@2ANONYMOUS What...? What are you talking about? Russia's economy isn't hurting? The US didn't hurt the USSR's economy? Were you born 1995-1998? Honest question, because we ran the USSR to the brink of economic collapse because they sunk all their money into a military that was horrendous. We also out paced them technologically so every time they'd come out with something to counter our latest system, we'd already have the next system coming out. The only time the USSR had the up on us was the space race, and then we once again outpaced them. This is common knowledge, it's not an opinion, it's a well known fact. To say otherwise is to ignore history. In 1985 the USSR's economy was stagnant, and it's foreign currency earnings plummeted.
Moreover Russia's military has huge, huge, huge problems in it. Soldiers raping each other, soldiers murdering each other, gambling, huge drug and alcohol problems, morale has always been an issue, corruption at every level, soldiers committing crimes, desertion.
On the subject of China dumping US currency,it is because their own economy took a hit so they're dumping the currency on the market to
earn money. The value of their currency was actually in decline, so they needed money. China is non issue when it comes to currency manipulation, as the largest manipulator of currency is the European Central Bank and the Central Bank of Japan. Really, just read the news and don't jump to conclusions.
On the subject of Coalition airstrikes in Syria, they just did one 9 hours ago - look it up. We also did one on Nov 28th,
Russian intervention in Syria was not to wipe out Daesh, it was because Assad was losing. It was a last ditch effort to keep the Assad regime propped up, but now it's at a stand still. The CIA's TOW missile program has been responsible for knocking out ~65 tanks and APCs, and 1 Russian helicopter during the 2015 Northwestern Syria offensive. In total the SAA has lost ~350 APCs, and their tank force has been decimated.