
Well-Known Member
when you get down to it

pure can mean a couple things. and none are completely perfect..

sift really of any type..obviously methods play a role..will have a small amount of plant matter and mostly intact trichome heads as well as some stalks.
this retains much more of the light esters etc that could have been lost

rosin uses heat, pressure and a filter to attempt to discard the plant matter..which does inevitably rupture cells, wether through the process or apoptosis of the tissue and carries to the color etc of the product. some compounds are lost as well and degradation to some of the more sensitive compounds.
but because of this the end product is more like hash oil

solvent extracts attempt to dissolve the trichomes leaving behind plant matter and low heat with a vacuum to preserve the goods. more compounds are lost with this than sift but less than rosin. the polarity of the solvent will determine how much extra wax is extracted unnecessarily from plant matter. winterizing will remove some heavier waxes but the extra fluid to discard ends up causing a loss in some lighter compounds.,why i prefer a more polar solvent like qwet or qwiso even with the yield loss. (iso is a good middle ground imo) but can also give a much dirtier product

whatever you choose is on you.
personally i quite enjoy good sift and put it right below my qwiso. i first made rosin idk 10 years ago, before i had ever heard the term rosin applied to cannabis...then it was the more sciency sounding hot melt extrusion technique we are familiar with. i have done it plenty..but would prefer the sift beforehand or the bud

but i also like 50-60% thc and lots of terps. you can tailor your extract to what suits you. getting quite high percentages of thc in rosin etc.

so whats pure to you? or why do you even want pure? pure what? thc?
id rather smoke quality sift than un wint bho laden with waxes that arent exactly good for you. i would rather smoke an extract high in terps than thc.
pure to me is the extract that most resembles the bud it came from. just talking...


Well-Known Member
You agree that dry ice is no good then go on to say that dry sift is even better than rosin and water hash?

Are you high? lol

Dry ice IS a variation of dry sift. The result is very much the same, particularly in purity.
Dry ice hash is lazy man hash and the lowest quality of all the hashes out there, with regards to dabbing. If you want to burn in a bowl sure I guess it's alright - better than bud. It's on part with grinder kief I guess.

It's no melt. Can't dab it. Full of contaminant(mainly capitate stalks and micro pieces of plant matter). Look at it under a scope and learn something.... it will make you a better hash maker. Or you can refuse to learn and keep giving people misinformation and arguing that dry ice has is "the best" when we all know it isn't. You've been doing it forever on here. The only good thing about it is the quickness and easiness, but the quality suffers. You reap what you sow. You get back what you put in. When you shake a bag for 30 seconds you get a low quality product. Simple as that. I guess you're just ok with puffing on no melts. Us real heads prefer the highest quality melts made solventless. To each their own.

It doesn't get any better than 99% pure unadulterated heads straight off the plant. Unfortunately it's just not possible to attain that with dry ice and a single bag, but it is with a 2 screen system and some static. It's also not so tedious as the old method of carding forever. Pretty quick with the static tech. Try it sometime and you will see for yourself. I highly recommend you invest in a little handheld budscope. Again, it will make you a better hash maker.

Besides didn't Horatio Delbert touch on dry ice on church once? I'm pretty sure it leaves behind a bit of a residue. Maybe @hyroot remember which episode it was. Not sure if there are any other church goers in this thread. I wouldn't want any residue left on my glands, just sayin.


Well-Known Member
It is pretty cool but it's gone pretty dry as of late in my opinion. Lots of great minds on there with lots of good information. Like Horatio Delbert (creator of Limonene hash oil) and Mark Scialdone who has a phd in organic chemistry. Unfortunately theres a lot of jibber jabber that is to be sifted through as well.

Lots of other greats like Rob Clarke, Todd McCormick, Chris Bennett, Skunkman Sam, Mel Frank, Kenneth Morrow, Ben Dronkers, Dr Grinspoon and many other interesting folks who escape my memory at the moment. Heck even the real Rick Ross made his way on once. Several Breeders have made appearances. Matt the Great Gardener, Aaron from DNA, Breeder Steve. Mr. Soul made his way in once but Bubbleman asked him to leave which was pretty lame. Asshole Joe, The real OG Kushman(Josh?), Bubba. etc etc etc.

also a bunch of hash makers but they never really bring anything to the table in regards to information with exception to Soilgrown. Jibz, Cubangrower, D420k, Nikka T,


Well-Known Member
when you get down to it

pure can mean a couple things. and none are completely perfect..

sift really of any type..obviously methods play a role..will have a small amount of plant matter and mostly intact trichome heads as well as some stalks.
this retains much more of the light esters etc that could have been lost

rosin uses heat, pressure and a filter to attempt to discard the plant matter..which does inevitably rupture cells, wether through the process or apoptosis of the tissue and carries to the color etc of the product. some compounds are lost as well and degradation to some of the more sensitive compounds.
but because of this the end product is more like hash oil

solvent extracts attempt to dissolve the trichomes leaving behind plant matter and low heat with a vacuum to preserve the goods. more compounds are lost with this than sift but less than rosin. the polarity of the solvent will determine how much extra wax is extracted unnecessarily from plant matter. winterizing will remove some heavier waxes but the extra fluid to discard ends up causing a loss in some lighter compounds.,why i prefer a more polar solvent like qwet or qwiso even with the yield loss. (iso is a good middle ground imo) but can also give a much dirtier product

whatever you choose is on you.
personally i quite enjoy good sift and put it right below my qwiso. i first made rosin idk 10 years ago, before i had ever heard the term rosin applied to cannabis...then it was the more sciency sounding hot melt extrusion technique we are familiar with. i have done it plenty..but would prefer the sift beforehand or the bud

but i also like 50-60% thc and lots of terps. you can tailor your extract to what suits you. getting quite high percentages of thc in rosin etc.

so whats pure to you? or why do you even want pure? pure what? thc?
id rather smoke quality sift than un wint bho laden with waxes that arent exactly good for you. i would rather smoke an extract high in terps than thc.
pure to me is the extract that most resembles the bud it came from. just talking...
You are just talking....and rather well at that...


Well-Known Member
Anyone care to explain how dry sift is different from dry ice hash?
Read @D_Urbmon post ^^^^ he already explained.

Dry ice kief is full of trichome heads, trichome stalks and plant matter.

Dry sift is pure trichome heads. Nothing else. That's why it's called 99 sift. 99% pure heads.

Ice water hash or ice wax is the same in the aspect it's trichome heads only. Just a different method.

Hash - is only hash when it has been pressed. If not pressed it's not hash. Being old school Frenchy tech, charas or rosin. The definition of hash is pressed resins.


Well-Known Member
Or you can refuse to learn and keep giving people misinformation and arguing that dry ice has is "the best" when we all know it isn't. You've been doing it forever on here. The only good thing about it is the quickness and easiness, but the quality suffers. You reap what you sow. You get back what you put in. When you shake a bag for 30 seconds you get a low quality product. Simple as that. I guess you're just ok with puffing on no melts. Us real heads prefer the highest quality melts made solventless. To each their own.

It doesn't get any better than 99% pure unadulterated heads straight off the plant. Unfortunately it's just not possible to attain that with dry ice and a single bag, but it is with a 2 screen system and some static. It's also not so tedious as the old method of carding forever. Pretty quick with the static tech. Try it sometime and you will see for yourself. I highly recommend you invest in a little handheld budscope. Again, it will make you a better hash maker.

Besides didn't Horatio Delbert touch on dry ice on church once? I'm pretty sure it leaves behind a bit of a residue@hyroot remember which episode it was. Not sure if there are any other church goers in this thread. I wouldn't want any residue left on my glands, just sayin.
Read @D_Urbmon post ^^^^ he already explained.

Dry ice kief is full of trichome heads, trichome stalks and plant matter.

Dry sift is pure trichome heads. Nothing else. That's why it's called 99 sift. 99% pure heads.

Ice water hash or ice wax is the same in the aspect it's trichome heads only. Just a different method.

Hash - is only hash when it has been pressed. If not pressed it's not hash. Being old school Frenchy tech, charas or rosin. The definition of hash is pressed resins.
The process is basically the same so.... the result is basically the same. Dont be a moron.


Well-Known Member
Dry ice hash is lazy man hash and the lowest quality of all the hashes out there, with regards to dabbing. If you want to burn in a bowl sure I guess it's alright - better than bud. It's on part with grinder kief I guess.

It's no melt. Can't dab it. Full of contaminant(mainly capitate stalks and micro pieces of plant matter). Look at it under a scope and learn something.... it will make you a better hash maker. Or you can refuse to learn and keep giving people misinformation and arguing that dry ice has is "the best" when we all know it isn't. You've been doing it forever on here. The only good thing about it is the quickness and easiness, but the quality suffers. You reap what you sow. You get back what you put in. When you shake a bag for 30 seconds you get a low quality product. Simple as that. I guess you're just ok with puffing on no melts. Us real heads prefer the highest quality melts made solventless. To each their own.

It doesn't get any better than 99% pure unadulterated heads straight off the plant. Unfortunately it's just not possible to attain that with dry ice and a single bag, but it is with a 2 screen system and some static. It's also not so tedious as the old method of carding forever. Pretty quick with the static tech. Try it sometime and you will see for yourself. I highly recommend you invest in a little handheld budscope. Again, it will make you a better hash maker.

Besides didn't Horatio Delbert touch on dry ice on church once? I'm pretty sure it leaves behind a bit of a residue. Maybe @hyroot remember which episode it was. Not sure if there are any other church goers in this thread. I wouldn't want any residue left on my glands, just sayin.
I never said that dry ice hash is the best. Show me where i said that. Evidently you cant read.

I said dry ice hash is the best bang for your buck, all things considered...


Well-Known Member
The process is basically the same so.... the result is basically the same. Dont be a moron.
Not even close to the same process or result.

Like I said, check your shit under a scope. It will make you a better hash maker.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you are here to troll and argue and not.learn anything. So I'm done here. Good day
With the level of intelligence you displayed here...there is little to learn from you.

I came here to answer the OPs original question nothing more.

Just because you dont like my opinion does now meanbit is wrong. It means you dont like anybody who has a differing opinion than yours....

You just cant stand it. I see you get all bent out of shape in other threads for the same thing....


Well-Known Member
Not even close to the same process or result.

Like I said, check your shit under a scope. It will make you a better hash maker.
Well then. How is it different? The process? What explained in your previous post does cover that....


Well-Known Member
Just because you dont like my opinion does now meanbit is wrong. It means you dont like anybody who has a differing opinion than yours....
It's not because we don't like your opinion, it's because your opinion is factually wrong.


Well-Known Member
It's not because we don't like your opinion, it's because your opinion is factually wrong.
Prove it. Put up a vid of dry sift and a vid of dry ice method and then explain how they are different....

You wont because anybody can see that the only difference is the ice andbthe violence of the shake vs the sift.

Same process...same result. Except one is faster and the other maybe somewhat purer, if the sift is gentler

Thats all. Particulate matter in both....