San Bernardino

View attachment 3556218

Refugee camps. On American soil, of course.
you know what s fucked up In USA even the most common sense thing when it gets to Congress the spinless POS's voted against it..
It has become even a political tool And these people you allow to control your country..
I know personally, if i lost a loved one, or someone dear to me from a mass shooting ..
I would make it my personal goal to take out each and every member of congresses one at a time the ones that voted against Obama's bill
Yup one at a time i would take them out for lunch, ( If you know what i mean )
Care to expand on that thought?
It seems that everyone is at each others' throats in this nation. And there's no lack of opportunists trying to stir up more and more strife.

Example - A supposed religious leader publically calls for an army of 10,000 black people to go about randomly killing white people. And it isn't considered hate speech!

"We must rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them" - LF Jr in Miami at Mt. Zion Baptist Church

An I'm sure there's no lack of white supremacists and haters thinking and talking in the same type of poison.

Not exactly conducive to the health of our society. And as people are continually fragmented by political ideologues and opportunists, we will certainly not see an improvement in our social cohesion until we've head our fill of our bullshit.
Do you think it matters to the victims?
The victims are gone. It matters to the society as a whole. It deals with perception. By labeling the brown killers as terrorists (and not the white killers), you make it easier to perpetuate certain stereotypes and irrational fears. It's not that hard people.
The victims are gone. It matters to the society as a whole. It deals with perception. By labeling the brown killers as terrorists (and not the white killers), you make it easier to perpetuate certain stereotypes and irrational fears. It's not that hard people.
I don't understand your point. White men and women cannot be terrorists? That makes no sense to me.
The victims are gone. It matters to the society as a whole. It deals with perception. By labeling the brown killers as terrorists (and not the white killers), you make it easier to perpetuate certain stereotypes and irrational fears. It's not that hard people.
The POTUS labels them as domestic terrorists. Is that not good enough for you? I mean, for fucks sakes, he is putting together a domestic terrorist unit.
I don't understand your point. White men and women cannot be terrorists? That makes no sense to me.
Of course they can be terrorists, that's exactly my point. America just usually refuses to label them as such. To be white and labelled a terrorist in America, you've got to do some Timothy McVeigh level shit.
Of course they can be terrorists, that's exactly my point. America just usually refuses to label them as such. To be white and labelled a terrorist in America, you've got to do some Timothy McVeigh level shit.
Who in America is in charge of the labeling? Should I have more disgust for mass killings, genocide, or terrorism? I sort of group them all in the same area of moral outrage over senseless killing.
It's pretty clear I'm turning her asinine white boys statement around on her.

Of course it is to a person who bothered to read the whole thread.
Sorry about that, I completely skipped Sky's opening response, my bad.
The POTUS labels them as domestic terrorists. Is that not good enough for you? I mean, for fucks sakes, he is putting together a domestic terrorist unit.

Not always. Dylan Roof for example is being brought up on hate crimes even though what he did is technically and can be classified as an act of terrorism. His goal was 1) to incite a race war and 2) to intimidate a larger audience.
What else is there to see? We know the outcome. They weren't white, so of course they're terrorists.
Exactly we will really never know what is what FBI will release only what the higher ups will allow , And yes it will be far from the truth .. But it will fit into there agenda of thinking
Thats the problem in this day n age Media police and politicians are all controlled