Well-Known Member
Thanks doc I appreciate it. P specifically has a weird bc it has only certain pH levels it can be soluble.So out comes someone with the science end.....Nice - To bad a lot of that will be lost on many here........sometimes that frustrates the hell out of me......whatever..
SO, with what you said....I think you should have mentioned the natural "swing" in pH when soil gets wet/watered....This is how nature makes available the whole nutrient spectrum. Of course again that correlates to the plant and the soil coming to pH "harmony" or symbiotic relation with each other.
Liquid organic nutrition has been, for the most part, a very low pH value when mixed - adjustment is needed or you get the low pH problems from out of range swings that result in the Mg, Ca and P problems I mentioned earlier.
Anyway, I liked your post! I hope someone learns from it!!!!