Becoming a hermit

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Seeking hermetic wisdom and tranquility. I'm paranoid schizophrenic and at the age of 29 have experienced the full onset of the disease, which has left me kinda reclusive and lethargic. I used to be a very social person with an outgoing personality now I go to work and come home and drink beer all night; I have a few good friends that drop by quite a bit but other than that I have no social life. I'm paying $1600 a month for the house with heat and lights, I spend $450 a week on beer smokes and weed. You have to understand the disease you have absolutely no motivation you have to constantly consciously push yourself to work, life is a constant struggle, that's why so many people with mental illness end up on the street. Schizophrenia is a disability but is not recognized as such. I work for myself but I know I'm way too slack to work for anybody else I was never able to hold a job.

So since I am not able to go on disability due to ignorance of schizophrenia by society I am thinking of going on social assistance and abandoning society all together. I have $27000 to my name I'm thinking of buying an acre lot and putting a little hut with a slab and septic in and hoping that a few solar panels and windmills will keep a small refrigerator running. I already have the lot picked out its in the sticks the property tax will only be $600 a year I figure I can do with two cords of wood a year and hopefully find a nearby spring I can tap into. A single male gets $525 a month on welfare. I honestly think this is the best for my well being what do you think? I'll quit smoking and drinking, I'll grow outdoor my only expense would be property tax, wood, and food. Is there anything I'm overlooking?
Who is telling you that Schizophrenia is not a disability?.

Provided you are diagnosed correctly you should qualify. The problem with most mental disorders is that because people can not see it many think it is not that bad.

Mental disorders can be as debilitating and even worse than physical impairments.

Good luck, you have covered the basics to survive but there is a lot more to consider for this type of life style change. You may find it easier to buy the land and instead of going all in straight away spend time there and have a gradual transition over the course of a year. Even just spending weekends there at first may help you cut back on the drinking and will most definitely give you some clarity of thought being in nature.
Any mental health illness is considered a disability
I don't know who told you otherwise but their wrong
You can fight with a lawyer to get on disability
But you shouldn't have to

Are you an actually diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic
If so stop drinking alcohol it will fuck with your medications significantly
Just some things about Canada since I know the welfare disability shit off the back of my hand

You will be instantly denied welfare as you said you have 27,000$ to your name
They check all bank statements for the last 6 months or more

You will be denied if you own property and or a vehicle
You will be told by welfare to sell those to make ends meet I shit you not

If they find out you are working under the table and they will find out they watch. People so closely now you will have to pay back everything they gave you

I really don't know who put it in your head that a mental health disorder is not a disability please allow me to slap them
You can get disability for any mental health disorder ANY one

Disability is not going to cover your 1600$ a month rent plus 400$ and whatever spending habits
Disability is very little income
You will probably get hmm maybe 1200$ the entire month
But they will cover your meds so that's a plus
It can get tricky when you start working even under the table plus receiving disability
Do not by any means think to "out smart " the government if they find out you're in hot fucking water

But luckily with disability you can claim work related money unlike welfare who will than dock your check

If you haven't been properly diagnosed go see someone to do so its a quick process
If you need help finding anyone In Canada message me
If you need more welfare/ disability /lawyer needs message me
I can give you all the resources you need I'm not limited to Ontario
Just some things about Canada since I know the welfare disability shit off the back of my hand

You will be instantly denied welfare as you said you have 27,000$ to your name
They check all bank statements for the last 6 months or more

You will be denied if you own property and or a vehicle
You will be told by welfare to sell those to make ends meet I shit you not

If they find out you are working under the table and they will find out they watch. People so closely now you will have to pay back everything they gave you

I really don't know who put it in your head that a mental health disorder is not a disability please allow me to slap them
You can get disability for any mental health disorder ANY one

Disability is not going to cover your 1600$ a month rent plus 400$ and whatever spending habits
Disability is very little income
You will probably get hmm maybe 1200$ the entire month
But they will cover your meds so that's a plus
It can get tricky when you start working even under the table plus receiving disability
Do not by any means think to "out smart " the government if they find out you're in hot fucking water

But luckily with disability you can claim work related money unlike welfare who will than dock your check

If you haven't been properly diagnosed go see someone to do so its a quick process
If you need help finding anyone In Canada message me
If you need more welfare/ disability /lawyer needs message me
I can give you all the resources you need I'm not limited to Ontario
Thanks a ton sunni this is great info. I've talked to my doctor about getting diagnosed and he's gonna set up an appointment with mind care. My sister thought there would be some form of assistance. Thanks for the helpfulness I will pm you if I need more advice.
Thanks a ton sunni this is great info. I've talked to my doctor about getting diagnosed and he's gonna set up an appointment with mind care. My sister thought there would be some form of assistance. Thanks for the helpfulness I will pm you if I need more advice.
Oh you haven't been diagnosed
Paranoid schizophrenic is not a common disorder chances are you don't have that

If you look at the dsm 5 you and everyone one else on the planet can be diagnosed with like 50 some mental health illnesses
So don't trust people or web md
Oh you haven't been diagnosed
Paranoid schizophrenic is not a common disorder chances are you don't have that

If you look at the dsm 5 you and everyone one else on the planet can be diagnosed with like 50 some mental health illnesses
So don't trust people or web md
Statistically it's 2% of the population both male and female. I have every symptom both positive and negative, I'm on the medication risperidone which is most popularly used to treat schizophrenia; I first read about it in an encyclopedia when I was 19 and it was an exact description of me that was even before the onset and psychotic episodes. I know my mind is certainly not normal and paranoid schizophrenia seems to be the only explanation that makes perfect sense. I guess we'll see I'll let you know.
Statistically it's 2% of the population both male and female. I have every symptom both positive and negative, I'm on the medication risperidone which is most popularly used to treat schizophrenia; I first read about it in an encyclopedia when I was 19 and it was an exact description of me that was even before the onset and psychotic episodes. I know my mind is certainly not normal and paranoid schizophrenia seems to be the only explanation that makes perfect sense. I guess we'll see I'll let you know.
Yeah, all i saying is , i specifically trained in mental health disorders , so while i cannot professionally diagnose you dont go reading too much into those things because often people really wrongfully diagnose themselves.
medications for anxiety for example are all anti psychotic and anti depressants but that doesnt mean the person is depressed it just means for some reason scientifically those drugs work also to treat anxiety
so dont go reading too much into it thats all im saying
too often people diagnose themselves with someone serious and they dont have it, and because they do have something their mind starts to play tricks on them and they actually make themselves worse off.
I happen to know about the disability/welfare thing because its also my job to know canadas policies (obviously not all off by hand) but it is something we have to know pretty well generally.

risperidone also treats bi-polar and bi-polar can be quite similar to paranoid schizophrenia so all im saying is dont get too hopped up on that thought
like i said everyone can pick out about 50 disorders they all have symptoms too when youre diagnosed with a mental health disorder its a bit different we use the symptons as a guideline they arent set in stone. and you may have every symptom of one thing and be diagnosed with something else entirely, youd be surprised how often that happens
Seeking hermetic wisdom and tranquility. I'm paranoid schizophrenic and at the age of 29 have experienced the full onset of the disease, which has left me kinda reclusive and lethargic. I used to be a very social person with an outgoing personality now I go to work and come home and drink beer all night; I have a few good friends that drop by quite a bit but other than that I have no social life. I'm paying $1600 a month for the house with heat and lights, I spend $450 a week on beer smokes and weed. You have to understand the disease you have absolutely no motivation you have to constantly consciously push yourself to work, life is a constant struggle, that's why so many people with mental illness end up on the street. Schizophrenia is a disability but is not recognized as such. I work for myself but I know I'm way too slack to work for anybody else I was never able to hold a job.

So since I am not able to go on disability due to ignorance of schizophrenia by society I am thinking of going on social assistance and abandoning society all together. I have $27000 to my name I'm thinking of buying an acre lot and putting a little hut with a slab and septic in and hoping that a few solar panels and windmills will keep a small refrigerator running. I already have the lot picked out its in the sticks the property tax will only be $600 a year I figure I can do with two cords of wood a year and hopefully find a nearby spring I can tap into. A single male gets $525 a month on welfare. I honestly think this is the best for my well being what do you think? I'll quit smoking and drinking, I'll grow outdoor my only expense would be property tax, wood, and food. Is there anything I'm overlooking?

I'm not a doctor, but I think a planned withdrawal from society is probably not a great thing to do, unless you feel the schizophrenia would sometimes make you violent prone.

What does your doctor think about this?
I'm not a doctor, but I think a planned withdrawal from society is probably not a great thing to do, unless you feel the schizophrenia would sometimes make you violent prone.

What does your doctor think about this?
I am prone to violence but I believe this is more due to my psychopathy that schizophrenia, except during the state of psychosis. This is partially the reason why I have already withdrawn from society, people have a tendency to make me angry and I don't want to hurt nobody. I only socialize with a few good friends now. I'll give you an example my buddy Brad is threatening to go to court over some money he is owed by my company, this would force me into bankruptcy and I would lose everything, just 2 days ago I explained to him without directly threatening him that this would be the end of his life, he backed off. But I am also a psychopath see.

I am waiting to see a clinician could be up to 6 weeks, then I see a psychiatrist for diagnosis. I'll mention that I wish to completely withdraw from society and see what his opinion is.
I am prone to violence but I believe this is more due to my psychopathy that schizophrenia, except during the state of psychosis. This is partially the reason why I have already withdrawn from society, people have a tendency to make me angry and I don't want to hurt nobody. I only socialize with a few good friends now. I'll give you an example my buddy Brad is threatening to go to court over some money he is owed by my company, this would force me into bankruptcy and I would lose everything, just 2 days ago I explained to him without directly threatening him that this would be the end of his life, he backed off. But I am also a psychopath see.

I am waiting to see a clinician could be up to 6 weeks, then I see a psychiatrist for diagnosis. I'll mention that I wish to completely withdraw from society and see what his opinion is.

Good luck to you.
I'm not a doctor, but I think a planned withdrawal from society is probably not a great thing to do, unless you feel the schizophrenia would sometimes make you violent prone.

What does your doctor think about this?
You know ZaraBeth420 it is not my fault, it is what it is. Why do you think that withdrawal from society is not a good thing? I think it is a matter of perspective, I mean yes the human species is a social creature but what if a certain brain chemistry, a physical difference in the functioning of the mind were to make one not social at all? Would it then be better for that person to try and go against its own nature and struggle to function properly in society or to return to its natural habitat of solitude?
You know ZaraBeth420 it is not my fault, it is what it is. Why do you think that withdrawal from society is not a good thing? I think it is a matter of perspective, I mean yes the human species is a social creature but what if a certain brain chemistry, a physical difference in the functioning of the mind were to make one not social at all? Would it then be better for that person to try and go against its own nature and struggle to function properly in society or to return to its natural habitat of solitude?

No, it's not your fault.

I was just looking at it from the angle that humans are social creatures, as you said. But I certainly don't have the insight to tell you what you should do.

And again, good luck. If you decide to withdraw from society, you still have RIU and other options for socializing online.
Statistically it's 2% of the population both male and female. I have every symptom both positive and negative, I'm on the medication risperidone which is most popularly used to treat schizophrenia; I first read about it in an encyclopedia when I was 19 and it was an exact description of me that was even before the onset and psychotic episodes. I know my mind is certainly not normal and paranoid schizophrenia seems to be the only explanation that makes perfect sense. I guess we'll see I'll let you know.
You seem able to communicate thoughts and ideas quite well. At least in this convo you seem well-oriented and give consideration to what others think. No one is able to completely withdraw from society/life. But if you feel better living in an isolated lifestyle then that is your choice. But what of your necessary contacts with the "real" outside world? You will certainly have to resupply with food and reading materials or supplies to garden with. You will most definitely need help. Paranoids are better off immersed in a society they mistrust than being alone to let things develop that do not need to develop such as psychotic episodes. Have you actually been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia? Or are you assuming?
You seem able to communicate thoughts and ideas quite well. At least in this convo you seem well-oriented and give consideration to what others think. No one is able to completely withdraw from society/life. But if you feel better living in an isolated lifestyle then that is your choice. But what of your necessary contacts with the "real" outside world? You will certainly have to resupply with food and reading materials or supplies to garden with. You will most definitely need help. Paranoids are better off immersed in a society they mistrust than being alone to let things develop that do not need to develop such as psychotic episodes. Have you actually been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia? Or are you assuming?
No I am currently waiting to see a psychiatrist for diagnosis. But it is not just an assumption there are very distinguishable symptoms such as social withdrawal and a history of psychosis lasting longer than 6 months. Yes I am a pretty good communicator and have a high iq which is not uncommon in schizophrenics in fact this puts me at a higher risk of suicide. There is no longer a classification of paranoid schizophrenia as of 2013 the subtypes have all been removed from the dsm-5 but before this there was also a subtype "disorganized schizophrenia" which was distinguished by an disorganized thought process but paranoid schizophrenics did not have this trait which is why I believe I'm a paranoid schizophrenic.

And just so you know the new statistic put it at between 0.3 and 0.7% of the population. So it is rarer than originally thought but still not that uncommon.
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Seeking hermetic wisdom and tranquility. I'm paranoid schizophrenic and at the age of 29 have experienced the full onset of the disease, which has left me kinda reclusive and lethargic. I used to be a very social person with an outgoing personality now I go to work and come home and drink beer all night; I have a few good friends that drop by quite a bit but other than that I have no social life. I'm paying $1600 a month for the house with heat and lights, I spend $450 a week on beer smokes and weed. You have to understand the disease you have absolutely no motivation you have to constantly consciously push yourself to work, life is a constant struggle, that's why so many people with mental illness end up on the street. Schizophrenia is a disability but is not recognized as such. I work for myself but I know I'm way too slack to work for anybody else I was never able to hold a job.

So since I am not able to go on disability due to ignorance of schizophrenia by society I am thinking of going on social assistance and abandoning society all together. I have $27000 to my name I'm thinking of buying an acre lot and putting a little hut with a slab and septic in and hoping that a few solar panels and windmills will keep a small refrigerator running. I already have the lot picked out its in the sticks the property tax will only be $600 a year I figure I can do with two cords of wood a year and hopefully find a nearby spring I can tap into. A single male gets $525 a month on welfare. I honestly think this is the best for my well being what do you think? I'll quit smoking and drinking, I'll grow outdoor my only expense would be property tax, wood, and food. Is there anything I'm overlooking?
Could be depression.I dont think you can diagnose yourself on this matter.I gave up drinking alcohol .that helps my depression
alot.Imo if you spend your evenings alone drinking and smoking weed you will only get worse.isolating yourself wont help either.
Try some meditation tecs and cut out the alcohol-your plan sounds like a lonely path to disaster