Pea up the nose - is it serious?
Elfrieda - posted on 12/05/2011 ( 30 moms have responded )
Okay, this is so cliche, but it happened. My 23 month old stuck a pea up his nose at supper today. *roll eyes* At least, I THINK he did. I didn't actually see it. He was eating peas and then suddenly his nose was giving him trouble and he was sticking his finger way up there. (and just last week he put a piece of toast in his ear and this morning it was a banana in the eye, so it's not unreasonable to think the nose is next)
He was quite disturbed and kept poking at it. My husband tried to get him to snort it out, but that just made him giggle, and we turned him upside down to try to see something, but we couldn't. After all that, he was quite cheerful again, so we just put him to bed.
My questions: is it serious? should I be looking for any signs of sinus-rot? Why is this happening? We don't live in a sitcom!