Russian jet shot down by Turkey

North Korea May Have Two-Thirds of World’s Rare Earths
A new estimate suggests that North Korea may have more than 6 times the amount of rare earths as China

Value is in the TRILLIONS... Afghanistan has Trillions of dollars of REE also... This is Why North Korea has Nukes... Parasitic Material Vampires aka USA Governments wants to come Pull a G Move

You old guys trying so hard to blame Obama is funny.... he is controlled by JEWS


Interesting for such a small area..luckeeeeeee..maybe they should play Florida's New Year Millionaire Money drawing?

'May'..but it could:lol:
I assume you mean the US use of the atomic bomb. They didn't use it for evil. WMDs aren't limited to just nuclear bombs, and many countries have used biological and chemical weapons AKA WMDs
Look at it this way German SS after the war were caught and put on trial for crimes of war ( killing Civilians ) USA wants Assad out for same concept killing civilians ,,
Mass killing of Civilian population under military occupation ( Hiroshima - Nagasaki ) is in fact a war crime in today's measures although the hague conventions were not approved at the time or the Geneva disarmament conference was not approved at the time either ( 1932 )
But thanks to Protocal 1 of the Geneva accord it is :) although it was passed many years later i find it ironic how Germans got sentenced to war crimes Yet USA nothing..
It has become Clear that USA tends do anything with out any repercussions and we ask who is the real EVIL of the EARTH
If we were to do a poll of the middle east of who is the main cause of all the turmoil ???
Which country do you think would come in first place ??? USA or Israel
Syria doesn't like Iran, and neither does ISIS. I'm just saying, if Iran sets up shop next to Syria, it will be war. Shiite vs Sunnis. They will not peacefully reside next to each other with boundaries.

Just a quick correction -- unless you meant if Assad regime falls, if you did ignore the following -- Syria and Iran are close allies because Iran is Shiite, and the Assads are Alawites an offshoot of Shia. That's why Iran is intervening on the side of the Assad regime while Qatar and Saudi Arabia (Sunni) are funding Islamists and the FSA, and also why ISIS hates the Assad regime/the majority of people in Iraq (Shia majority, Sunni elite ruling class under Saddam now reversed). Hope that helps out somewhat or something. :D
Mass killing of Civilian population under military occupation ( Hiroshima - Nagasaki ) is in fact a war crime in today's measures although the hague conventions were not approved at the time or the Geneva disarmament conference was not approved at the time either ( 1932 )
But thanks to Protocal 1 of the Geneva accord it is :) although it was passed many years later i find it ironic how Germans got sentenced to war crimes Yet USA nothing..
It has become Clear that USA tends do anything with out any repercussions and we ask who is the real EVIL of the EARTH
If we were to do a poll of the middle east of who is the main cause of all the turmoil ???
Which country do you think would come in first place ??? USA or Israel

You really are bad at history. This is just hilarious. Mass killing of a civilian population under military occupation? When did the US ever do this outside of the Native American wars? Why are you putting Hiroshima and Nagasaki in parenthesis? Are you saying when the US dropped Little Boy and Fat Man respectively that Japan was under military occupation? Because the only way that's possible is by saying the Japanese Imperial Army's control of the civilian government of Japan was a military occupation then the Geneva conventions don't apply. Though, I kind of do want to hear your logic behind this and what exactly you were thinking.

The USSR didn't get charged for any of it's litany of war crimes either. Famously in The Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn recounts his days in the Red Army as an artillery captain, "There is nothing that so assists the awakening of omniscience within us as insistent thoughts about one's own transgressions, errors, mistakes. After the difficult cycles of such ponderings over many years, whenever I mentioned the heartlessness of our highest-ranking bureaucrats, the cruelty of our executioners, I remember myself in my Captain's shoulder boards and the forward march of my battery through East Prussia, enshrouded in fire, and I say: 'So were we any better?'"

Now if we also want to talk about Grozny, I'd be game -- or was the launching of SS-21 ballistic missiles against civilians justified?

There is a huge difference between killing 118 people in Grozny and US killing 230,000 in a split second don't you think ?? just curious
Also i am curious what do you think would happen if lets say turkey shot down a american jet and also killed a pilot as he was parachuting down to safety ???
what do you think would of happened already ???
There is a huge difference between killing 118 people in Grozny and US killing 230,000 in a split second don't you think ?? just curious
Also i am curious what do you think would happen if lets say turkey shot down a american jet and also killed a pilot as he was parachuting down to safety ???
what do you think would of happened already ???

Haha, there's a huge difference between Turkey shooting down an American jet and a rebel group in Syria killing the US pilot than what happened with Russia; mainly Turkey being a member of NATO. The unfortunate thing about supplying rebels in a different country is you don't always have control over their actions, but Russia had been bombing Turkmen rebels in Syria.
But we're not going to talk about any of the USSR or Russian Federation war crimes? Don't want to? ;) Or are you scrambling for an article to C&P about how the USSR was justified with their war crimes or something?
Look at it this way German SS after the war were caught and put on trial for crimes of war ( killing Civilians ) USA wants Assad out for same concept killing civilians ,,
Mass killing of Civilian population under military occupation ( Hiroshima - Nagasaki ) is in fact a war crime in today's measures although the hague conventions were not approved at the time or the Geneva disarmament conference was not approved at the time either ( 1932 )
But thanks to Protocal 1 of the Geneva accord it is :) although it was passed many years later i find it ironic how Germans got sentenced to war crimes Yet USA nothing..
It has become Clear that USA tends do anything with out any repercussions and we ask who is the real EVIL of the EARTH
If we were to do a poll of the middle east of who is the main cause of all the turmoil ???
Which country do you think would come in first place ??? USA or Israel
Neither Hiroshima nor Nagasaki were under military occupation. Your "facts"weren't a crime then nor now.
Fucking Tescos...

Shame they only seem to hire severely retarded people.
Its a stupid Idea for Tesco to have a Xmas tree light untangler job.
When My Xmas tree lights get tangled that bad I usually destroy them in frustration, get drunk and collapse on the couch ranting that there is no god.
Divided over opinion.
Conformation bias,
Where does ANY of your information come from?
Proven liars!

We are all chattle, being steered by manipulation of our ignorance. There are NO laws which require our government or media to tell the truth to us. FACT.
LEGALLY we aren't even classed as living we are classed as a THING or PERSON, but law uses a specific language called legalese which has a different implied meaning to certain words so PERSON is not the same as person in the English dictionary it means empty vessel (dead carcass), a corporation or legal fictions. We live in a fucked up world where 'truth' is sold to us by our captors and their instruments of implementation
I assume you mean the US use of the atomic bomb. They didn't use it for evil. WMDs aren't limited to just nuclear bombs, and many countries have used biological and chemical weapons AKA WMDs
I remember everyone saying where are the nukes. Guess they forgot about chemical and biological weapons being classified as WMD.
Divided over opinion.
Conformation bias,
Where does ANY of your information come from?
Proven liars!

We are all chattle, being steered by manipulation of our ignorance. There are NO laws which require our government or media to tell the truth to us. FACT.
LEGALLY we aren't even classed as living we are classed as a THING or PERSON, but law uses a specific language called legalese which has a different implied meaning to certain words so PERSON is not the same as person in the English dictionary it means empty vessel (dead carcass), a corporation or legal fictions. We live in a fucked up world where 'truth' is sold to us by our captors and their instruments of implementation

The notion of a "free man" has absolutely no legal standing anywhere in the world...

Cute tho.