !!!...stuck up without a pistol !....all it was was 2 veg bulbs..25w.....2 flowering 25w. all hooked to a heavy duty power cord with socket & 1 splitter with the big round reflector, same 1 walmart knew i could have gotten all this from the local walmart, lowe's & home depot.

so don't feel bad, cuz i don't....just learn & burn bro. before it even arrived i had gotten the same thing from walmart....$10 for the cord, socket reflector all together ready to plug in....& 4 26w bulbs for bout $15.....they just preyed on our luv for trees !

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

Comes down to this.... yes you could have built that cheaper yourself. Perhaps you didn't have the time or know how to do it yourself. No biggie, if you are happy with your purchase then that's all that matters.

Let us know when you get it and set it up. Only time will tell if it works as expected for you. If it does we will be here cheering you on... if it doesn't ... well we will be here to help you go back to the drawing board and figure something else out.

Keep your eye out for the UPS guy :D