The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
So another kids just been busted with about 16 plants , 6 or so in early flower and other 10 in late veg. He was growing it for some traveller in his dad's house where he lived. They had lights and fans. Police took the door off. Siezed everything obviously. Now the kid reckons he's only got a caution...

My mate knows this kid , proper little runt he is. It's been posted on the local area police Facebook page and it says it's from community intelligence.

How's he reckon he's only got a caution though, surely he's chatting shit?
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Well-Known Member
So another kids just been busted with about 16 plants , 6 or so in early flower and other 10 in late veg. He was growing it for some traveller in his dad's house where he lived. They had lights and fans. Police took the door off. Siezed everything obviously. Now the kid reckons he's only got a caution...

My mate knows this kid , proper little runt he is. It's been posted on the local area police Facebook page and it says it's from community intelligence.

How's he reckon he's only got a caution though, surely he's chatting shit?
nope, loads of people get cautions of its their first offence etc


Well-Known Member
Even when it's obvious a commercial grow? all be it a small one.
there have been 5-6 ppl down way way busted over the last few months, all with houses full not just the odd tent or so, all of em got away with cautions/fines or community service, police/CPS dont seem as intent on pursuing growers these days as they have been in the past etc

Also the other day i was in supermarket, didnt realise copper was standing behind me in the queue, suddenly get a tap on the shoulder and a " ur weed is hanging out your pocket, stop being a knob n hide it better, if i see it i will have to search you " in my ear before he walked off to another till, paid for his shopping n fucked off, down this way that never happens etc, normally they are bang on it but recently they dont seem to have any fucking interest whatsoever, even with the chavs walking down the high street with one in their gob alight


Well-Known Member
Aye as long as they turn a blind eye to grows we're happy , i thinknit all depends on the copper aswell i mean they are people they not all cunts just about 99.9% of em are