San Bernardino

Obama and administration labelled the Ft. Hood shooting as workplace violence.

3 men with rifles killed 14 people and wounded 14 more. It is pretty clear it is terrorism but the FBI is so damn politically correct it cant even get off the fence on this one. Truely sad to see politics interfere with domestic defense.

I think Ft Hood label was more about the military, but ok ok made a lot more sense. Thanks!
this makes no sense... a well prepared domestic terrorism targeting a xmas party for disabled people?and no military connection?
Wow shootout with the black suv and suspects dead?...
DHS is on the scene.

That thing looks like it could go down from hitting a large bird.
Well if they were white they'd be "mentally ill" what's your point? Oh right you didn't even really have one to begin with.

Yes I did,...My point is if he is a suspect, with the other trapped inside,...if he`s black, with no gun, Had his hands your own fucking math....